本文为uni-im v2.x 的文档,如果旧项目需要继续使用老版本的uni-im v1.x,另见:https://gitcode.net/dcloud/hello-uni-im/-/blob/main/README.md

uni-im 已开放需求征集和投票 点此前往

# Introduction

uni-im is a cloud-integrated, full-platform, free and open-source instant messaging system.

  • Based on uni-app, App, MiniApp, and web are fully compatible
  • Based on uniCloud, both the front and back ends are developed using js
  • 基于uni-push2,专业稳定的全端推送系统
  • 基于uni-id,完善的账户体系
  • 支持服务端为非uniCloud(比如:应用服务端的开发语言是php、java、go、.net、python、c#等)或 不基于uni-id-pages 开发的项目接入



Download address: https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-im

# Features and advantages

  • Cost-effective; the front-end and back-end codes are free and open source, compared with competing products, using uni-im only costs a small amount of cost generated by hosting on uniCloud (serverless server) View details
  • full end available
  • App端支持nvue,更好的长列表性能。list组件性能优势详情参考
  • 智能本地缓存(app端sqlite,web端indexDB,小程序端storage),更快的历史消息加载速度,更小的网络请求压力
  • 中心化响应式数据管理,切换会话无需重新加载数据,更流畅的体验
  • The app aggregates multiple mobile phone manufacturers' push channels, and the app can receive messages even when the app is offline

# 版本计划

# 已上线

  • 应用内嵌入uni-im,使用户方便、实时的与App运营者互动,咨询问题、反馈意见、进行投诉。
  • 可发送文字、图片、音频、视频、代码、任意文件
  • im交友场景:群聊、好友关系
  • 会话细节:消息删除、撤回、消息回复

# 后续计划

  1. 通信方式扩展:音频通话、视频通话
  2. 细节完善:聊天记录识别电话邮件、消息转发和批转、勿扰设置、会话置顶、留言转文字、图片提取文字
  3. 客服场景:管理端支持座席(暂时可先用通过:给每个用户创建一个群,隐藏群信息查看入口,成员进出群实现转坐席)



# Description of the cost generated by using uniCloud

uni-im itself does not charge any fees. In actual use, it needs to rely on uniCloud cloud services, which will incur fees; and the price of uniCloud is very affordable:

  • It only costs 0.0133 yuan to call cloud functions 10,000 times
  • It only costs 0.015 yuan to call 10,000 database queries

More billing reference: Aliyun version uniCloud pay-as-you-go document

# for example:

  • Single chat scenario, the process of sending a message to the user:
  1. Call the sendMsg method of the uni-im-co cloud object (generate a cloud function request)
  2. Query the session record of the current conversation (generate 1 cloud database read operation)
  3. According to the query result of step 2, if there is a session record, update the session, otherwise, create a session record (generate 1 cloud database write operation)
  4. Query the information of the user who sent the message, which is used to display the sender's nickname and avatar in the notification bar when receiving the message (generates a cloud database read operation)
  5. Record the sent message content to the database to save the message history (generate 1 cloud database write operation)
  6. Sending a message to a user through uni-push2 with user_id as the identifier will generate a uniCloud usage fee of 0.00000283 yuan View details

Total: 1 cloud function request, 2 database read operations, 2 database write operations, 1 uni-push2 push operation, namely (1 * 0.0133 + 2 * 0.015 + 2 * 0.05 + 1 * 0.0283)/10000 ≈ 0.000017 Yuan

  • Group chat scenario, the process of sending a message to the user:
  1. Call the sendMsg method of the uni-im-co cloud object (generate a cloud function request)
  2. Query whether the current user is a group member, and prevent non-group members from sending messages (generate 1 cloud database read operation)
  3. Query the session record of the current conversation (generate 1 cloud database read operation)
  4. According to the query result of step 3, if there is already a session record, update the session, otherwise, create a session record (generate 1 cloud database write operation)
  5. Query the information of the user who sent the message, which is used to display the sender's nickname and avatar in the notification bar when receiving the message (generates a cloud database read operation)
  6. Record the sent message content to the database to save the message history (generate 1 cloud database write operation)
  7. With the group id as a parameter, call the sendMsgToGroup method of the uni-im-co cloud object, which is a recursive method to push messages to 500 group members each time (if the number of group members is 0-500, it only needs to be executed once, 500 -1000 needs to be executed 2 times, and so on), (at least 1 database read operation will be generated, and 1 time to send a message to the user through uni-push2 with user_id as the identifier will generate 0.00000283 yuan uniCloud usage fee details View)

Total: sending a message to 500 people will generate: 1 cloud function request, 4 database read operations, 2 database write operations, 1 uni-push2 push operation, that is (1 * 0.0133 + 4 * 0.015 + 2 * 0.05 + 1 * 0.0283)/10000 ≈ 0.000020 yuan

Compared with similar products on the market, using uni-im only costs such a cheap uniCloud (serverless server); in terms of price, uni-im is extremely cost-effective.

# Rapid deployment experience

# 前提条件

  1. 开通uniCloud并创建服务空间 控制面板
  2. 开通uni-push2.0(注意:无论是APP、小程序、web端都需要开通,否则消息将无法实时更新点此前往开通

# Experience steps

  1. Open uni-im plug-in download address: [https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-im](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name= uni-im)
  2. 点击使用HBuilderX导入示例项目
  3. 对项目根目录uniCloud点右键选择“云服务空间初始化向导”界面按提示部署项目(注意:选择绑定的服务空间,须在uni-push2.0的web控制台关联)
  4. 运行项目到2个不同的浏览器,因为在同一个浏览器打开相同网络地址(ip或者域名)的uni-im项目,socket会相互占线。 So you need to use two browsers (or use the browser's open a new incognito window function to act as a second browser) to register an account and log in respectively, 到此部署已经结束
  5. 向对应的用户发起会话,通过访问路径:/uni_modules/uni-im/pages/chat/chat?user_id= + 对应的用户id 即可

# Deploy to your own project

  1. Open uni-im plug-in download address: [https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name=uni-im](https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?name= uni-im)
  2. 点击使用HBuilderX导入插件,选择你的项目,点击确定(同时会自动导入依赖的uni_modulesuni-id-pages)按提示操作自动配置pages.json
  3. 打开项目根目录的App.vue文件,初始化uni-id-pages和uniIm模块
    Examples are as follows:
	//1. 导入统一身份信息管理模块
	import uniIdPagesInit from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/init.js';
	//2. Import the Utils tool class of uniIm
	import uniImUtils from '@/uni_modules/uni-im/common/utils.js';
	export default {
		onLaunch: async function() {
			console.log('App Launch');
			//3. Initialize the uni identity information management module
			//4. Initialize uniIm
		onShow: function() {
			console.log('App Show');
		onHide: function() {
			console.log('App Hide');
  1. 部署到uniCloud
    对项目根目录uniCloud点右键,选择“云服务空间初始化向导” 按提示部署项目(注意:选择绑定的服务空间,须在uni-push2.0的web控制台关联)

  2. 登录uni-im

    uni-im的服务端代码托管在uniCloud下,账户体系是uni-id 4.0+的; uni-app生态下绝大部分项目的架构与uni-im相同,所以不需要考虑账号打通问题,用户登录项目后,不需要额外登录uni-im。


    import uniImUtils from '@/uni_modules/uni-im/common/utils.js';
    	url: 'https://www.example.com/login', //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。
    	data: {
    		username: 'test',
    		password: '123456'
    	success:async (res) => {
    		// 得到你自己项目的token和uni-id的token
    		let {token,uniIdToken} = res.data
    		// 【请注意】这里的`uniIdToken` 是一个`对象`:包含:`token`和`tokenExpired`
    		await uniImUtils.login(uniIdToken)


    • 客户端如果不是uni-app的,如果是网页,可iframe内嵌。如果是原生app,可嵌入uni小程序sdk

    • 不基于uni-id-pages的客户端代码,仅基于uni-id-co的项目,需要在登录成功和用户信息更新时,同步更新uniId store内的当前用户信息(uni-im显示当前用户头像、昵称时会用到)示例代码:

    	import {mutations as uniIdMutations} from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js';
    	await uniIdMutations.updateUserInfo()
    • 基于老版uni-id(版本号:3.x) 开发的项目,需要如下改造:
      1. 在登录成功和token续期后,绑定当前账号与设备推送标识的关联关系。示例代码:
    	const uniIdCo = uniCloud.importObject("uni-id-co", {customUI: true})
    		success: async function(e) {
    			let pushClientId = e.cid
    			let res = await uniIdCo.setPushCid({
    			console.log('getPushClientId', res);
    		fail(e) {
     2. 在登录成功和用户信息更新时,同步更新uniId store内的当前用户信息(uni-im显示当前用户头像、昵称时会用到)示例代码:
    	import {mutations as uniIdMutations} from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js';
    	await uniIdMutations.updateUserInfo()
  3. 确保账户对接成功后,打开“用户列表页”,路径:/uni_modules/uni-im/pages/userList/userList可以看到所有的注册用户

  4. 点击某个用户,会自动创建与该用户的会话,并打开“聊天对话页”(路径:/uni_modules/uni-im/pages/chat/chat),然后就可以开始聊天了。

  5. 还可以导入uni-im的示例项目作为管理员端与用户聊天。

  6. 如果你是2个不同appId的应用相互通讯(比如:淘宝的买家端和卖家端通讯)的场景,请打开聊天对话文件(路径:/uni_modules/uni-im/pages/chat/chat)搜索data.appId = this.systemInfo.appId修改this.systemInfo.appId为相对的appId


  1. 退出登录;需要在执行退出登录/切换账号时,调用uni-id的退出登录接口。否则会出现退出登录后的设备仍然能收到im消息,或导致此设备再登录其他账号不能正常收到消息的问题;示例代码如下:
import {mutations as uniIdMutations} from '@/uni_modules/uni-id-pages/common/store.js'
  1. token有效期问题,保证你的项目token有效期和uni-id的token有效期保持一致。这涉及两个操作:
  • 配置uni-id的token过期时间与你的项目token有效期一致。配置路径:/uni_modules/uni-config-center/uniCloud/cloudfunctions/common/uni-config-center/uni-id/config.json,关于配置说明详情查看
  • 如果你的项目有token续期逻辑,需要在续期后调用uni-id的token续期接口,示例代码:
const uniIdCo = uniCloud.importObject("uni-id-co", {customUI: true})
await uniIdCo.refreshToken()


  1. 为什么不能实时接收到推送的消息,需要刷新或者关闭重新打开才能收到?
    答: uni-im通过uni-push2实现消息实时送达,请检查是否已正确配合并开通,且在配置正常后重新登录

  2. 怎么样快速上手

# Restrict ordinary users from initiating sessions to other users

In the customer service scenario, we hope that the administrator customer service can initiate a session with any user. The conversation object of ordinary users can only be customer service.

  • client limit Delete or hide the "User List Page" and "Conversation List Page", leaving only the "Chat Conversation Page". And draw a button, such as: "Contact Customer Service", click to open the "Chat Dialogue Page" The logic code is as follows:
	url:'/uni_modules/uni-im/pages/chat/chat?user_id=' + 对应的用户id
  • Server-side restrictions
  1. Add uni-im configuration file, open: /uni_modules/uni-config-center/uniCloud/cloudfunctions/common/uni-config-center/; create uni-im folder and config.jsonfile, for example:
  1. 配置customer_service_uids的值为管理员客服的user_id(支持多个以数组的形式指定),如果会话双方均不属于此域则无法通讯。不配置或为false则表示不限制。

# Development documentation

# Directory Structure

│    ├─其他module
│    └─uni-im
│        ├─uniCloud
│        │    ├─cloudfunctions                         云函数目录
│        │    │    └─uni-im-co                         集成调用uni-im方法的云对象
│        │    └─database
│        │      ├─uni-id-users.schema.ext.js           用户表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-conversation.schema.ext.js    聊天会话表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-conversation.schema.json      聊天会话表的表结构
│        │      ├─uni-im-friend-invite.schema.ext.js   邀请加为好友表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-friend-invite.schema.json     邀请加为好友表表结构
│        │      ├─uni-im-friend.schema.ext.js          好友关系表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-friend.schema.json            好友关系表表结构
│        │      ├─uni-im-group-join.schema.ext.js      申请加入群聊表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-group-join.schema.json        申请加入群聊表表结构
│        │      ├─uni-im-group-member.schema.ext.js    群成员表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-group-member.schema.json      群成员表表结构
│        │      ├─uni-im-group.schema.ext.js           群信息表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-group.schema.json             群信息表表结构
│        │      ├─uni-im-msg.schema.ext.js             聊天消息表触发器
│        │      ├─uni-im-msg.schema.json               聊天消息表表结构
│        │      └─uni-im-notification.schema.json      推送消息记录表(仅记录系统消息)
│        ├─common
│        │    ├─appEvent.js             生命周期事件api库
│        │    ├─emojiCodes.js           emoji表情列表
│        │    ├─initIndexDB.js          indexDB本地数据库初始化文件(仅Web端使用)
│        │    ├─md5.js                  md5哈希加密算法(用于本地直接生成会话id)
│        │    ├─toFriendlyTime.js       时间戳转友好时间提示字符库文件(如:x年x月x日,昨天,下午,周二,1小时前等)
│        │    ├─sqlite.js               sqlite本地数据库初始化文件(仅App端使用)
│        │    └─utils.js                工具类库
│        ├─components
│        │    └─uni-im-msg              显示聊天消息气泡组件
│        ├─ lib
│        │    ├─createObservable.js     创建响应式对象文件
│        │    ├─main.js                 核心库入口文件
│        │    └─msgManager.js           消息管理类库
│        ├─pages
│        │    ├─chat
│        │    │    ├─info.nvue           对话详情(显示好友信息,可在此页面操作删除好友。后续支持:备注好友、打标签、拉黑、屏蔽等功能)
│        │    │    └─chat.nvue           聊天对话页
│        │    ├─common                   公共页面
│        │    │    ├─uni-im-code-pages   代码类型消息浏览专用页面
│        │    │    └─video               视频播放专用页面
│        │    ├─contacts
│        │    │    ├─addPeopleGroups     查找并添加用户或群
│        │    │    ├─createGroup         创建群聊
│        │    │    ├─groupList           我的群列表
│        │    │    ├─notification        im系统通知页面
│        │    │    └─contacts.nvue       联系人页面
│        │    ├─group                    
│        │    │    ├─groupQRCode         群二维码页面(未完成)
│        │    │    └─info                群信息页面(管理群)
│        │    ├─index                    首页(展示会话列表)
│        │    └─userList                 所有用户列表页
│        ├─static                        静态资源目录
│        ├─changelog.md                  更新日志
│        ├─package.json                  包管理文件
│        └─readme.md                     插件自述文件


  • 聊天会话ID
  • 聊天会话

# uni-im-co 云函数(云对象)


API 描述
getConversationList 获取会话列表见下方
sendMsg 发送聊天消息见下方
sendPushMsg 触发器专用消息推送方法
sendMsgToGroup 向群用户递归推送消息见下方
addFriendInvite 向用户发起加好友邀请见下方
chooseUserIntoGroup 选择用户加入群聊(不传群id时为创建群)见下方
revokeMsg 撤回已经发送的消息见下方

# 获取会话列表 getConversationList


参数名 类型 必填 说明
limit number 数量,默认值:500
maxUpdateTime number 最大更新时间(实现高性能分页)
page number 页码


参数名 类型 说明
errCode string|number 错误码,0表示成功
errMsg string 错误信息
data array 会话数据

# 发送聊天消息 sendMsg

参数名 类型 必填 说明
appId string 接收消息的appId;如果你是2个不同appId的应用相互发,请修改此值为相对的appId
to_uid string 接收消息的用户id
group_id string 接收消息的群id
body string 消息内容,type = text时为文本内容.type = image时为图片网络地址
type string 消息类型,暂时仅支持:text(表示文本类型)、image(表示图片类型)
isRetries Boolean 是否为重发


参数名 类型 说明
errCode string|number 错误码,0表示成功
data object
 |- create_time 创建时间


const uniImCo = uniCloud.importObject('uni-im-co', {
  customUI: true
await uniImCo.sendMsg({

# 向群用户递归推送消息 sendMsgToGroup


参数名 类型 必填 说明
appId string 接收消息的应用appId
pushParam object 参数同uni-push2.0的sendMessage方法,详情参考https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/uniCloud/uni-cloud-push/api.html#sendmessage
before_id string 从哪个用户id开始(用于实现高性能分页)
push_clientids array 个推设备id列表

return value

parameter name type description
errCode string|number 错误码,0表示成功
errMsg string 错误信息

# 撤回已发送的消息 revokeMsg

参数名 类型 必填 说明
msgId string 消息id
参数名 类型 说明
errCode string|number 错误码,0表示成功
errMsg string 错误信息

# 向用户发起加好友邀请 addFriendInvite

参数名 类型 必填 说明
to_uid string 被邀请的用户id
message string 请求信息

return value

参数名 类型 说明
errCode string|number 错误码,0表示成功
errMsg string 错误信息

# 选择用户加入群聊 chooseUserIntoGroup

参数名 类型 必填 说明
group_id string 群id(为空则创建群)
user_ids string 用户id数组

return value

parameter name type description
errCode string|number Error code, 0 means success
errMsg string 错误信息
data object 返回信息
 |- group_id string 群id

# Server configuration

Path: /uni_modules/uni-config-center/uniCloud/cloudfunctions/common/uni-config-center/uni-im/config.json

字段名 数据类型 说明
customer_service_uids string/boolean 客服用户id,不限制则填false即可;仅conversation_grade的值为100时有效
conversation_grade int 控制发起会话的条件,详情会话控制

# Conversation Control

0 不限制
100 仅限当前用户向:客服、好友、群成员发起会话
200 仅限当前用户向:好友或群成员发起会话

# 客户端sdk


uni-im2.0 废弃了1.0通过Vuex的状态管理方式,不再需要关心vuex的用法,直接当做一个全局的响应式js变量即可。

# state

名称 类型 说明
conversation object 会话对象
 |- dataList array 会话数据列表
 |- hasMore boolean 是否还有更多会话数据
currentConversationId string 正在对话的会话id
heartbeat timestamp 心跳(精确到秒)详情:心跳概念说明
friend object 好友对象
 |- dataList array 好友数据列表
 |- hasMore boolean 是否还有更多好友数据
group object 聊天群对象
 |- dataList array 聊天群数据列表
 |- hasMore boolean 是否还有更多群聊数据
notification object 系统通知对象
 |- dataList array 系统通知数据列表
 |- hasMore boolean 是否还有更多系统通知数据
usersInfo object 存储所有出现过的用户信息,包括群好友信息
isWidescreen boolean 是否为pc宽屏
systemInfo object 系统信息详情参考:https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/api/system/info.html#系统信息的概念
indexDB object/boolean indexDB对象(仅web端有效)
audioContext object/boolean audio对象
dataBaseIsOpen boolean 判断本地sqlite数据库是否已经打开(仅app端有用)
socketOpenIndex number 记录socket打开次数(用于处理:从云端同步,socket意外断开期间丢失的数据使用)

心跳概念说明 heartbeat @heartbeatExplain

# methods

名称 说明
conversation 会话对象
 |- get 获取会话数据
 |- loadMore 加载更多会话数据
 |- unreadCount 统计所有消息的未读数
 |- remove 删除会话
notification 系统消息
 |- get 获取系统消息
 |- loadMore 加载更多系统消息
 |- unreadCount 统计未读数
friend 好友列表
 |- get 获取好友数据
 |- loadMore 加载更多系统消息
group 群列表
 |- get 获取群聊数据
 |- loadMore 加载更多群聊数据
mergeUsersInfo 添加用户信息到本地用户信息库
clearUnreadCount 设置某个会话的未读消息数为已读


import uniIm from '@/uni_modules/uni-im/lib/main.js';
  • 获取会话数据
  1. 获取全部会话数据
let param = null
let conversationList = await uniIm.conversation.get(param)
  1. 获取指定会话的id会话数据
let param = "xxx"
let conversationList = await uniIm.conversation.get(param)
  1. 获取指定好友id的会话数据(如果本地不存在则从云端拉取,仍然不存在则本地自动创建)
let param = {"friend_uid":"xxx"},
let conversationList = await uniIm.conversation.get(param)
  1. 获取指定群聊id的会话数据(如果本地不存在则从云端拉取,仍然不存在则本地自动创建)
let param = {"group_id":"xxx"}
let conversationList = await uniIm.conversation.get(param)
  • 加载会话数据
  1. 加载更多会话数据(分页加载,新数据的会话更新时间,小于列表中最小的会话更新时间)
let param = null
let conversationList = await uniIm.conversation.loadMore(param)
  1. 加载指定会话id的会话数据
// xxx表示会话id
let param = 'xxx' 
let conversationData = await uniIm.conversation.loadMore(param)


属性名 类型 说明
id string 当前会话id
title string Normal session is the user name or nickname of the other party, group session is the group nickname
avatar_file uniCloud file 普通会话为对方的用户头像、群会话为群头像
unread_count number number of unread messages
user_id string The user id of the conversation (empty for group chat sessions)
group_id string The group chat id of the conversation (empty for normal conversations)
update_time timestamp Update time (updated every session)
msgList array Current session chat data list
chatText string The text box text content of the current session
  • 统计所有消息的未读数
let unreadCount = await uniIm.conversation.unreadCount()
  • 删除指定id的会话数据
// xxx表示会话id
let param = 'xxxx'
await uniIm.conversation.remove(param)
  • 获取系统消息数据
  1. 不限类型
let param = null
await uniIm.notification.get(param)
  1. 指定类型(单个)
// uni-im-group-join-request 表示加群通知
let param = {type:"uni-im-friend-invite"} 
await uniIm.notification.get(param)
  1. 指定类型(多个)
// uni-im-group-join-request uni-im-friend-invite 表示加群通知、好友加请求通知
let param = {type:["uni-im-friend-invite","uni-im-friend-invite"]} 
await uniIm.notification.get(param)
  1. 排除类型(单个)
// uni-im-group-join-request 表示加群通知
let param = {excludeType:"uni-im-friend-invite"} 
await uniIm.notification.get(param)
  1. 排除类型(多个)
// uni-im-group-join-request uni-im-friend-invite 表示加群通知、好友加请求通知
let param = {excludeType:["uni-im-friend-invite","uni-im-friend-invite"]}
await uniIm.notification.get(param)
  • 加载系统消息数据

  • 获取好友数据

await uniIm.friend.get()
  • 加载更多好友数据
  1. 分页加载
await uniIm.friend.loadMore()
  1. 加载指定好友数据
let param = {"friend_uid":"xxx"}
await uniIm.friend.loadMore(param)
  • 删除好友数据
let param = {"friend_uid":"xxx"}
await uniIm.friend.remove(param)
  • 获取群聊数据
await uniIm.group.get()
  • 加载更多群聊数据
  1. 分页加载
await uniIm.group.loadMore()
  1. 加载指定群聊数据
let param = {"group_id":"xxx"}
await uniIm.group.loadMore(param)
  • 删除群聊数据
let param = {"group_id":"xxx"}
await uniIm.group.remove(param)
  • 添加用户信息到本地用户信息库
// xxx表示用户数据
let usersInfo = {xxx}
await uniIm.mergeUsersInfo(usersInfo)
  • 设置某个会话的未读消息数为已读
// xxx表示会话id
let conversation_id = "xxx"
await uniIm.clearUnreadCount(conversation_id)

# Tool class library

utils encapsulates the modules of common methods of uni-im, path: /uni_modules/uni-im/common/utils.js

名称 类型 说明 入参 返回值
init function 初始化uni-im(监听聊天消息,定时每秒更新心跳值为当前时间戳)
getConversationId function 获取会话id 对话的用户id或群id 详见详见
toFriendlyTime function 用于将时间戳转友好时间提示(距离当前2小时内的时间戳,每隔一秒钟会刷新一次) 时间戳:timestamp 格式化后的时间字符串。如:x年x月x日,昨天,下午,1小时前等
clearPushNotify function 清空push消息栏通知
login function 非uni-id体系系统登录到uni-im方法 时间戳:timestamp 参数为对象,含token和token过期时间,例如:{"token":"xxx","tokenExpired":1679403132582}
  • 获取会话id @getConversationId
  1. 获取单聊会话id
let friend_uid = "xxx"
  1. 获取群聊会话id
let group_id = "xxx"

# 重要更新说明:

  • V2.0.14,V2.0.13 更新解决了:uni-id-users表的触发器uni-id-users.schema.ext.js的兼容性问题。 这个问题可能会和你的项目产生冲突,请升级或者下载最新版的uni-im复制uni_modules/uni-im/unicloud/database/uni-id-users.schema.ext.js文件复制到你的项目中以覆盖原文件。

# 项目升级



# agreement

uni-im source code license agreement

October 2022

This license agreement is a license agreement provided by Digital Paradise (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as DCloud) to its copyrighted "DCloud uni-im" (hereinafter referred to as software).

Your copying, use, modification and distribution of the "Software" are subject to the terms of this License Agreement. If you do not accept this Agreement, you cannot use, copy or modify the Software.

License scope

a) Grant you a perpetual, global, free, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to use the source code of this software, and you can use these source codes to make your own applications.

b) You can only use the software and its source code within the DCloud product system. You cannot modify the source code to run in an environment outside the DCloud product system, for example, the client is separated from uni-app, or the server is separated from uniCloud.

c) DCloud does not authorize you to use the trademark. When you make your own application based on the source code of this software, you need to release the software in your own name, not in the name of DCloud.

d) This agreement does not create an agency relationship.

DCloud's Limitation of Liability THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. In any case, DCloud shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss caused by anyone using the "software", regardless of the cause or based on any legal theory, even if it has been suggested that there is the possibility of such loss .

Limitation of your liability

a) You need to use the software within the scope of the license.

b) You must not infringe DCloud's trademark and reputation rights when distributing your own applications.

c) You are not allowed to crack, decompile, shell and other acts that infringe DCloud's intellectual property rights. You are not allowed to take advantage of DCloud system loopholes to seek profit or infringe on DCloud’s interests. If you discover DCloud system loopholes, you should notify DCloud as soon as possible. You are not allowed to attack DCloud's server, network and other actions that hinder DCloud's operation. You may not use DCloud's products to compete with DCloud for developers.

d) If you violate this license agreement, you shall bear the losses caused to DCloud.

The place where this agreement is signed is Haidian District, Beijing, People's Republic of China.

According to the development, DCloud may modify this Agreement. When modifying, DCloud will publish relevant information in a prominent position on the product or webpage to notify users in a timely manner. If you choose to continue using the Framework, you agree to accept these modifications.

end of terms