For the collection function, you can click to switch the selected and unselected states.
<uni-fav :checked="checked" @click="onClick"/>
<uni-fav :checked="checked" class="favBtn" circle="true" bgColor="#dd524d" bgColorChecked="#007aff" @click="onClick"/>
property name | type | default value | description |
star | Boolean | true | Does the button have a star |
bgColor | String | #eeeeee | Background color when not bookmarked |
bgColorChecked | String | #007aff | Background color when bookmarked |
fgColor | String | #666666 | Text color when not bookmarked |
fgColorChecked | String | #FFFFFF | Text color when bookmarked |
circle | Boolean | false | Whether it is rounded |
checked | Boolean | false | Is it Favorite |
contentText | Object | {contentDefault: 'Favorite',contentFav: 'Favorite'} | Favorite button text |
Event Name | Description | Return Value |
click | Click the fav button to trigger the event | - |
The example relies on multiple components such as uni-card
, copying the example code directly will not work properly.
Please go to the Component download page, select Import sample project using HBuilderX
on the right side of the page to experience the complete component example.
<view class="container">
<uni-card is-full :is-shadow="false">
<text class="uni-h6">用于收藏功能,可点击切换选中、不选中的状态。</text>
<uni-section title="基本用法" type="line">
<view class="example-body">
<uni-fav :checked="checkList[0]" class="favBtn" @click="favClick(0)" />
<uni-fav :checked="checkList[1]" :star="false" class="favBtn" @click="favClick(1)" />
<uni-fav :checked="checkList[2]" class="favBtn" :circle="true" bg-color="#dd524d"
bg-color-checked="#007aff" fg-color="#ffffff" fg-color-checked="#ffffff" @click="favClick(2)" />
<uni-fav :checked="checkList[3]" class="favBtn" bg-color="#f8f8f8" bg-color-checked="#eeeeee"
fg-color="#333333" fg-color-checked="#333333" @click="favClick(3)" />
<uni-section title="自定义文字" type="line">
<view class="example-body">
<uni-fav :checked="checkList[4]" :content-text="contentText" @click="favClick(4)" />
<uni-section title="在自定义导航栏使用" type="line">
<uni-nav-bar style="width: 100%;" :fixed="false" left-icon="arrowleft" title="标题" color="#333333"
<template v-slot:right>
<uni-fav :checked="checkList[5]" :circle="true" @click="favClick(5)" />
<view class="example-body example-body-fullWidth">