# Mini Program Custom Component Support


The applet component is not a vue component, and each applet has its own component specification. For example, the component of the WeChat applet is in wxml format.



Platform difference description

Platform Support Mini Program Components Storage Directory
H5 Support WeChat Mini Program Components (2.4.7+) wxcomponents
App (excluding nvue) Support WeChat applet components wxcomponents
WeChat applet Support WeChat applet components wxcomponents
Alipay Mini Program Support Alipay Mini Program Components mycomponents
百度小程序 支持百度小程序组件 swancomponents
抖音小程序、飞书小程序 支持抖音小程序、飞书小程序组件 ttcomponents
QQ applet Support QQ applet components wxcomponents
Kuaishou applet Support Kuaishou applet components kscomponents
JD Mini Programs Support JD Mini Program Components jdcomponents

This document requires developers to have a certain understanding of the custom components of the applet at each end. Those who have not touched the custom components of the applet can refer to:

Directory Structure

┌─wxcomponents                  微信小程序自定义组件存放目录
│   └──custom                   微信小程序自定义组件
│		├─index.js
│		├─index.wxml
│		├─index.json
│		└─index.wxss
├─mycomponents                  支付宝小程序自定义组件存放目录
│   └──custom                   支付宝小程序自定义组件
│		├─index.js
│		├─index.axml
│		├─index.json
│		└─index.acss
├─swancomponents                百度小程序自定义组件存放目录
│   └──custom                   百度小程序自定义组件
│		├─index.js
│		├─index.swan
│		├─index.json
│		└─index.css
│  └─index
│		└─index.vue

How to use

Introduce components in the style -> usingComponents of the corresponding page in pages.json:

	"pages": [{
		"path": "index/index",
		"style": {
			// #ifdef APP-PLUS || H5 || MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ
			"usingComponents": {
				"custom": "/wxcomponents/custom/index"
			// #endif
			// #ifdef MP-BAIDU
			"usingComponents": {
				"custom": "/swancomponents/custom/index"
			// #endif
			// #ifdef MP-ALIPAY
			"usingComponents": {
				"custom": "/mycomponents/custom/index"
			// #endif
			"navigationBarTitleText": "uni-app"

use in the page

<!-- Page Template (index.vue) -->
    <!-- Reference the custom component in the page -->
    <custom name="uni-app"></custom>


The following uses the WeChat Mini Program official custom component example miniprogram-slide-view as an example to demonstrate how to use the Mini Program custom component. See GitHub for other component usage examples: wxcomponents-template. The plugin market has a complete vant weapp referenced example project, see [https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=302](https://ext.dcloud.net. cn/plugin?id=302).


│   └──miniprogram-slide-view
│		├─index.js
│		├─index.wxml
│		├─index.json
│		└─index.wxss
│  └─slide-view
│		└─slide-view.vue


    "pages": [
        	"path": "slide-view/slide-view",
        	"style": {
        		"navigationBarTitleText": "slide-view",
        		"usingComponents": {
        			"slide-view": "/wxcomponents/miniprogram-slide-view/index"


	<view class='slide'>
		<slide-view width="750" height="110" slide-width="500">
			<view slot="left" class="l">
				<image src="/static/file_transfer.jpg" class="img"></image>
				<view class='text'>
					<view class='title'>文件传输助手</view>
					<view class='time'>7:00 PM</view>
			<view slot="right" class="r">
				<view class='read'>标为已读</view>
				<view class='delete'>删除</view>
	export default {}
	.slide {
		border-bottom: 1px solid #DEDEDE;
	.l {
		background-color: white;
		height: 110rpx;
		width: 750rpx;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: row;
	.r {
		height: 110rpx;
		display: flex;
		direction: row;
		text-align: center;
		vertical-align: middle;
		line-height: 110rpx;
	.read {
		background-color: #ccc;
		color: #fff;
		width: 350rpx;
	.delete {
		background-color: red;
		color: #fff;
		width: 150rpx;
	.img {
		width: 90rpx;
		height: 90rpx;
		border-radius: 10rpx;
		margin: 10rpx 15rpx;
	.text {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: row;

	.title {
		margin-top: 15rpx;
		font-size: 33rpx;
	.time {
		margin-top: 15rpx;
		color: #ccc;
		font-size: 25rpx;
		margin-left: 330rpx;


  • The applet components need to be placed in the project special folder wxcomponents (or mycomponents, swancomponents). The wxcomponents folder of the project created by HBuilderX is in the project root directory. The wxcomponents folder of the project created by vue-cli is in the src directory. Additional directories can be customized in vue.config.js
  • The performance of the applet component is not as good as that of the vue component. Using the applet component, you need to manually setData yourself, and it is difficult to automatically manage differential data updates. Using the vue component will automatically diff update the difference data. So if there is no obvious need, it is recommended to use the vue component instead of the applet component. For example, some small program ui components can be completely replaced by higher-performance uni ui.
  • When you need to use applet components in vue components, pay attention to configure usingComponents in globalStyle of pages.json, not page-level configuration.
  • Pay attention to the difference between data and event binding, components should be used according to the data and event binding method of vue
    • Attribute binding changed from attr="" to :attr="a"; from title="checkbox" to :title=" 'checkbox' + item"
    • Changed event binding from bind:click="toggleActionSheet1" to @click="toggleActionSheet1". Currently Alipay applet does not support vue event binding method, please refer to: Alipay applet component event monitoring Example
    • Stop event bubbling changed from catch:tap="xx" to @tap.native.stop="xx"
    • wx:if changed to v-if
    • wx:for="" wx:key="" was changed to v-for="(item,index) in list"

For details on the syntax differences between Mini Program and uni-app, please refer to the document https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/35786.


WXS is a scripting language that runs on the view layer. For details on WeChat, see details.

It is characterized by running in the view layer. When it is necessary to avoid the loss of interactive communication between the logic layer and the rendering layer, wxs can be used.

uni-app can compile wxs code to WeChat applet, QQ applet, app-vue, H5 (uni-app 2.2.5 and above)

Similar to wxs, Baidu applet provides Filter, Alibaba applet provides SJS, uni-app also supports these functions, and compiles them into Baidu and Alibaba applet. But they are not as powerful as wxs. In addition, the Toutiao applet itself does not support similar functions.

Platform difference description

App H5 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 QQ小程序
√(nvue not supported) SJS Filter x

App-side nvue to solve such needs, should not use wxs, but use bindingx.

wxs example

The following are some simple examples of using WXS. For a complete understanding of WXS syntax, please refer to WXS Syntax Reference. This example uses wxs to respond to the touchmove event, reducing the communication between the view layer and the logic layer, and making the sliding smoother.

		<view class="area">
			<view @touchstart="test.touchstart" @touchmove="test.touchmove" class="movable">{{test.msg}}</view>
<script module="test" lang="wxs">
	var startX = 0
	var startY = 0
	var lastLeft = 50; var lastTop = 50
	function touchstart(event, ins) {
	  var touch = event.touches[0] || event.changedTouches[0]
	  startX = touch.pageX
	  startY = touch.pageY
	function touchmove(event, ins) {
	  var touch = event.touches[0] || event.changedTouches[0]
	  var pageX = touch.pageX
	  var pageY = touch.pageY
	  var left = pageX - startX + lastLeft
	  var top = pageY - startY + lastTop
	  startX = pageX
	  startY = pageY
	  lastLeft = left
	  lastTop = top
	    left: left + 'px',
	    top: top + 'px'
		return false
	module.exports = {
		msg: 'Hello',
	  touchstart: touchstart,
	  touchmove: touchmove

	export default {
		data() {
			return {
		methods: {

	position: absolute;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	position: absolute;
	width: 100px;
	height: 100px;
	left: 50px;
	top: 50px;
	color: white;
	text-align: center;
	line-height: 100px;
	background-color: red;

Alipay applet and Baidu applet do not officially support event response, but you can also use the corresponding SJS and Filter filters to implement some data processing operations. The following code shows a small function of time formatting


			{{timestr}} 是
<script module="utils" lang="filter" src="./utils.filter.js"></script>
<script module="utils" lang="sjs" src="./utils.sjs"></script>

	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				timestr: '2019/08/22 10:10:10',
				timestamp: 0
		created() {
			this.timestamp = new Date(this.timestr).getTime()
		methods: {

utils.sjs is the same as utils.filter.js

export default {
	friendlyDate: (timestamp) => {
		var formats = {
			'year': '%n% 年前',
			'month': '%n% 月前',
			'day': '%n% 天前',
			'hour': '%n% 小时前',
			'minute': '%n% 分钟前',
			'second': '%n% 秒前',
		var now = Date.now();
		var seconds = Math.floor((now - parseInt(timestamp)) / 1000);
		var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
		var hours = Math.floor(minutes / 60);
		var days = Math.floor(hours / 24);
		var months = Math.floor(days / 30);
		var years = Math.floor(months / 12);

		var diffType = '';
		var diffValue = 0;
		if (years > 0) {
			diffType = 'year';
			diffValue = years;
		} else {
			if (months > 0) {
				diffType = 'month';
				diffValue = months;
			} else {
				if (days > 0) {
					diffType = 'day';
					diffValue = days;
				} else {
					if (hours > 0) {
						diffType = 'hour';
						diffValue = hours;
					} else {
						if (minutes > 0) {
							diffType = 'minute';
							diffValue = minutes;
						} else {
							diffType = 'second';
							diffValue = seconds === 0 ? (seconds = 1) : seconds;
		return formats[diffType].replace('%n%', diffValue);


introduction method

<!-- inline -->
<script module="test" lang="wxs">
<script module="utils" lang="filter">

<!-- External import -->
<script module="utils" lang="wxs" src="./utils.wxs"></script>
<script module="utils" lang="filter" src="./utils.filter.js"></script>
<script module="utils" lang="sjs" src="./utils.sjs"></script>
  • [Important] When writing the content of wxs, sjs, filter.js, you must follow the corresponding syntax specifications
  • [Important] The module name specified by module cannot have the same name as the attributes in data, methods, and computed
  • setup script usage is not supported in vue3 projects
  • At present, the relevant specifications of each applet are being improved, and there may be major changes. Please read the documentation of the corresponding platform carefully
  • Please use sjs specification for Alipay applet, see details
  • Alipay applet sjs can only be defined in the .sjs file, and then imported using the <script> tag
  • The tag attributes name and from of the Alipay applet script have been unified into module and src, so as to realize the unified writing method on multiple platforms in the future
  • Please use Filter specification in Baidu applet, see details
  • Baidu applet Filter can only export function function
  • It is not supported to call other files of the same type in wxs, sjs, filter.js
  • wxs and filter.js can be used both inline and externally, while sjs can only be imported externally
  • QQ applet currently does not support inline wxs well, some writing methods may lead to compilation errors, try to use externally imported methods
  • wxcomponents can also use wxs in WeChat custom components
  • nvue page does not support wxs, sjs, filter.js
  • Each script tag will be packaged to the corresponding supported platform, no additional conditional compilation is required
  • HBuilderX 2.2.5开始,不推荐使用各个小程序自有的引入方式,推荐使用script标签引入
  • App和H5端,提供了wxs的升级版,更加强大,见下面的 renderjs 章节