component name: uni-notice-bar

Code block: uNoticeBar

Click to download & install

Notice Board Component .

# introduce

# Basic usage

Use the text property to set the bulletin board content

Use the singlet property to set whether the guide is displayed on a single line

<uni-notice-bar single text="[单行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>
<uni-notice-bar text="[多行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>

# Text scrolling

Use the scrollable property to set whether the text is scrollable

<uni-notice-bar scrollable single text="[单行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>

# show icon

Use the showIcon property to set whether to show the icon

<uni-notice-bar showIcon text="[多行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>

# Show close button

Use the showClose property to set whether to show the close icon

<uni-notice-bar showClose showIcon text="这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>

# see more

Use the showGetMore property to set whether to show the see more icon on the right

Use the moreText property setting to see more text

 <uni-notice-bar @getmore="getMore" showGetMore moreText="查看更多" single text="[单行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>


If you need to get the content asynchronously and display it, you need to use v-if to control it, <uni-notice-bar v-if="text" :text="text"></uni-notice-bar>

# NoticeBar API

# NoticeBar Props

property name type default value description
speed Number 100 Text scrolling speed, default 100px/sec
text String - Display text
background-color String #fffbe8 background-color
color String #de8c17 Text Color
moreColor String #999999 View more text colors
moreText String - Sets the text for "see more"
single Boolean false Single line
scrollable Boolean false Whether scrollable, when true, NoticeBar is a single line
showIcon Boolean false Whether to show the left horn icon
showClose Boolean false Whether to show the left close button
showGetMore Boolean false Whether to show the view more icon on the right, when true, the NoticeBar is a single line

# NoticeBar Events

Event Name Description Return Value
@click Click the NoticeBar to trigger the event -
@close Close NoticeBar trigger event -
@getmore Trigger event when "View more" is clicked -

# example


The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card uni-section uni-scss, copying the example code directly will not work properly.

Please go to the Component download page , select Import sample project using HBuilderX on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.




	<view class="container">
		<uni-card is-full :is-shadow="false">
			<text class="uni-h6">通告栏组件多用于系统通知,广告通知等场景,可自定义图标,颜色,展现方式等。</text>

		<uni-section title="多行显示" type="line">
			<uni-notice-bar text="uni-app 版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
		<uni-section title="单行显示" subTitle="使用 single 属性单行显示通知" type="line">
			<uni-notice-bar single text="uni-app 版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
		<uni-section title="显示图标" subTitle="使用 show-icon 属性显示左侧小喇叭图标" type="line">
			<uni-notice-bar show-icon text="uni-app发布,开发一次、7端覆盖!" />
		<uni-section title="文字滚动" subTitle="使用 scrollable 属性使通告滚动,此时 single 属性将失效,始终单行显示" type="line">
			<uni-notice-bar show-icon scrollable
				text="uni-app 版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
		<uni-section title="查看更多" subTitle="使用 show-get-more 显示更多,此时 single 属性将失效,始终单行显示,如不配置 more-text 属性 ,将显示箭头图标"
			<uni-notice-bar show-get-more show-icon text="年末大礼:uni-app1.4 新增百度、支付宝小程序。插件市场重磅上线!" @getmore="getMore" />
			<uni-notice-bar show-get-more show-icon more-text="查看更多" text="年末大礼:uni-app1.4 新增百度、支付宝小程序。插件市场重磅上线!"
				@getmore="getMore" />
		<uni-section title="修改颜色" type="line">
			<uni-notice-bar single color="#2979FF" background-color="#EAF2FF"
				text="uni-app 1.6版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
		<uni-section title="关闭按钮" subTitle="使用 show-close 属性,可关闭通知" type="line">
			<uni-notice-bar show-close single text="HBuilderX 1.0正式发布!uni-app实现里程碑突破实现里程碑突破!" />

Complete example demo