component name: uni-popup
Code block:
Associated components:uni-popup-dialog
Pop-up layer component, pops up a message prompt window, prompt box, etc. in the application
In order to avoid wrong use and bring you a bad development experience, please read the following precautions carefully before using the component, which can help you avoid some mistakes.
- The component needs to depend on the
plugin, please install it manually
, uni-popup-dialog
and other extended ui components need to be used in conjunction with uni-popup
, and do not support separate use currentlyuni-popup
in nvue
, try to place components behind other elements to avoid hierarchy problemsuni-popup
does not completely prevent page scrolling, you can manually do some processing when opening uni-popup
to prohibit page scrollinguni-popup
after the page is rendered, please call it during the onReady
or mounted
lifecycle to make sure the component is renderednpm
to import components. If you confirm that the reference is correct, but it prompts that the component is not registered or the display is abnormal, please try to recompile the projectscroll-view
to nest too much content in uni-popup
, which may affect the performance of the component, causing the component to fail to open or to freezeuni-popup
不会覆盖原生 tabbar 和原生导航栏uni-popup
为了防止快速打开关闭的情况,组件默认设置了300毫秒延迟显示,如果需要去除,可到uni_modules下修改组件代码"nvueStyleCompiler" : "uni-app"
under the manifest.json > app-plus
<button @click="open">打开弹窗</button>
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="bottom" border-radius="10px 10px 0 0">底部弹出 Popup 自定义圆角</uni-popup>
export default {
// Call the uni-popup method through the ref defined by the component. If the parameter is passed in, the type attribute will be invalid. Only ['top','left','bottom','right','center'] is supported
In most scenarios, you do not need to set the background-color
property, because the main window of uni-popup
is transparent by default. When inserting content into it, the style is completely customized by the user. If the background is set For example, the rounded corners in uni-popup-dialog
are difficult to achieve. Without setting the background color, it is more suitable for users to freely play.
There are also special cases that require us to actively set the background color. For example, when type = 'bottom'
, the bottom safe area problem is encountered in the special-shaped screen (such as iphone 11), because the main content of uni-popup
avoids The safe area is set (set safe-area: true
), so we cannot customize the color of the bottom. At this time, using background-color
can solve this problem.
<button @click="open">打开弹窗</button>
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="bottom" background-color="#fff">底部弹出 Popup</uni-popup>
In some scenarios, you may not want the popup layer to animate, just set the animation
property to false
to turn off the animation.
<button @click="open">打开弹窗</button>
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="center" :animation="false">中间弹出 Popup</uni-popup>
By default, clicking on the mask will automatically close uni-popup
, if you don't want to click to close, just set mask-click
to false
, then to close uni-popup
, you can only manually call close
<button @click="open">打开弹窗</button>
<uni-popup ref="popup" :mask-click="false">
<button @click="close">关闭</button>
export default {
data() {
return {}
onReady() {},
methods: {
open() {
close() {
property name | type | default value | description |
animation | Boolean | true | Enable animation |
type | String | 'center' | Popup |
mask-click [to be deprecated] | Boolean | true | Does the mask click close the popup window |
is-mask-click [New in 1.7.4] | Boolean | true | Does the mask click close the popup window |
mask-background-color [New in 1.7.4] | rgba | rgba(0,0,0,0.4) | Mask color, it is recommended to use rgba color value |
background-color | String | 'none' | 主窗口背景色 |
borderRadius | String | 无 | 设置圆角(左上、右上、右下和左下) 示例:"10px 10px 10px 10px" |
safe-area | Boolean | true | Whether it fits the bottom safe area |
property name | description |
top | Top Popup |
center | Center Popup |
bottom | bottom popup |
left | Left Popup |
right | Popup right |
message | Preset Style : Message Prompt |
dialog | Preset Styles: Dialog |
share | Preset Style : Pop-up share example at the bottom |
method name | description | parameters |
open | Open the popup layer | open(String:type), if the parameter can replace the type attribute |
close | Close the popup layer | - |
Event Name | Description | Return Value | |
change | The component state changes to trigger | e={show: true | false,type:current mode} |
maskClick | Click on the mask layer to trigger | - |
does not actually have any styles, it only provides basic animation effects, giving users a pop-up layer solution, which alone cannot meet development needs, so we provide three basic extension styles
Change the type
attribute of uni-popup
to message
, and introduce the corresponding component to use the message prompt. This component does not support separate use
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="message">
<uni-popup-message type="success" message="成功消息" :duration="2000"></uni-popup-message>
property name | type | default value | description |
type | String | success | message prompt subject |
message | String | - | message prompt text |
duration | Number | 3000 | The message display time, the component will be automatically closed after the display time, if it is set to 0, it will not be closed, you need to manually call the close method to close |
property name | description |
success | success |
warn | Warning |
error | failed |
info | News |
Name | Description |
default | The content of the message, which overrides the message property |
Change the type
attribute of uni-popup
to dialog
, and import the corresponding component to use the dialog box. This component does not support separate use
<button @click="open">打开弹窗</button>
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="dialog">
<uni-popup-dialog mode="input" message="成功消息" :duration="2000" :before-close="true" @close="close" @confirm="confirm"></uni-popup-dialog>
export default {
methods: {
open() {
* 点击取消按钮触发
* @param {Object} done
close() {
// ...
* 点击确认按钮触发
* @param {Object} done
* @param {Object} value
confirm(value) {
// the value of the input box
// ...
property name | type | default value | description |
type | String | success | Dialog title subject, optional value: success/warn/info/error |
mode | String | base | Dialog mode, optional value: base (prompt dialog)/input (input dialog) |
title | String | - | Dialog Title |
content | String | - | Dialog content, valid in base mode |
confirmText [New in 1.7.4] | String | - | Define the text of the confirm button |
cancelText [1.7.4新增] | String | - | 定义取消按钮文本 |
maxlength [1.8.6新增] | Number | - | 限制输入框字数(当mode="input"时生效) |
showClose [1.8.5新增] | Boolean | - | 是否显示取消按钮 |
value | String\Number | - | 输入框值,input模式下生效 注:1.9.0之后为双向绑定,vue2通过value,vue3通过v-model绑定 |
placeholder | String | - | 输入框提示文字,input模式下生效 |
borderRadius | String | - | 四周圆角值(左上、右上、右下、左下) 示例:"20px 20px 20px 20px" |
before-close | Boolean | false | Whether to intercept button events, if true, the dialog box will not be closed, and the close method of uni-popup needs to be manually executed to close |
Event Name | Description | Return Value |
close | Click the dialog cancel button to trigger | - |
confirm | Click the dialog OK button to trigger | e={value: the value of the input box in input mode} |
Name | Description |
default | Custom content will overwrite the original content display |
The sharing example is not used as a final component, but only as a style component for users to modify by themselves. The follow-up development plan is to implement the actual sharing logic, and the parameters can be configured
Change the type
attribute of uni-popup
to share
, and import the corresponding component to use, this component does not support separate use
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="share">
<uni-popup-share title="分享到" @select="select"></uni-popup-share>
property name | type | default value | description |
title | String | - | Share popup title |
before-close | Boolean | false | Whether to intercept button events, if true, the dialog box will not be closed, and the close method of uni-popup needs to be manually executed to close |
Event Name | Description | Return Value |
select | select trigger | e = {item,index}: selected parameter |
When using components, you will find that when the content part scrolls to the end, continuing to swipe will cause the underlying page to scroll, which is scroll penetration.
However, due to the platform's own reasons, except for the h5 platform, other platforms cannot prohibit scroll penetration in the component, so in the WeChat applet and App platform, the user needs special treatment in the page
On the WeChat Mini Program/App
platform, you can use the page-meta
component to dynamically modify the page style.
You need to define a variable in data to indicate the open and close state of uni-popup
, and modify the overflow
attribute of page-meta
through this variable.
In the @change
event of uni-popup
, you can receive the open/close state of uni-popup
and assign it to the above variable
Here is the key code snippet:
<page-meta :page-style="'overflow:'+(show?'hidden':'visible')"></page-meta>
<view class="container">
<!-- Normal popup -->
<uni-popup ref="popup" background-color="#fff" @change="change">
<!-- ... -->
export default {
data() {
return {
methods: {
change(e) {
this.show = e.show
示例依赖了 uni-card
等多个组件,直接拷贝示例代码将无法正常运行 。
请到 组件下载页面 ,在页面右侧选择 使用 HBuilderX导入示例项目
<view class="container">
<uni-card is-full :is-shadow="false">
<text class="uni-h6">弹出层组件用于弹出一个覆盖到页面上的内容,使用场景如:底部弹出分享弹窗、页面插屏广告等。</text>
<uni-section title="基本示例" type="line">
<view class="example-body box">
<button class="button" type="primary" @click="toggle('top')"><text class="button-text">顶部</text></button>
<button class="button" type="primary" @click="toggle('bottom')"><text class="button-text">底部</text></button>
<button class="button" type="primary" @click="toggle('center')"><text class="button-text">居中</text></button>
<button class="button" type="primary" @click="toggle('left')"><text class="button-text">左侧</text></button>
<button class="button" type="primary" @click="toggle('right')"><text class="button-text">右侧</text></button>
<uni-section title="提示消息" type="line">
<view class="example-body box">
<button class="button popup-success" @click="messageToggle('success')"><text
class="button-text success-text">成功</text></button>
<button class="button popup-error" @click="messageToggle('error')"><text
class="button-text error-text">失败</text></button>
<button class="button popup-warn" @click="messageToggle('warn')"><text
class="button-text warn-text">警告</text></button>
<button class="button popup-info" @click="messageToggle('info')"><text
class="button-text info-text">信息</text></button>
<uni-section title="对话框示例" type="line" class="hideOnPc">
<view class="example-body box">
<button class="button popup-success" @click="dialogToggle('success')"><text
class="button-text success-text">成功</text></button>
<button class="button popup-error" @click="dialogToggle('error')"><text
class="button-text error-text">失败</text></button>
<button class="button popup-warn" @click="dialogToggle('warn')"><text
class="button-text warn-text">警告</text></button>
<button class="button popup-info" @click="dialogToggle('info')"><text
class="button-text info-text">信息</text></button>
<uni-section title="输入框示例" type="line" padding>
<view class="dialog-box">
<text class="dialog-text">输入内容:{{ value }}</text>
<button class="button" type="primary" @click="inputDialogToggle"><text
<uni-section title="底部分享示例" type="line" padding>
<button class="button" type="primary" @click="shareToggle"><text class="button-text">分享模版示例</text></button>
<!-- Normal popup -->
<uni-popup ref="popup" background-color="#fff" @change="change">
<view class="popup-content" :class="{ 'popup-height': type === 'left' || type === 'right' }"><text
class="text">popup 内容</text></view>
<!-- Prompt information popup -->
<uni-popup ref="message" type="message">
<uni-popup-message :type="msgType" :message="messageText" :duration="2000"></uni-popup-message>
<!-- Prompt window example -->
<uni-popup ref="alertDialog" type="dialog">
<uni-popup-dialog :type="msgType" cancelText="关闭" confirmText="同意" title="通知" content="欢迎使用 uni-popup!" @confirm="dialogConfirm"
<!-- Input box example -->
<uni-popup ref="inputDialog" type="dialog">
<uni-popup-dialog ref="inputClose" mode="input" title="输入内容" value="对话框预置提示内容!"
placeholder="请输入内容" @confirm="dialogInputConfirm"></uni-popup-dialog>
<!-- share example -->
<uni-popup ref="share" type="share" safeArea backgroundColor="#fff">