is a set of global styles provided by uni-ui
, through some simple class names and sass
variables, to achieve simple page layout operations, such as color, margins, rounded corners, etc.
/* 需要放到文件最上面 */
@import '@/uni_modules/uni-scss/variables.scss';
// main color
$uni-primary: #2979ff;
$uni-primary-light: mix(#fff,$uni-primary,80%);
// secondary color
// Scene colors other than the main color need to be used in different scenes (for example, dangerous colors indicate dangerous operations).
$uni-success: #18bc37;
$uni-success-light: mix(#fff,$uni-success,80%);
$uni-warning: #f3a73f;
$uni-warning-light: mix(#fff,$uni-warning,80%);
$uni-error: #e43d33;
$uni-error-light: mix(#fff,$uni-error,80%);
$uni-info: #8f939c;
$uni-info-light: mix(#fff,$uni-info,80%);
// neutral color
// Neutral colors are used for text, background and border colors. The hierarchy is expressed by using different neutral colors.
$uni-main-color: #3a3a3a; // 主要文字
$uni-base-color: #6a6a6a; // 常规文字
$uni-secondary-color: #909399; // 次要文字
$uni-extra-color: #c7c7c7; // 辅助说明
// border color
$uni-border-1: #F0F0F0;
$uni-border-2: #EDEDED;
$uni-border-3: #DCDCDC;
$uni-border-4: #B9B9B9;
// regular color
$uni-black: #000000;
$uni-white: #ffffff;
$uni-transparent: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0);
// background color
$uni-bg-color: #f7f7f7;
/* 水平间距 */
$uni-spacing-sm: 8px;
$uni-spacing-base: 15px;
$uni-spacing-lg: 30px;
// shadow
$uni-shadow-sm:0 0 5px rgba($color: #d8d8d8, $alpha: 0.5);
$uni-shadow-base:0 1px 8px 1px rgba($color: #a5a5a5, $alpha: 0.2);
$uni-shadow-lg:0px 1px 10px 2px rgba($color: #a5a4a4, $alpha: 0.5);
// mask
$uni-mask: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.4);
uni-ui.scss also provides a set of auxiliary styles for users to complete quick layouts.
The user needs to decide whether to use , if it is used, the css will increase by about 27kb
Use in App.vue <style lang='scss'>
to import
@import '@/uni_modules/uni-scss/index.scss';
For the foreground color, you can directly use the class with the same name as the variable name to quickly apply the color
style to the element
<view class="uni-primary">主色</view>
<view class="uni-success">成功色</view>
<view class="uni-warning">警告色</view>
<view class="uni-error">错误色</view>
The background color can be added to the variable name above with -bg
to quickly apply the background-color
style to the element
<view class="uni-primary-bg">主色</view>
<view class="uni-success-bg">成功色</view>
<view class="uni-warning-bg">警告色</view>
<view class="uni-error-bg">错误色</view>
Quickly apply the border-radius
style to an element using the border-radius helper style
The rule is uni-radius-${direction}-${size}
If you want four sides, you don't need to specify direction
direction is as follows
The border radius can be configured per edge by using the t, r, b, l
built-in classes, for example: uni-radius-t
, uni-radius-b-lg
The border radius can be configured on each corner by using the tl, tr, br, bl
built-in classes, for example: uni-radius-tl
, uni-radius-br-lg
The values of size are as follows
Based on the rounded dimensions of the $border-radius-root
variable, which defaults to 0.25rpx.
在 uni.scss 中修改默认值
$uni-radius: (
0: 0,
'sm': $uni-radius-root / 2,
null: $uni-radius-root,
'lg': $uni-radius-root * 2,
'xl': $uni-radius-root * 6,
'pill': 9999px,
'circle': 50%
<view class="uni-radius-tl">设置左上圆角</view>
<view class="uni-radius-br">设置右下圆角</view>
使用间距辅助类对元素快速应用 margin
或 padding
样式, 范围是从 0 到 16。
规则为 uni-${property}${direction}-${size}
property Application spacing type:
direction specifies the side to which the property applies:
<view class="uni-mt-2"></view>
size controls the spacing property in 4px
<!-- margin-top is 8px -->
<view class="uni-mt-2"></view>
<!-- Left and right margins are 8px-->
<view class="uni-mx-2"></view>
<!-- The top and bottom padding is 20px -->
<view class="uni-py-5"></view>
Modify default values in uni.scss
class name in the outermost layer of the page, otherwise the style may not take effect <template>
<view class="container">
<view class="uni-ma-5">test</view>