uni-ui supports HBuilderX to directly create a new project template, npm installation and separate import of individual components, etc.
Due to the unique easycom technology of uni-app, you can directly use various Vue components that meet the rules without reference and registration.
Type u
in the code area, pull up a list of various built-in or uni-ui components, and select one to use the component.
Place the cursor on the component name and press F1 to view the component's documentation.
If you have not created a uni-ui project template, you can also install a required component separately in your project through uni_modules. The following table is the list of extension components of uni-ui. Click each component on the details page to import the components to the project. After importing, you can use it directly without import and registration.
Component Name | Component Description |
uni-badge | digital badge |
uni-calendar | Calendar |
uni-card | card |
uni-collapse | Collapse Panel |
uni-combox | combo box |
uni-countdown | Countdown |
uni-data-checkbox | data selector |
uni-data-picker | Data-driven picker picker |
uni-dateformat | date format |
uni-datetime-picker | date picker |
uni-drawer | Drawer |
uni-easyinput | Enhanced Input Box |
uni-fab | floating button |
uni-fav | Favorite button |
uni-file-picker | File selection and upload |
uni-forms | Forms |
uni-goods-nav | Commodities Navigation |
uni-grid | Gongge |
uni-group | group |
uni-icons | icon |
uni-indexed-list | indexed list |
uni-link | Hyperlink |
uni-list | list |
uni-load-more | Load More |
uni-nav-bar | custom navigation bar |
uni-notice-bar | Notice Bar |
uni-number-box | number input box |
uni-pagination | Pagination |
uni-popup | popup layer |
uni-rate | rating |
uni-row | layout-row |
uni-search-bar | search bar |
uni-segmented-control | segmented-control |
uni-steps | step bar |
uni-swipe-action | Swipe Action |
uni-swiper-dot | Carousel indicator dot |
uni-table | table |
uni-tag | tag |
uni-title | Chapter Title |
uni-transition | Transition Animation |
Use the uni_modules
method to install the component library, which can be imported directly through the plug-in market, and the components can be quickly updated through the right-click menu. No reference or registration is required, and the uni-ui
component can be used directly in the page. Click to install uni-ui component library
Note: Downloading the latest components currently only supports uni_modules , and the non-uni_modules version supports up to the 1.2.10 version of the component
If you cannot upgrade to the uni_modules
version, you can use uni_modules
to install the corresponding components and copy the components to the corresponding directory.
For example, to update uni-list
and uni-badge
, copy all the directories under uni_modules>uni-list>components
and uni_modules>uni-badege>components
to the following directory:
Directory example
┌─components 组件目录
│ ├─uni-list list 列表目录
│ │ └─uni-list.vue list 组件文件
│ ├─uni-list-item list-item 列表目录
│ │ └─uni-list-item.vue list 组件文件
│ ├─uni-badge badge 角标目录
│ │ └─uni-badge.vue badge 组件文件
│ └─ //.... 更多组件文件
├─pages 业务页面文件存放的目录
│ ├─index
│ │ └─index.vue index示例页面
├─main.js Vue初始化入口文件
├─App.vue 应用配置,用来配置App全局样式以及监听 应用生命周期
├─manifest.json 配置应用名称、appid、logo、版本等打包信息,详见
└─pages.json 配置页
If you want to import all uni-ui components into the project at once, you only need to import one uni-ui
component click to import .
If other components are not automatically imported, you can right-click on the uni-ui component directory and select Install third-party plug-in dependencies
You can use npm
to install the uni-ui
library in the vue-cli
project, or use npm
directly in the HBuilderX
Note The cli project does not compile the components under
by default, resulting in the failure of functions such as conditional compilation, resulting in component exceptions// vue.config.js module.exports = { transpileDependencies:['@dcloudio/uni-ui'] }
Prepare for sass
For the vue-cli
project, please install sass and sass-loader first. If you use it in HBuliderX, you can skip this step.
npm i sass -D 或 yarn add sass -D
npm i sass-loader@10.1.1 -D 或 yarn add sass-loader@10.1.1 -D
version is less than 16, sass-loader please use a version lower than @11.0.0, [sass-loader@11.0.0 does not support vue@2.6.12](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ 66082397/typeerror-this-getoptions-is-not-a-function) Ifnode
version is greater than 16,sass-loader
Anso uni-ui
npm i @dcloudio/uni-ui 或 yarn add @dcloudio/uni-ui
Configure easycom
After using npm
to install uni-ui
, you need to configure easycom
rules, so that the components installed by npm
support easycom
Open pages.json
in the project root directory and add the easycom
// pages.json
"easycom": {
"autoscan": true,
"custom": {
// uni-ui rules are configured as follows
"^uni-(.*)": "@dcloudio/uni-ui/lib/uni-$1/uni-$1.vue"
// Other content
// ...
Use components in template
<uni-badge text="1"></uni-badge>
<uni-badge text="2" type="success" @click="bindClick"></uni-badge>
<uni-badge text="3" type="primary" :inverted="true"></uni-badge>
, if you refer to the component yourself, there may be a problem that the component cannot be foundvue.config.js
:// Create a vue.config.js file in the root directory and configure it as follows
module.exports = {
transpileDependencies: ['@dcloudio/uni-ui']
// If it is vue3 + vite, no need to add configuration
does not support installing using Vue.use()