HBuilderX 3.6.8+ support
The problems with network security are many:
When the attacker knows what kind of data your server receives, he can impersonate the client and submit fake data to attack your server.
Especially when your business involves promotions, rebates, incentive videos and other scenarios, it is very easy to be swiped. Sweeping wool is already a very mature gray industry, where there are loopholes, there are opportunities for them to make money.
DCloud provides developers with both the client engine uni-app
and the cloud engine uniCloud
, which are now further upgraded to provide cloud-integrated security network capabilities.
When uni-app
connects to uniCloud
, you can choose whether to enable the secure network. Through a high-security protection mechanism, it solves the problem of client trust and network trust, and prevents client forgery and communication content capture.
The uni cloud integrated security network provides the following two practical functions:
Function name | Function description | Whether encoding is required | Specific documents |
Client verification | Specify a legal client, including package name, certificate, and appid. Untrusted clients will not be able to request the server | Only configuration, no coding required | Documentation |
Network transmission data encryption | Encrypt the network transmission data end-to-end to prevent interception and tampering by intermediate nodes | Need to set the encryption parameter in the code of the network request | Documentation |
Platform Difference Description
App | WeChat MiniApp | Web | Other MiniApp |
3.6.8+ | 3.6.8+ | x | x |
No matter which function of the security network is used, the security network must be activated first. Apps and WeChat MiniApp are slightly different, but they generally go through the following process:
The details of the App and WeChat platforms are as follows:
Application Details --> Certificate Management
, fill in the package name and signature of the Android application and the bundleId of the iOS application. An application can only have one distribution certificate configuration, but can have multiple development certificate configurationsIn essence, the security network is bound to the application's appid, package name, certificate and other information. It's just that these information are uniformly configured in dev and selected in the web console of uniCloud. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to whether the official version of the dev configuration and the package name and signature of the test version are correct.
Note: It will take effect after packaging. Custom Playground needs to be packaged for testing.
. Remember to upload it to the uniCloud service space after creating it.Reference document: Create a table
The implementation of the secure network on the WeChat MiniApp relies on some user-level credentials provided by WeChat. So you need to download uni-id-pages and uni-open-bridge, and in the app Initialize in .vue.
** Whether it is processing encrypted requests or requiring authentication, the cloud function of the client must rely on uni-id-common
and uni-open-bridge-common
when processing requests initiated by WeChat MiniApp**
Application Details--> [Name to be determined]
. An application can have only one release configuration, but can have multiple development configurationsuni-id
plugin download address, requires uni-id-pages 1.0.27
and aboveThe uni-id-pages
plugin is a cloud-integrated login plugin. In fact, the security network only needs the uni-id-co
cloud object. Whether to use the front-end login page in the plug-in is determined by the developer himself according to the business.
The security network relies on WeChat's access_token
, session_key
, encrypt_key
and other credentials on the WeChat MiniApp. These credentials need to be taken over by uni-open-bridge
plugin download addressLog in to the WeChat public platform https://mp.weixin.qq.com/,obtain the fixed MiniAppappid
and secret
of the WeChat applet, and configure them in uni-id-config
// uniCloud/cloudfunctions/common/uni-config-center/uni-id/config.json
"dcloudAppid": "__UNI__xxxxxx", // 在项目的 manifest.json 中
"mp-weixin": {
"tokenExpiresIn": 259200,
"oauth": {
"weixin": {
"appid": "", // 微信公众平台申请的小程序 appid
"appsecret": "" // 微信公众平台申请的小程序 secret
Configure uni-open-bridge
timing task, regularly get access_token from WeChat server and save it to Redis or database
// uniCloud/cloudfunctions/common/uni-config-center/uni-open-bridge/config.json
"schedule": {
"__UNI__xxxxxx": { // dcloudAppid, 需要和 `uni-config-center` uni-id中的配置一致
"enable": true, // 任务全局开关,优先级最高
"weixin-mp": { // 平台,目前仅支持 微信小程序、微信 H5,详情参见 https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/uniCloud/uni-open-bridge#platform
"enable": true, // 当前平台任务开关
"tasks": ["accessToken"] // 要执行的任务,微信小程序支持 accessToken
"ipWhiteList": [""] // 用于 URL化后 http 调用的服务器IP白名单,即指定ip的服务器才可以访问URL化后的`uni-open-bridge云对象
Note: When copying the content of this file, you need to remove the comment
. Standard json does not support comments. In HBuilderX, multiple selection //
can be used to remove comments in batches.
If the project has used uni-id-pages and uni-open-bridge before, the above steps can be omitted.
(能保证在调用安全网络请求前调用完成的时机均可) 调用 uniCloud.initSecureNetworkByWeixin()
export default {
onLaunch: async function() {
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
const userInfo = uniCloud.getCurrentUserInfo()
const callLoginByWeixin = userInfo.tokenExpired < Date.now() // 用户为未登录状态时调用一次微信登录
await uniCloud.initSecureNetworkByWeixin({
callLoginByWeixin: callLoginByWeixin
// #endif
Note: This method will call the login of the WeChat MiniApp once internally, and then use the returned code to call the secureNetworkHandshakeByWeixin
method of uni-id-co
(newly added in uni-id-pages 1.0.27)
cloud integrated security network module
for the WeChat MiniApp platform新增于HBuilderX 3.7.7
// app.js
export default {
onLaunch: async function() {
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
// 调用自有服务、云函数进行微信登录或以其他方式获取openid
const openid = 'xxx'
await uniCloud.initSecureNetworkByWeixin({
openid: openid
// #endif
uni-open-bridge-common仍依赖uni-id的配置获取微信小程序appid,如何配置请参考:uni-id config
如果从自有服务器同步access_token和session_key到uniCloud数据库内可以使用uni-open-bridge提供的url化调用方式,请参考:uni-open-bridge url化调用
await require('uni-open-bridge-common').setAccessToken({
dcloudAppid: '__UNI__xxx',
platform: 'weixin-mp'
}, {
access_token: accessToken
}, 7200) // 新获取的accessToken有效期是2小时
await require('uni-open-bridge-common').setSessionKey({
dcloudAppid: '__UNI__xxx',
platform: 'weixin-mp'
}, {
session_key: sessionKey
}, 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) // session_key并没有固定有效期,暂以30天进行存储
Added in HBuilderX 3.6.8
Client authentication is used to ensure the authenticity of the client that initiates the request, and only the specified client can access the cloud function.
The entire process of the client verification function is controlled by uniCloud. After this function is enabled, the client without access will be directly refused to call the cloud function.
The developer first selects which client applications can establish a secure network with uniCloud on the secure network page of uniCloud console, and then enables the mandatory client verification on the page separately .
After the client authentication function is enabled, security authentication is enabled for all cloud functions by default, and only applications configured in the list of secure network applications are allowed to access cloud functions. But sometimes, there is a need to exclude a certain cloud function. For example, if the specified cloud function verifies or does not verify the client identity, this cloud function may require url for external access.
Therefore, uni security network provides custom client verification rules.
On the Security Network page of the uniCloud web console, you can turn on the custom rule switch. After the custom rules are enabled, the unified client verification of all cloud functions will no longer be performed. Instead, cloud functions that are not matched by the rule do not perform client authentication.
The following example is a simple custom rule configuration:
"verify-client": [{ // 可访问云函数verify-client的应用列表
"appId": "__UNI_xxxx", // 客户端的DCloud AppId
"platform": "android", // 客户端平台,有三个可选值:android(安卓)、ios(iOS)、mp-weixin(微信小程序)。注意是小写
"version": "production" // 客户端版本,有两个可选值:production(正式版)、development(测试版)。注意是小写
The above rules mean that the cloud function named verify-client
can only be accessed by the application whose appid is __UNI_xxxx
, the platform is the client platform is android, and is the official version; other clients cannot access it. This cloud function; and except verify-client
, other cloud functions can be accessed by any client at will.
If you want to add more rules, add more arrays in json, each array is a rule. For example, if you want to configure the ios platform, add an array.
Note: The custom rule is a standard json and does not support writing comments. If you want to copy the sample code, please be sure to remove the comments.
The cloud function name is the key of json, but multiple cloud functions can be written. Including the following ways of writing:
verify-client1, verify-client2
, note that commas are English commas*
represents all cloud functionsWhen matching the custom rule configuration of a cloud function, the configuration of a single cloud function name is used first, followed by the configuration of multiple cloud function names, and finally the configuration of wildcards. If there is no match, the logic of verifying the client will not be executed for this cloud function.
as the cloud function nameIn addition to verifying the identity of the client, the uni security network also provides encryption of data transmitted up and down the network.
At this time, it is necessary to write codes on both the client and the server. It is not necessary to write a specific encryption and decryption algorithm. Instead, it is necessary to specify which requests and which data to encrypt on the client, and to verify whether the client is specified correctly in the cloud. conditions of.
Encryption and decryption use the internationally accepted high-bit AES algorithm.
The specific writing method is as follows:
When the client calls the cloud function through callFunction, add the secretType parameter.
name: 'collection',
data: {
name: 'user'
secretType: 'both' //both指上下行数据都加密,具体见下面的secretType章节
}).then(res => {
const {
} = res.result
if(errCode) {
content: errMsg,
showCancel: false
That is, each callFunction request can specify whether to encrypt, and whether to encrypt uplink data or downlink data.
in the success callback when returning a security network errorWhen the client calls the cloud object through importObject, configure whether to encrypt each method call through the secretMethods parameter.
const obj = uniCloud.importObject('object-name', {
secretMethods: {'login':'both'} // 对login方法设置为上下行的数据均要加密。也支持配置所有方法设置加密,参见下面的 secretMethods 说明
obj.test().then(()=>{}).catch(err => {
content: err.errMsg || err.message,
showCancel: false
That is, when a cloud object is imported, configure whether the request for a certain method should be encrypted, and whether to encrypt uplink data or downlink data. Then when the client calls the corresponding method of the cloud object, it will automatically execute according to this configuration.
clientDB does not currently support encrypted network data transmission. However, client authentication can still be used.
secretType attribute description
value | description |
none | The uplink and downlink are not encrypted, the default value |
request | Only encrypt the upstream data when the client requests, and the data sent by the server is not encrypted |
response | The client does not encrypt data when requesting, only encrypts the data delivered by the server |
both | Both client and server uplink and downlink data are encrypted |
secretMethods attribute description
is the method name in the cloud object that needs to be encrypted.
secretMethods: {'*':'both'}
secretMethods: {'login':'both'}
, specify secretType
of login
method as bothMethod-level configuration has the highest priority, for example secretMethods: {'*':'response', 'login':'both'}
, login's both override '*':'response'
The uni cloud integrated security network has encapsulated complex security-related algorithms at the bottom layer. Developers only need to care about which requests and which data are encrypted.
**Whether the client receives cloud data or the cloud receives client data, the data obtained by the developer's code will always be decrypted data. **
But there is a caveat in the cloud: In order to prevent the client from forging the secretType
to obtain sensitive data from the server, the server should prevail. If the secretType
carried by the client does not meet the requirements, the response data should be rejected.
The sample code is as follows:
There is a secretType in the context of the cloud function. If the returned data of this cloud function must be encrypted, the following method should be used to verify whether the client's request is legal.
exports.main = async (event, context) => {
const secretType = context.secretType
// secretType is the parameter secretType passed by the client to call uniCloud.callFunction
if (secretType !== 'both' || secretType !== 'response') {
throw new Error('secretType invalid') // 拒绝返回有效数据
There is secretType in this of the cloud object. If the return data of the reward method of this cloud object must be encrypted, the following method should be used to verify whether the client's request is legal.
module.exports = {
async _before() {
const methodName = this.getMethodName()
const clientInfo = this.getClientInfo()
const secretType = clientInfo.secretType
// methodName is the method name called by the client
// secretType is the parameter passed by the client calling uniCloud.importObject secretMethods
if (methodName === 'reward' && (secretType !== 'both' || secretType !== 'response')) {
throw new Error('secretType invalid') // 拒绝返回有效数据
Since HBuilderX 3.6.9, the safety network uses the following error specifications. It is not recommended to use the error codes before. Error specification reference for use with secure networks: Error Specification
Error code | Error details |
10001 | App platform does not support MiniApp sdk and standard dock |
10003 | App platform appKey is empty, please try to repackage |
10009 | App platform encryption failed |
10010 | App platform decryption failed |
20101 | The client information is not in the client information list that is allowed to be accessed. If the cloud adjustment configuration needs to repackage/run the client to take effect |
20102 | The WeChat MiniApp platform failed to obtain the encryption key |
Error code | Error details |
50000 | System Error |
60101 | Client AppId is missing |
60102 | Client DeviceId is missing |
60103 | Client OsName is missing |
60200 | The security network is not activated in the service space |
60201 | The AppId of the current application has not been associated with the uniCloud security network |
60202 | The current application AppId has been associated with the uniCloud security network, but the current client platform is not associated |
70001 | Client time error |
70002 | The AppId of the client fails to pass the verification |
70003 | The client DeviceId has not passed the verification |
70004 | The client information has not passed the verification |
70005 | User account does not exist |
70006 | User openid not found |
70007 | Failed to obtain encryption key |
70008 | The signature required for client authentication is missing, see the detailed description below |
70009 | Encryption key not found |
70010 | Access forbidden by emulator or rooted device |
If an unexpected 70008 error occurs, please follow the steps below to troubleshoot