It is used to display one or more text labels, which can be clicked to switch between selected and unselected states.
Using components in template
<uni-tag text="标签"></uni-tag>
<uni-tag text="标签" type="error" :circle="true"></uni-tag>
<uni-tag text="标签" @click="bindClick"></uni-tag>
property name | type | default value | description |
text | String | - | label content |
size | String | normal | Size size, optional values: normal, small |
type | String | default | Color type, optional values: default (gray), primary (blue), success (green), warning (yellow), error (red), royal (purple) |
disabled | Boolean | false | Disabled |
inverted | Boolean | false | Doesn't need background color (hollow label) |
circle | Boolean | false | Whether it is rounded |
Event Name | Description | Return Value |
@click | Click on Tag to trigger event | - |
The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card
, copying the example code directly will not work properly.
Please go to the Component download page, select Import sample project using HBuilderX
on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.
<view class="container">
<uni-card is-full>
<text class="uni-h6">标签组件多用于商品分类、重点内容显示等场景。</text>
<uni-section title="实心标签" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" type="primary" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" type="success" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" type="warning" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" type="error" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" />
<uni-section title="空心标签" subTitle="使用 inverted 属性显示空心表签" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :inverted="true" text="标签" type="primary" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :inverted="true" text="标签" type="success" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :inverted="true" text="标签" type="warning" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :inverted="true" text="标签" type="error" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :inverted="true" text="标签" />
<uni-section title="标签尺寸" subTitle="使用 size 属性控制标签大小" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" type="primary" size="normal" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" type="primary" size="small" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="标签" type="primary" size="mini" />
<uni-section title="圆角样式" subTitle="使用 circle 属性控制标签圆角" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :circle="true" text="标签" type="primary" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :circle="true" text="标签" type="primary" size="small" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :circle="true" text="标签" type="primary" size="mini" />
<uni-section title="标记样式" subTitle="使用 mark 属性显示标记样式" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :mark="true" text="标签" type="primary" size="default" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :mark="true" text="标签" type="primary" size="small" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :mark="true" text="标签" type="primary" size="mini" />
<uni-section title="不可点击状态" subTitle="使用 disabled 属性 显示禁用样式" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag disabled text="标签" type="primary" />
<uni-section title="自定义样式" subTitle="使用 custom-style 属性自定义样式" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag text="自定义标签样式"
custom-style="background-color: #4335d6; border-color: #4335d6; color: #fff;">
<uni-section title="点击事件" type="line" padding>
<view class="example-body">
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :type="type" text="标签" @click="setType" />
<view class="tag-view">
<uni-tag :circle="true" :inverted="inverted" text="标签" type="primary" @click="setInverted" />