component name: uni-transition

Code block: uTransition

Click to download & install

Element transition animation

# introduce


In order to avoid wrong use and bring you a bad development experience, please read the following precautions carefully before using the component, which can help you avoid some mistakes.

  • The component needs to depend on the sass plugin, please install it manually
  • The rotate animation does not need to fill in the deg unit. Filling in the unit animation on the applet will not execute
  • Modify the width and height animation under NVUE, cannot locate the center point
  • Modify the width and height under the Baidu applet, which may affect other animations, please pay attention
  • nvue does not support custom-class , please use styles

# Basic usage

		<button type="primary" @click="open">fade</button>
		<uni-transition mode-class="fade" :styles="{'width':'100px','height':'100px','backgroundColor':'red'}" :show="show" @change="change" />

export default {
	data() {
		return {
			show: false,
	onLoad() {},
	methods: {
		open(mode) { = !
		change() {

# style override

Note: nvue does not support the custom-class attribute, you need to use the styles attribute for compatibility

Use the custom-class attribute to bind styles to customize the style of uni-transition

	<view class="content">
		<uni-transition custom-class="custom-transition" mode-class="fade" :duration="0" :show="true" />

/* 常规样式覆盖  */
.content >>> .custom-transition {
<style lang="scss">
/* 如果使用 scss 需要使用 /deep/  */
.content /deep/ .custom-transition {

If you use styles note that properties with '-' connectors need to use small camel case such as: backgroundColor:red

	<view class="content">
		<uni-transition :styles="styles" mode-class="fade" :duration="0" :show="true" />
export default {
	data() {
		return {

# custom animation

When the built-in animation type cannot meet the requirements, you can use step() and run() to customize the animation. For parameters and specific usage, please refer to the property description below

The init() method can override the default configuration

		<button type="primary" @click="run">执行动画</button>
		<uni-transition ref="ani" :styles="{'width':'100px','height':'100px','backgroundColor':'red'}" :show="show"  />

export default {
	data() {
		return {
			show: true,
	onReady() {
			duration: 1000,
			timingFunction: 'linear',
			transformOrigin: '50% 50%',
			delay: 500
	methods: {
		run() {
			// 同时右平移到 100px,旋转 360 度
				translateX: '100px',
				rotate: '360'
			// 上面的动画执行完成后,等待200毫秒平移到 0px,旋转到 0 度
				translateX: '0px',
				rotate: '0'
				timingFunction: 'ease-in',
				duration: 200
			// start the animation


# Transition Props

property name type default value description
show Boolean false Control component show or hide
mode-class Array/String - Built-in transition animation type
custom-class String - custom-class name
duration Number 300 Transition Animation Duration
styles Object - Component styles, the same as css styles, note that properties with '-' connectors need to be written in small camel case, such as: backgroundColor:red

# mode-class built-in transition animation type description

Format is: 'fade' or ['fade','slide-top']

property name description
fade Fade out transition
slide-top Transition from top to bottom
slide-right Transition from right to left
slide-bottom Transition from bottom to top
slide-left Transition from left to right
zoom-in Transition from small to large
zoom-out Transition from big to small


When used in combination, when the same type of opposite transition animations (slide-top, slide-bottom) are used at the same time, only the last one will take effect

# Transition Events

Event Name Description Return Value
click Click component triggers -
change Triggered when transition animation ends e = {detail:true}

# Transition Methons

method name description parameters
init() Manually initialize the configuration Function(OBJECT:config)
step() Animation Queue Function(OBJECT:type,OBJECT:config)
run() Execute animation Function(FUNCTION:callback)

# init(OBJECT:config)

Calling methods by ref

Manually set the animation configuration, which needs to be called after the page is rendered

	duration: 1000,
	transformOrigin:'left center'

# step(OBJECT:type,OBJECT:config) animation queue

Calling methods by ref

Call step() to indicate that a group of animations is completed. The first parameter of step can be passed to any number of animation methods. All animations in a group of animations will start at the same time, and the next animation will be performed after a group of animations is completed. Group animation. The second parameter of step can be passed a configuration parameter same as uni.createAnimation() to specify the configuration of the current group animation.


  • The animations supported by the first parameter refer to Supported animations below
  • The second parameter refers to the following animation configuration, which can be omitted, if the configuration of inheriting init is omitted
	translateX: '100px'
	duration: 1000,
	transformOrigin:'left center'

# run(FUNCTION:callback) execute animation

Calling methods by ref

After executing step(), you need to call run() to run the animation, otherwise the animation will wait forever

The run() method can be passed a callback function, which will be called after all animations are executed

	translateX: '100px'

# Animation configuration

Animation configuration, init() is the same as the second parameter configuration of step(), if the second parameter of step() is configured, it will override the configuration of init()

PropertyName Value Required Default Description Platform Difference
duration Number No 400 Animation duration, in ms -
timingFunction String No "linear" Defines the effect of the animation -
delay Number No 0 Animation delay time, unit ms -
needLayout Boolean No false Does the animation affect the layout Only supported by nvue
transformOrigin String No "center center" Set transform-origin -

# timingFunction property description

Value Description Platform Difference
linear The speed of the animation is the same from beginning to end -
ease The animation starts at a slow speed, then speeds up and slows down before the end -
ease-in Animation starts at slow speed -
ease-in-out Animation starts and ends at low speed -
ease-out Animation ends at slow speed -
step-start The first frame of the animation jumps to the end state until the end nvue does not support
step-end The animation keeps the start state, and the last frame jumps to the end state nvue does not support
// init configuration
	duration: 1000,
	transformOrigin:'left center'
// step configuration
	translateX: '100px'
	duration: 1000,
	transformOrigin:'left center'

# Supported animations

animation method

If the same animation method has multiple values, use an array to separate the multiple values

	scale: [1.2,0.8],


property name value description platform difference
opacity value transparency, the parameter range is 0~1 -
backgroundColor color Color value -
width length Length value, if you pass in Number, it will use px by default, you can pass in the length value of other custom units -
height length Length value, if you pass in Number, it will use px by default, you can pass in the length value of other custom units -
top length Length value, if you pass in Number, it will use px by default, you can pass in the length value of other custom units nvue does not support
left length Length value, if you pass in Number, it will use px by default, you can pass in the length value of other custom units nvue does not support
bottom length Length value, if you pass in Number, it will use px by default, you can pass in the length value of other custom units nvue does not support
right length Length value, if you pass in Number, it will use px by default, you can pass in the length value of other custom units nvue does not support
	opacity: 1,
	backgroundColor: '#ff5a5f',


The value of the rotation attribute does not need to fill in the unit

property name value description platform difference
rotate deg The range of deg is -180~180, which is rotated one deg angle clockwise from the origin -
rotateX deg The range of deg is -180~180, rotate a deg angle on the X axYes -
rotateY deg The range of deg is -180~180, and rotate a deg angle on the Y axYes -
rotateZ deg deg range -180~180, rotate a deg angle on the Z axYes nvue does not support
rotate3d x,y,z,deg Same as transform-function rotate3d nvue does not Support
	rotateX: 45,
	rotateY: 45


property name value description platform difference
scale sx,[sy] When one parameter is used, it means to scale the sx multiple on the X-axis and Y-axis at the same time; when there are two parameters, it means to scale the sx multiple on the X-axis and the sy multiple on the Y-axYes -
scaleX sx Scale sx times on the X axYes -
scaleY sy Scale the sy factor on the Y axYes -
scaleZ sz Scale sy times in Z axYes Not supported by nvue
scale3d sx,sy,sz Scale the sx multiplier on the X axis, the sy multiplier on the Y axis, and the sz multiplier on the Z axYes nvue does not support
	scale: [1.2,0.8]


property name value description platform difference
translate tx,[ty] When one parameter is used, it means the offset tx on the X-axis, the unit is px; when there are two parameters, it means that the offset is tx on the X-axis and ty on the Y-axis, and the unit is px. -
translateX tx Offset tx on the X axis, in px -
translateY ty Offset tx on the Y axis, in px -
translateZ tz Offset tx in Z axis, unit px nvue does not support
translate3d tx,ty,tz Offset tx on the X axis, ty on the Y axis, tz on the Z axis, the unit is px nvue does not support
	translateX: '100px'

# example


The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card uni-section uni-scss, copying the example code directly will not work properly.

Please go to the Component download page , select Import sample project using HBuilderX on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.




		<uni-card is-full :is-shadow="false">
			<text class="uni-h6">过渡动画,通常用于元素的过渡效果,例如淡隐淡出效果,遮罩层的效果、放大缩小的效果等</text>
		<uni-section title="示例" type="line">
			<view class="example">
				<uni-transition ref="ani" custom-class="transition" :mode-class="modeClass" :styles="styles"
					:show="show"><text class="text">示例元素</text></uni-transition>

		<uni-section title="操作" subTitle="点击按钮 ,切换动画效果" type="line">
			<view class="example-body">
				<button class="transition-button" type="primary" @click="handle('fade')">淡隐淡出</button>
				<button class="transition-button" type="primary" @click="handle(['fade', 'slide-top'])">由上至下</button>
				<button class="transition-button" type="primary" @click="handle(['fade', 'slide-right'])">由右至左过</button>
				<button class="transition-button" type="primary" @click="handle(['fade', 'zoom-in'])">由小到大过</button>
				<button class="transition-button" type="primary" @click="custom">自定义动画</button>

