Used in lists, used for scroll loading, and displayed various states of loading.
<uni-load-more status="more"></uni-load-more>
property name | type | optional value | default value | description |
iconSize | Number | - | 24 | Specify icon size |
status | String | more/loading/noMore | more | loading status |
showIcon | Boolean | - | true | whether to show the loading icon |
showText | Boolean | - | true | **[New in 1.3.3]**Whether to display text |
iconType | String | snow/circle/auto | auto | Specify icon style |
color | String | - | #777777 | Icon and text color |
contentText | Object | - | {contentdown: "Pull up to show more",contentrefresh: "Loading...",contentnomore: "No more data"} | Text description of each state |
Parameter name | Description |
more | Before Loading |
loading | Loading |
no-more | No more data |
Parameter name | Description |
snow | ios snowflake loading style |
circle | Android Ring Loading Style |
auto | Automatically select loading styles based on platform |
When iconType
is snow
, the size cannot be set on the APP-NVUE
platform, and the color cannot be set on the non-APP-NVUE
Event Name | Description | Return Value |
clickLoadMore | triggered when click to load more | e.detail={status:'loading'} |
The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card
, copying the example code directly will not work properly.
Please go to the Component download page , select Import sample project using HBuilderX
on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.
<view class="container">
<uni-card is-full :is-shadow="false">
<text class="uni-h6">加载更多组件用于页面加载更多数据时,页面底部显示内容等场景</text>
<uni-section title="基本用法" type="line">
<uni-load-more :status="status" />
<uni-section title="修改默认文字" type="line">
<uni-load-more :status="status" :content-text="contentText" />
<uni-section title="改变颜色" type="line">
<uni-load-more color="#007AFF" :status="status" />
<uni-section title="指定加载图标样式 - 按平台自动选择样式" type="line">
<uni-load-more iconType="auto" :status="status" />
<uni-section title="指定加载图标样式 - 环形" type="line">
<uni-load-more iconType="circle" :status="status" />
<uni-section title="改变组件状态" type="line">
<radio-group class="uni-list" @change="onChange">
<view v-for="(item, index) in statusTypes" :key="index" class="uni-list-item">
<view class="uni-list-item__container">
<view class="uni-list-item__content">
<text class="uni-list-item__content-title">{{ item.text }}</text>
<view class="uni-list-item__extra">
<radio :value="item.value" :checked="item.checked" />