The card component is commonly used to display a complete and independent piece of information, while allowing the user to understand its role. For example, a preview image of an article, author information, time, etc., cards are often entry points for more complex and detailed information.
In order to avoid wrong use and bring you a bad development experience, please read the following precautions carefully before using the component, which can help you avoid some mistakes.
Use the title
property to set the card title
Use the extra
attribute to set card title extra information
<uni-card title="基础卡片" extra="额外信息">
Use the sub-title
property to set the card subtitle
Use the thumbnail
property to set the left thumbnail of the card title
<uni-card title="基础卡片" sub-title="副标题" extra="额外信息" thumbnail="https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/unicloudlogo.png">
Use the is-full
property to set the card banner, the banner has no margin, and the left and right will fit the parent element
<uni-card title="基础卡片" :isFull="true" sub-title="副标题" extra="额外信息">
<text>这是一个通栏卡片 ,通栏没有外边距,左右会贴合父元素。</text>
Use the cover
property to set the card cover image, or use the cover
slot to set the card cover image
Use the actions
slot to set the content of the card action bar, the example style layout and events need to be implemented by yourself
<uni-card cover="https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/unicloudlogo.png">
<template v-slot:actions>
<view class="card-actions">
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('分享')">
<uni-icons type="pengyouquan" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">分享</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('点赞')">
<uni-icons type="heart" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">点赞</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('评论')">
<uni-icons type="chatbubble" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">评论</text>
property name | type | default value | description |
title | String | - | title text |
sub-title | String | - | Subtitle text |
extra | String | - | title extra information |
thumbnail | String | - | Thumbnail on the left side of the title, support network images, local images, this image needs to pass in an absolute path, such as: /static/xxx.png |
cover | String | - | Cover image, support network image, local image, this image needs to pass in an absolute path, such as: /static/xxx.png |
is-full | Boolean | false | Whether the card content is full, if it is true, the padding value will be removed |
is-shadow | Boolean | false | Whether the shadow of the card content is enabled |
shadow | String | 0px 0px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08) | 卡片阴影,需符合 css 值 |
margin | String | 10px | Card margins |
spacing | String | 10px | Card padding |
padding | String | 10px | Card Content Padding |
border | Boolean | true | card border |
mode[deprecated] | String | basic | card mode, optional value, basic: basic card; style: graphic card; title: title card |
note[Deprecated] | String | - | Bottom Information |
Event name | Event description | Return parameter |
@click | Click Card to trigger event | - |
Slot Name | Description |
cover | Cover Image Slot |
title | Card header slot, replace the original header slot |
actions | Action bar slot, replace the original footer slot |
header[Deprecated] | Card header slot (not supported when graphic card mode="style" ) |
footer[Deprecated] | Card Bottom Slot |
The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card
, copying the example code directly will not work properly.
Please go to the Component download page , select Import sample project using HBuilderX
on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.
<view class="container">
<uni-card :is-shadow="false" is-full>
<text class="uni-h6">卡片组件通用来显示完整独立的一段信息,同时让用户理解他的作用。例如一篇文章的预览图、作者信息、时间等,卡片通常是更复杂和更详细信息的入口点。</text>
<uni-section title="基础卡片" type="line">
<uni-card :is-shadow="false">
<text class="uni-body">这是一个基础卡片示例,内容较少,此示例展示了一个没有任何属性不带阴影的卡片。</text>
<uni-section title="卡片标题+额外信息" type="line">
<uni-card title="基础卡片" extra="额外信息">
<text class="uni-body">这是一个基础卡片示例,此示例展示了一个标题加标题额外信息的标准卡片。</text>
<uni-section title="双标题卡片" type="line" >
<uni-card title="基础卡片" sub-title="副标题" extra="额外信息" :thumbnail="avatar" @click="onClick">
<text class="uni-body">这是一个带头像和双标题的基础卡片,此示例展示了一个完整的卡片。</text>
<uni-section title="通栏卡片" type="line">
<uni-card title="基础卡片" :isFull="true" sub-title="副标题" extra="额外信息" :thumbnail="avatar">
<text class="uni-body">这是一个通栏卡片 ,通栏没有外边距,左右会贴合父元素。</text>
<uni-section title="卡片封面图+操作栏" type="line">
<uni-card :cover="cover" @click="onClick">
<!-- <image slot='cover' style="width: 100%;" :src="cover"></image> -->
<text class="uni-body">这是一个带封面和操作栏的卡片示例,此示例展示了封面插槽和操作栏插槽的用法。</text>
<view slot="actions" class="card-actions">
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('分享')">
<uni-icons type="pengyouquan" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">分享</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('点赞')">
<uni-icons type="heart" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">点赞</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('评论')">
<uni-icons type="chatbubble" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">评论</text>
<uni-section title="自定义卡片内容" type="line">
<uni-card title="基础卡片" sub-title="副标题" extra="额外信息" padding="10px 0" :thumbnail="avatar" >
<template v-slot:title>
<uni-list-item :show-switch="true" title="自定义标题"/>
<image style="width: 100%;" :src="cover"></image>
<text class="uni-body uni-mt-5">卡片组件通用来显示完整独立的一段信息,同时让用户理解他的作用。例如一篇文章的预览图、作者信息、时间等,卡片通常是更复杂和更详细信息的入口点。</text>
<view slot="actions" class="card-actions">
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('分享')">
<uni-icons type="pengyouquan" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">分享</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('点赞')">
<uni-icons type="heart" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">点赞</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('评论')">
<uni-icons type="chatbubble" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">评论</text>
<uni-section title="卡片+列表" type="line">
<uni-card padding="0" spacing="0">
<template v-slot:cover>
<view class="custom-cover">
<image class="cover-image" mode="aspectFill" :src="cover">
<view class="cover-content">
<text class="uni-subtitle uni-white">今日新闻热点</text>
<uni-list-item title="今日新闻" showArrow></uni-list-item>
<uni-list-item title="今日新闻" showArrow></uni-list-item>
<view slot="actions" class="card-actions no-border">
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('分享')">
<uni-icons type="pengyouquan" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">分享</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('点赞')">
<uni-icons type="heart" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">点赞</text>
<view class="card-actions-item" @click="actionsClick('评论')">
<uni-icons type="chatbubble" size="18" color="#999"></uni-icons>
<text class="card-actions-item-text">评论</text>