Notice Board Component .
Use the text
property to set the bulletin board content
Use the singlet
property to set whether the guide is displayed on a single line
<uni-notice-bar single text="[单行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>
<uni-notice-bar text="[多行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>
Use the scrollable
property to set whether the text is scrollable
<uni-notice-bar scrollable single text="[单行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>
Use the showIcon
property to set whether to show the icon
<uni-notice-bar showIcon text="[多行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>
Use the showClose
property to set whether to show the close icon
<uni-notice-bar showClose showIcon text="这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>
Use the showGetMore
property to set whether to show the see more icon on the right
Use the moreText
property setting to see more text
<uni-notice-bar @getmore="getMore" showGetMore moreText="查看更多" single text="[单行] 这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏,这是 NoticeBar 通告栏"></uni-notice-bar>
If you need to get the content asynchronously and display it, you need to use v-if
to control it, <uni-notice-bar v-if="text" :text="text"></uni-notice-bar>
property name | type | default value | description |
speed | Number | 100 | Text scrolling speed, default 100px/sec |
text | String | - | Display text |
background-color | String | #fffbe8 | background-color |
color | String | #de8c17 | Text Color |
moreColor | String | #999999 | View more text colors |
moreText | String | - | Sets the text for "see more" |
single | Boolean | false | Single line |
scrollable | Boolean | false | Whether scrollable, when true, NoticeBar is a single line |
showIcon | Boolean | false | Whether to show the left horn icon |
showClose | Boolean | false | Whether to show the left close button |
showGetMore | Boolean | false | Whether to show the view more icon on the right, when true, the NoticeBar is a single line |
Event Name | Description | Return Value |
@click | Click the NoticeBar to trigger the event | - |
@close | Close NoticeBar trigger event | - |
@getmore | Trigger event when "View more" is clicked | - |
The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card
, copying the example code directly will not work properly.
Please go to the Component download page , select Import sample project using HBuilderX
on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.
<view class="container">
<uni-card is-full :is-shadow="false">
<text class="uni-h6">通告栏组件多用于系统通知,广告通知等场景,可自定义图标,颜色,展现方式等。</text>
<uni-section title="多行显示" type="line">
<uni-notice-bar text="uni-app 版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
<uni-section title="单行显示" subTitle="使用 single 属性单行显示通知" type="line">
<uni-notice-bar single text="uni-app 版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
<uni-section title="显示图标" subTitle="使用 show-icon 属性显示左侧小喇叭图标" type="line">
<uni-notice-bar show-icon text="uni-app发布,开发一次、7端覆盖!" />
<uni-section title="文字滚动" subTitle="使用 scrollable 属性使通告滚动,此时 single 属性将失效,始终单行显示" type="line">
<uni-notice-bar show-icon scrollable
text="uni-app 版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
<uni-section title="查看更多" subTitle="使用 show-get-more 显示更多,此时 single 属性将失效,始终单行显示,如不配置 more-text 属性 ,将显示箭头图标"
<uni-notice-bar show-get-more show-icon text="年末大礼:uni-app1.4 新增百度、支付宝小程序。插件市场重磅上线!" @getmore="getMore" />
<uni-notice-bar show-get-more show-icon more-text="查看更多" text="年末大礼:uni-app1.4 新增百度、支付宝小程序。插件市场重磅上线!"
@getmore="getMore" />
<uni-section title="修改颜色" type="line">
<uni-notice-bar single color="#2979FF" background-color="#EAF2FF"
text="uni-app 1.6版正式发布,开发一次,同时发布iOS、Android、H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、百度小程序、头条小程序等7大平台。" />
<uni-section title="关闭按钮" subTitle="使用 show-close 属性,可关闭通知" type="line">
<uni-notice-bar show-close single text="HBuilderX 1.0正式发布!uni-app实现里程碑突破实现里程碑突破!" />