component name: uni-forms

Code blocks: uForms, uni-forms-item Associated components: uni-forms-item, uni-easyinput, uni-data-checkbox, uni-group.

Click to download & install

The built-in components of uni-app already have <form>Component for submitting form content.

However, almost every form requires form validation. In order to facilitate form validation and reduce repetitive development, uni-ui is based on <form>Component encapsulates<uni-forms>Component, with built-in form validation.

<uni-forms> provides rules attribute to describe validation rules, <uni-forms-item> sub-component to wrap specific form items, and onFieldChange() for native or third-party components to validate form values.

Each form item to be verified, regardless of input or checkbox, must be placed in the <uni-forms-item> component, and a <uni-forms-item> component can only place one form item.

The <uni-forms-item> component reserves an area for displaying error messages, which is at the bottom of the form item by default.

In addition, each form item under the <uni-forms> component can be wrapped into different groups by <uni-group>. Different form items under the same <uni-group> will be grouped together, maintaining vertical spacing with other groups. <uni-group> only affects visual effects.

# introduce


In order to avoid wrong use and bring you a bad development experience, please read the following precautions carefully before using the component, which can help you avoid some mistakes.

  • The component needs to depend on the sass plugin, please install it manually
  • The component supports nvue, you need to configure "nvueStyleCompiler" : "uni-app" under the manifest.json > app-plus node
  • uni-forms does not contain other form components, if you need to use uni-easyinput, uni-data-checkbox and other components, you need to import them yourself
  • uni-forms version 1.4.0 released, please pay attention to the compatibility problem description in the document

# Basic usage

The uni-forms component is often used for form validation and submission. Each uni-forms-item is a form field component of it, which is used to carry the specific content of the form. uni-easyinput, uni-data-checkbox and uni-easyinput can be nested in uni-forms-item uni-app` built-in form components

	<view class="">
		<uni-forms :modelValue="formData">
			<uni-forms-item label="姓名" name="name">
				<uni-easyinput type="text" v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
			<uni-forms-item label="年龄" name="age">
				<input type="text" v-model="formData.age" placeholder="请输入年龄" />
			<uni-forms-item required name="hobby" label="兴趣爱好">
				<uni-data-checkbox multiple v-model="formData.hobby" :localdata="hobby"/>
		<button @click="submitForm">Submit</button>

# Alignment

Use the label-position property to set the position of all form fields, the default is on the left

	<view class="">
		<uni-forms :modelValue="formData" label-position="top">
			<uni-forms-item label="姓名" name="name">
				<uni-easyinput type="text" v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
			<uni-forms-item required name="hobby" label="兴趣爱好">
				<uni-data-checkbox multiple v-model="formData.hobby" :localdata="hobby"/>

# form validation

Form validation can also directly use the uniCloud web console to automatically generate a form maintenance interface based on schema, such as creating new pages and editing pages, and automatically processing validation rules. For more reference [DB Schema](https://uniapp

# how to use

  1. uni-forms needs to pass in the agreed validation rules through the rules attribute, which is described in detail below Validation rules description.
<!-- For details of rules, see the complete example below -->
<uni-forms ref="form" :rules="rules">
  1. uni-forms needs to bind the model property, which is an object composed of the key\value of the form.
<!-- For details of formData and rules, please refer to the complete example below -->
<uni-forms ref="form" :model="formData" :rules="rules">
  1. uni-forms-item needs to set the name property to the current field name, and the field is of type String|Array.
<!-- For details of formData and rules, please refer to the complete example below -->
<uni-forms :modelValue="formData" :rules="rules">
	<uni-forms-item label="姓名" name="name">
		<uni-easyinput type="text" v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
	<uni-forms-item required :name="['data','hobby']" label="兴趣爱好">
		<uni-data-checkbox multiple v-model="" :localdata="hobby"/>
  1. As long as the components used are built-in components or third-party components, you only need to bind v-model, and you can participate in the verification without other operations.
  2. If you use native checkboxes or third-party components that do not support v-model, etc., you only need to bind the binddata method to the component to trigger form validation, without binding events to methods, see the complete example below.
  3. The binddata('name',$event.detail.value,'form')" method accepts three values,
    • The first parameter passes in the name of the current form component, which is bound to the value of the property name with the current parent component uni-forms-item
    • The second parameter passes in the value that needs to be verified. The built-in component can get the return value of the component through $event.detail.value, and the custom component can pass in the value to be verified.
    • The third parameter passes in the value of the uni-forms component binding attribute ref, which is usually required when there are multiple forms to distinguish the form. For example, there is only one uni-forms in the page, which can be ignored
  4. If the built-in binddata method cannot meet the requirements, you can override this method in the methods of the current page. To override this method, you need to call the setValue of uni-forms to trigger the form validation, see setValue below `Method description


  • uni-forms 1.4.0 版本后,binddata 方法不再推荐,请使用 uni-forms-item 上的 onFieldChange 方法代替

full example



		<uni-forms ref="form" :modelValue="formData" :rules="rules">
			<uni-forms-item label="姓名" name="name">
				<uni-easyinput type="text" v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
			<uni-forms-item label="邮箱" name="email">
				<input class="input" v-model="" type="text" placeholder="请输入邮箱" @input="binddata('email',$event.detail.value)" />
		<button @click="submit">Submit</button>

Note (this restriction is not used after 1.4.0, the name can be supported by using the array type)

The modelValue object currently has strict format requirements:

  • Try not to use nested data structures, because the name value specified by the form field corresponds to the key of modeValue one-to-one. There is only one exception, that is, the dynamic verification form, see Dynamic verification form below chapter

# Validation rule description

The validation rule accepts a value of type Object, by passing in different rules to indicate how the value of each form field should be validated

The key of the object represents the field name of the current form field, and the value is the specific validation rule

Here's what value contains:

property name type description
rules Array Validation rules, see below rules attribute description
validateTrigger String Form validation timing [1.4.0 deprecated]
label String The field Chinese name of the current form field, which is mostly used for the display of errorMessage, can be left blank
rules: {
	// Required validation for the name field
	name: {
		// Validation rules for the name field
			// Verify that name cannot be empty
				required: true,
				errorMessage: '请填写姓名',
			// Validate the length of the name field
				minLength: 3,
				maxLength: 5,
				errorMessage: '{label}长度在 {minLength} 到 {maxLength} 个字符',
		// The field Chinese name of the current form field can be left blank

# rules attribute description

In each validation rule, multiple attributes can be configured. The following are some common rule attributes. Actually the specification here is the same as uniCloud's DB Schema specification.

property name type default value optional value description
required Boolean - - is required, configuring this parameter will not display the required asterisk on the left side of the input box, if necessary, please configure the required of the uni-forms-item component to true
range Array - - Arrays must have at least one element, and each element in the array is unique.
format String - - Built-in validation rules, if these rules cannot meet the requirements, you can use regular matching or custom rules
pattern RegExp - - Regular expression, please refer to the note below
maximum Number - - Check the maximum value (greater than)
minimum Number - - Check the minimum value (less than)
maxLength Number - - Maximum length of check data
errorMessage String - - Verification failure prompt message, attribute placeholders can be added, and all attributes in the current table can be used as placeholders
validateFunction Function - - Custom validation rules

format attribute value description

property name description
string must be of type string, default type
number must be of type number
boolean must be of type boolean
array must be of type array
object must be of type object
url must be of type url
email must be of type email

pattern attribute description

  • In the applet, regular objects cannot be used in json, such as: /^\S+?@\S+?\.\S+?$/, the use of regular objects will be serialized by WeChat, resulting in regular invalidation.
  • So it is recommended to use the regular method in a unified way, such as '^\\S+?@\\S+?\\.\\S+?$', it should be noted that \ needs to use \\ to translate .
  • Such as verification email: /^\S+?@\S+?.\S+?$/ (note no quotation marks), or use "^\S+?@\S+?\.\S+?$" (note that quotes need to be escaped with \)

# validateFunction Custom Validation Rules Instructions

The rules basic rules of uni-forms sometimes cannot meet all the usage scenarios of the project. In this case, you can use validateFunction to customize the validation rules

The validateFunction method returns four parameters validateFunction:function(rule,value,data,callback){} , of course, the returned parameter name can be customized by developers:

  • rule : the validation rule corresponding to the current validation field in rules
  • value : the value of the current validation field
  • data : object of fields and values of all validation fields
  • callback : The callback when the verification is completed. Generally, there is no need to execute the callback. Return true (verification passed) or false (verification failed). If you need to display a different errMessage, if the verification fails, you need to execute the callback( 'Prompt error message'), if the verification passes, execute callback()


  • It should be noted that if you need to use validateFunction to customize the validation rules, you cannot use the rules attribute of uni-forms to configure the validation rules. In this case, you need to pass ref and call it in the onReady life cycle Component's setRules method binds validation rules
  • Variables cannot be passed through props, because the WeChat MiniApp will filter out the methods in the object, resulting in invalid custom validation rules.
  • If validateFunction is used and required is false, it means that the content will not be verified if it is not filled in, and the content will be verified, so validateFunction will not be executed when the content is empty
		<uni-forms ref="form" :modelValue="formData">
			<uni-forms-item label="兴趣爱好" required name="hobby">
				<uni-data-checkbox v-model="formData.hobby" multiple :localdata="hobbys" />
		<button class="button" @click="submit">校验表单</button>
export default {
	data() {
		return {
			rules: {
				hobby: {
					rules: [{
						required: true,
						errorMessage: '请选择兴趣',
							if (value.length < 2) {
							return true
	onReady() {
		// Need to set rules in onReady
	methods: {
		submit(form) {
				console.log('表单数据信息:', res);
			}).catch(err =>{
				console.log('表单错误信息:', err);

# validateFunction asynchronous validation

The above custom verification method is synchronous verification. If asynchronous verification is required, validateFunction needs to return a Promise, and the verification does not return the corresponding error by executing reject(new Error('error message')) information, if the verification is passed, just execute resolve() directly. In the asynchronous verification method, you do not need to use callback.

		<uni-forms :modelValue="formData" ref="form">
			<uni-forms-item name="age" label="年龄">
				<uni-easyinput v-model="formData.age" type="text" placeholder="请输入年龄" />
		<button class="button" @click="submit">校验表单</button>

export default {
	data() {
		return {
			rules: {
				age: {
					rules: [{
						required: true,
						errorMessage: '请输入年龄',
						validateFunction: (rule, value, data, callback) => {
							// Async needs to return a Promise object
							return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
								setTimeout(() => {
									if (value > 10 ) {
										// by returning resolve
									} else {
										// not by returning reject(new Error('error message'))
										reject(new Error('年龄必须大于十岁'))
								}, 2000)
	onReady() {
		// Need to set rules in onReady
	methods: {
		 * 表单提交
		 * @param {Object} event
		submit() {
			this.$refs.form.validate().then(res => {
				console.log('表单数据信息:', res);
			}).catch(err => {
				console.log('表单错误信息:', err);

# Dynamic form validation


  • After uni-forms 1.4.0, the way of using dynamic form validation has been updated, please distinguish and be compatible with the previous version of dynamic form validation.

It is mostly used in scenarios where the same field needs to be added multiple times, such as the need to dynamically create multiple domain names to participate in the verification.

  1. Define a variable in formData to accept multiple results for the same field.
dynamicFormData: {
	email: '',
	// There will be multiple results under the domains field
	domains: []
  1. Use the rules property of uni-forms-item to define validation rules for a single form field.
<uni-forms-item :label="item.label+' '+index" required
	:rules="[{'required': true,errorMessage: '域名项必填'}]" :key="">
  1. name needs to be specified dynamically. It is recommended to use the Array type for dynamic forms. The content is the call chain of the bound value from left to right. ['domains',index,'value'] is equivalent to[index].value
	:label="item.label+' '+index" 
	:rules="[{'required': true,errorMessage: '域名项必填'}]" 
  1. The v-model of the component that needs to bind the value also needs to dynamically specify[index].value
	:label="item.label+' '+index" 
	:rules="[{'required': true,errorMessage: '域名项必填'}]" 
	<uni-easyinput v-model="[index].value" placeholder="请输入域名" />

full example



<uni-forms ref="dynamicForm" :rules="dynamicRules" :model="dynamicFormData">
	<uni-forms-item label="邮箱" required name="email">
		<uni-easyinput v-model="" placeholder="请输入邮箱" />
	<template v-for="(item,index) in">
		<uni-forms-item :label="item.label+' '+index" required
			:rules="[{'required': true,errorMessage: '域名项必填'}]" :key=""
			<view class="form-item">
				<uni-easyinput v-model="[index].value" placeholder="请输入域名" />
				<button class="button" size="mini" type="default" @click="del(">删除</button>

<view class="button-group">
	<button type="primary" size="mini" @click="add">新增域名</button>
	<button type="primary" size="mini" @click="submit('dynamicForm')">提交</button>

# Form validation timing description

uni-forms 1.4.0 后,只有 uni-forms上可以配置 validateTrigger,不再支持单独控制每个子表单的校验时机

If you need a separate validation timing for subforms, you can use the rules attribute of uni-forms-item in conjunction with onFieldChange

		<uni-forms  ref="form" :modelValue="formData" validate-trigger="bind">
			<uni-forms-item name="age" label="年龄">
				<!-- The verification timing of uni-easyinput is when the data changes, that is, when the input is triggered -->
				<uni-easyinput v-model="formData.age" type="text" placeholder="请输入年龄" />
			<uni-forms-item ref="input"  name="email" label="邮箱">
			 <!-- Input validation timing -->
				<input v-model=""  @blur="(e)=>$refs.input.onFieldChange($event.detail.value)" />
			<button class="button" @click="submit">校验表单</button>

[This rule no longer takes effect after 1.4.0] For form validation timing, only one validateTrigger will work at the same time, and its effect weight is

rules > uni-forms-item > uni-forms

  • If validateTrigger is configured in the rule, the validateTrigger attribute in the rule will be used first to determine the timing of form validation
  • If validateTrigger is not configured in the rule, the validateTrigger attribute of uni-forms-item will be used first to determine the form validation timing
  • If validateTrigger is not configured in the uni-forms-item component, the validateTrigger attribute of uni-forms will be used first to determine the form validation timing
  • By analogy, if the validateTrigger attribute is not used, the default value of the validateTrigger attribute of uni-forms will be used to determine the form validation timing


# Forms Props

property name type default value optional value description compatible description
model Object - - FormData New in 1.4.0
rules Object - - Form validation rules
validateTrigger String submit bind/submit/blur Form validation timing, blur is only valid in uni-easyinput 1.4.0 added blur value
label-position String left top/left label position
label-width String/Number 75 - label width in px
label-align String left left/center/right label centering
err-show-type String undertext undertext/toast/modal Form error message prompt method
border Boolean false - Whether to display the grid line
value Object - - form data, compatible with vue2 will be deprecated, please use model instead
modelValue Object - - form data, compatible with vue3 will be deprecated, please use model instead

# Forms Events

Event Name Description
@validate Triggered after any form item is validated, returns form validation information

# Forms Methods

Method Name Description Compatibility Description
setRules Set form rules dynamically
validate The method that validates the entire form will return a promise
validateField Part of the form is validated
clearValidate Remove the validation result of the form
submit The method that validates the entire form will return a promise will be deprecated, please use validate instead
setValue Set the corresponding value of the name of an item in the form, usually used in uni-forms-item and custom form components will be deprecated, please use onFieldChange to be compatible with related functions
resetFields Reset the form, you need to change the modelValue property of uni-forms to v-model , and may not take effect for built-in components 1.4.0 Deprecated

# validate(keepItem:Array,callback:Function) method description

The validate method is to verify the entire form, the method accepts two parameters

parameter name type description
keepItem Array Reserve fields that do not participate in validation
callback Function Verification complete return function

After the verification is successful, the verification object only retains the field specified with name (as long as uni-forms-item binds name, it will return even if it is not verified), if you need to retain other fields, then Requires the keepItem attribute

		<uni-forms  ref="form" :modelValue="formData">
			<uni-forms-item name="age" label="年龄">
				<uni-easyinput v-model="formData.age" type="text" placeholder="请输入年龄" />
			<button class="button" @click="submit">校验表单</button>
export default {
	data() {
		return {
			rules: {
				// ...
	onLoad(){ = 'testId'
	methods: {
		submit() {
			// In the onLoad life cycle, formData adds an id field. At this time, this field is checked without parameters, so it is not returned in the result.
			// In the validate(['id']) method, specify the first parameter to return the id field

The validate method can also return a Promise object. If callback is used, Promise returns null, and the validate method will take precedence over callback.

The callback method returns two return values:

  • The first return value is the verification result, if the verification fails, return the failure information, if successful, return null
  • The second return value check data

// use callback
// If you don't need the keepItem parameter, you can omit it
	// If the verification is successful, err returns null
	// res returns null

// use Promises
// Validate the entire form and return a Promise
	// Successfully returned, res is form data
	// ...
	// Form validation failed, err is the specific error message
	// ...

# setValue(name:String,value:any) method description


  • Deprecated since uni-forms 1.4.0, use onFieldChange instead

The setValue method is usually used to verify the return value of built-in components or third-party components. Because components starting with uni such as uni-esayinput have built-in support for uni-forms, the values returned by these components can be used directly. However, for example, if the value of built-in components such as input changes, it cannot notify uni-forms in time, so it cannot be properly verified. At this time, we need to manually add these values to the verification of uni-forms.

The setValue method accepts two parameters:

  • name: the name corresponding to the form field
  • value: the value corresponding to the form field

		<uni-forms  ref="form" :modelValue="formData">
			<uni-forms-item name="age" label="年龄">
				<input v-model="formData.age" @input="setValue('age',formData.age)">
			<button class="button" @click="submit">校验表单</button>

export default {
	data() {
		return {
			rules: {
				// ...
	methods: {
			// Set the corresponding value of a form item to trigger form validation
			// accepts two parameters, the first parameter is the name of the form field, and the second parameter is the value of the form field
		submit() {

# Other method description

// set the rules

// Part of the form is verified, accepting a parameter, the type is String or Array, only the value of the incoming name form field is verified
this.$refs.form.validateField(['name', 'email']).then((res)=>{
	// Successfully returned, res is the corresponding form data
	// ...
	// Form validation failed, err is the specific error message
	// ...

// Remove form validation, accept one parameter, the type is String or Array, only remove the value passed in the name form field, if no parameter is passed in, remove all
this.$refs.form.clearValidate(['name', 'email'])

# FormsItem Props

property name type default value optional value description compatible description
name String/Array - - The attribute name of the form field, which is required when using the validation rule
rules Object - - Form validation rules
required Boolean false - The right side of the label displays a red "*" sign, the style display will not have an effect on the validation rules
label String - - Text prompt on the left side of the input box
label-width Number 70 - The width of the label, in px
error-message String - - Display the error message content, if it is an empty string or false, the error message will not be displayed
label-align String left left/center/right label text alignment
label-position String left top/left label's text position Deprecated in 1.4.0, the alignment of uni-forms is used uniformly
validateTrigger String submit bind/submit Form validation timing Deprecated in 1.4.0, uniformly use uni-forms validation timing
left-icon String - - The icon on the left of the label, the name of the icon for uni-ui only Deprecated in 1.4.0, please use the #label slot to realize the related function
icon-color String #606266 - The color of the icon configured by icon on the left Deprecated in 1.4.0, please use the #label slot for related functions

# FormsItem Methods

Method Name Description Compatibility Description
setRules Set form rules dynamically
onFieldChange Validator form New in 1.4.0

# FormsItem Slots

Slot Name Description
default default slot
label label slot, custom label display content

# example


The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card uni-section uni-scss, copying the example code directly will not work properly.

Please go to the Component download page , select Import sample project using HBuilderX on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.




	<view class="container">
		<uni-card :is-shadow="false" is-full>
			<text class="uni-h6">uni-forms 组件一般由输入框、选择器、单选框、多选框等控件组成,用以收集、校验、提交数据。</text>
		<uni-section title="基本用法" type="line">
			<view class="example">
				<!-- Basic usage, excluding validation rules -->
				<uni-forms ref="baseForm" :modelValue="baseFormData">
					<uni-forms-item label="姓名" required>
						<uni-easyinput v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
					<uni-forms-item label="年龄" required>
						<uni-easyinput v-model="baseFormData.age" placeholder="请输入年龄" />
					<uni-forms-item label="性别" required>
						<uni-data-checkbox v-model="" :localdata="sexs" />
					<uni-forms-item label="兴趣爱好" required>
						<uni-data-checkbox v-model="baseFormData.hobby" multiple :localdata="hobbys" />
					<uni-forms-item label="自我介绍">
						<uni-easyinput type="textarea" v-model="baseFormData.introduction" placeholder="请输入自我介绍" />
					<uni-forms-item label="日期时间">
						<uni-datetime-picker type="datetime" return-type="timestamp" v-model="baseFormData.datetimesingle"/>

		<uni-section title="对齐方式" type="line">
			<view class="example">
				<view class="segmented-control">
					<uni-segmented-control :current="current" :values="items" @clickItem="onClickItem" styleType="button">
				<!-- show different arrangements -->
				<uni-forms ref="baseForm" :modelValue="alignmentFormData" :label-position="alignment">
					<uni-forms-item label="姓名" required>
						<uni-easyinput v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
					<uni-forms-item label="年龄" required>
						<uni-easyinput v-model="baseFormData.age" placeholder="请输入年龄" />

		<uni-section title="表单校验" type="line">
			<view class="example">
				<!-- Basic form validation -->
				<uni-forms ref="valiForm" :rules="rules" :modelValue="valiFormData">
					<uni-forms-item label="姓名" required name="name">
						<uni-easyinput v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
					<uni-forms-item label="年龄" required name="age">
						<uni-easyinput v-model="valiFormData.age" placeholder="请输入年龄" />
					<uni-forms-item label="自我介绍" name="introduction">
						<uni-easyinput type="textarea" v-model="valiFormData.introduction" placeholder="请输入自我介绍" />
				<button type="primary" @click="submit('valiForm')">提交</button>

		<uni-section title="自定义校验规则" type="line">
			<view class="example">
				<!-- Custom form validation -->
				<uni-forms ref="customForm" :rules="customRules" :modelValue="customFormData">
					<uni-forms-item label="姓名" required name="name">
						<uni-easyinput v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
					<uni-forms-item label="年龄" required name="age">
						<uni-easyinput v-model="customFormData.age" placeholder="请输入年龄" />
					<uni-forms-item label="兴趣爱好" required name="hobby">
						<uni-data-checkbox v-model="customFormData.hobby" multiple :localdata="hobbys" />
				<button type="primary" @click="submit('customForm')">提交</button>

		<uni-section title="动态表单" type="line">
			<view class="example">
				<!-- Dynamic form validation -->
				<uni-forms ref="dynamicForm" :rules="dynamicRules" :modelValue="dynamicFormData">
					<uni-forms-item label="邮箱" required name="email">
						<uni-easyinput v-model="" placeholder="请输入姓名" />
					<uni-forms-item v-for="(item,index) in dynamicLists" :key="" :label="item.label+' '+index"
						required :rules="item.rules" :name="'domains[' + + ']'">
						<view class="form-item">
							<uni-easyinput v-model="[]" placeholder="请输入域名" />
							<button class="button" size="mini" type="default" @click="del(">删除</button>
				<view class="button-group">
					<button type="primary" size="mini" @click="add">新增域名</button>
					<button type="primary" size="mini" @click="submit('dynamicForm')">提交</button>

Complete example demo