Group Components can be used to group components, adding spacing, to produce distinct blocks.
<uni-group title="分组1" top="20">
<view>分组1 的内容</view>
<view>分组1 的内容</view>
<uni-group title="分组2">
<view>分组2 的内容</view>
<view>分组2 的内容</view>
property name | type | default value | description |
title | String | - | Main title |
top | Number | - | Group Interval |
mode | String | '' | Mode , card is the card mode |
The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card
, copying the example code directly will not work properly.
Please go to the Component download page , select Import sample project using HBuilderX
on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.
<view class="container">
<uni-card :is-shadow="false" is-full>
<text class="uni-h6">分组组件可用于将组件分组,添加间隔,以产生明显的区块。</text>
<uni-section title="基础分组" type="line">
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<uni-group title="基本模式" margin-top="20">
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<uni-section title="卡片分组" type="line">
<uni-group mode="card">
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<uni-group title="card 模式" mode="card">
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>
<view> 分组内容 </view>