# uniCloud client sdk

uniCloud is divided into two parts: the client and the cloud. Some interfaces have the same name and similar parameters. Here are the interfaces/properties that can be used in the client sdk to avoid confusion.


List of Client APIs

API Description
uniCloud.importObject() Get the cloud object reference to call the cloud object interface Details
uniCloud.callFunction() The client calls cloud functions Details
uniCloud.database() The client accesses the cloud database and obtains the object reference of the cloud database Details
uniCloud.uploadFile() Client uploads files directly to cloud storage Details
uniCloud.getTempFileURL() The client gets the temporary path of the cloud storage file Details
uniCloud.chooseAndUploadFile() The client selects a file and uploads it Details
uniCloud.getCurrentUserInfo() Get current user information Details
uniCloud.init() Initialize additional service space when using multiple service spaces at the same time Details
uniCloud.addInterceptor() Add Interceptor Details
uniCloud.removeInterceptor() Remove the interceptor Details
uniCloud.interceptObject() Intercept cloud object requests Details
uniCloud.onResponse() Listen to the server (cloud function, cloud object, clientDB) response Details
uniCloud.offResponse() Remove the response from the monitoring server (cloud function, cloud object, clientDB) Details
uniCloud.onNeedLogin() Listen for login required events Details
uniCloud.offNeedLogin() Remove the need to log in event Details
uniCloud.onRefreshToken() Listen to the token update event Details
uniCloud.offRefreshToken() Remove monitoring token update event Details
uniCloud.initSecureNetworkByWeixin() Shake hands with the cloud function before sending the secure network request of the WeChat MiniAppdetails
uniCloud.getFileInfo() When Alibaba Cloud migrates the service space to the commercial version, use the beta cloud storage link to obtain the commercial version cloud storage link Details

# Get current user information getCurrentUserInfo

HBuilderX 3.1.0+

Parse the client token to obtain user information. It is often used to judge the current logged-in user status and user permissions on the front end, such as displaying and hiding certain buttons according to different permissions.


  • This interface will not send network requests, This interface is only a client interface, does not verify the validity of the token and whether it has expired
  • It needs to be used with uni-id and requires the client to store the token in uni_id_token in storage
  • To obtain role and permission, you need to cache role permissions in the token. This function is enabled by default in uni-id 3.0.0 or uni-id-common

Usage: uniCloud.getCurrentUserInfo()

This method is a synchronous method.

Response parameters

Field Type Description
uid Number current user uid
role Array List of user roles. admin user returns ["admin"]
permission Array A list of user permissions. Note that the admin role this array is empty
tokenExpired Number token expiration time

The following results are returned when the user information cannot be obtained

  uid: null,
  role: [],
  permission: [],
  tokenExpired: 0


console.log(uniCloud.getCurrentUserInfo().role.indexOf('admin')>-1); // 如果是admin用户的话,打印结果为true
console.log(uniCloud.getCurrentUserInfo().role.indexOf('admin')>-1); // If it is an admin user, the print result is true

# Add interceptor

Added in HBuilderX 3.1.20

Interface form: uniCloud.addInterceptor(String apiName, Object interceptor)

Platform Compatibility

Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud

Introduction to parameters

Fields Type Required Description
apiName string Yes Api name to be intercepted, optional values: callFunction, database, uploadFile
interceptor object Yes the interceptor to add

Interceptor parameter description

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description Platform Difference Description
invoke Function No Invoke before interception
success Function No Success callback interception
fail Function No Fail callback interception
complete Function No Complete callback interception


uniCloud.addInterceptor('callFunction', {
  invoke(param) {
    // param is the parameter for intercepting Api Example {name: 'functionName', data: {'functionParam1': 1, 'functionParam2': 2}}
    // Return an error here to terminate the api execution
  success(res) {
    // res is the return value of callFunction, the return value can be modified here
  fail(err) {
    // err is the error thrown by callFunction
    // The res in complete is the res or err above

# Remove interceptor

Added in HBuilderX 3.1.20

Interface form: uniCloud.removeInterceptor(String apiName, Object interceptor)

Introduction to parameters

Fields Type Required Description
apiName string Yes Api name to be intercepted, optional values: callFunction, database, uploadFile
interceptor object Yes The interceptor to be removed, optional, if this parameter is not passed, remove all interceptors of this API

Interceptor parameter description

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description Platform Difference Description
invoke Function No Invoke before interception
success Function No Success callback interception
fail Function No Fail callback interception
complete Function No Complete callback interception


  • The method in the interceptor to be removed must be consistent with the added method. For details, see the example below
// Wrong usage, cannot remove invoke interceptor
uniCloud.addInterceptor('callFunction', {
  invoke(param) {
    console.log('callFunction invoked, with param:',param)
uniCloud.removeInterceptor('callFunction', {
  invoke(param) {
    console.log('callFunction invoked, with param:',param)

// correct usage
function invokeInterceptor(param) {
  console.log('callFunction invoked, with param:',param)
uniCloud.addInterceptor('callFunction', {
  invoke: invokeInterceptor
uniCloud.removeInterceptor('callFunction', {
  invoke: invokeInterceptor

# Intercept cloud object requests

Added in HBuilderX 3.5.5

Interface form: uniCloud.interceptObject(Object interceptor)

Interceptor parameter description

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description Platform Difference Description
invoke Function No Invoke before interception
success Function No Success callback interception
fail Function No Fail callback interception
complete Function No Complete callback interception

The invoke interceptor will receive parameters of the following form

  objectName: "", // 云对象名称
  methodName: "", // 云对象的方法名称
  params: [] // 参数列表

The success interceptor will receive parameters of the following form

  objectName: "", // 云对象名称
  methodName: "", // 云对象的方法名称
  params: [], // 参数列表
  result: {} // 云对象响应结果

The fail interceptor will receive parameters of the following form

  objectName: "", // 云对象名称
  methodName: "", // 云对象的方法名称
  params: [], // 参数列表
  error: new Error() // 错误对象

The complete interceptor will receive the same parameters as the success or fail interceptor, depending on whether the cloud function is successfully executed or not.

# Listen for cloud response

Added in HBuilderX 3.4.13

Used to monitor cloud functions, cloud objects, and clientDB's request responses

Code example:

uniCloud.onResponse(function(event) {
	// event format see below

Response format

interface OnResponseEvent {
	type: 'cloudobject' | 'cloudfunction' | 'clientdb',
	content: {} // content同云对象方法、云函数、clientDB请求的返回结果或错误对象
	content: {} // content is the same as cloud object method, cloud function, return result of clientDB request or error object

Take calling cloud object method as an example

const todo = uniCloud.importObject('todo')
const res = await to.add('todo title', 'todo content')

The e format printed in the above code is as follows

// successful response
e = {
	type: 'cloudobject',
	content: { // content内容和上方代码块中的res一致
	content: { // content content is the same as res in the above code block
		errCode: 0

// fail response
e = {
	type: 'cloudobject',
	content: {
		errCode: 'invalid-todo-title',
		errMsg: 'xxx'

You can judge whether it is a failure or a successful response by judging whether there is a true errCode in the content

	if(e.content.errCode) {
		console.log('Request error')

# Remove the monitoring of cloud response

Added in HBuilderX 3.4.13

Used to remove the listener added by onResponse


  • The method in the listener to be removed must be the same as the method added before it can be removed. For details, see the example below
// Wrong usage, can't remove listener
uniCloud.onResponse(function(e) {
uniCloud.offResponse(function(e) {

// correct usage
function logResponse(e) {

# Listen for login required events

Added in HBuilderX 3.5.0


Code example:

uniCloud.onNeedLogin(function(event) {
	// event format see below

Response format

interface OnNeedLoginEvent {
	errCode: number | string,
	errMsg: string,
	uniIdRedirectUrl: string // 触发onNeedLogin页面前的页面地址(包含路径和参数的完整页面地址)
	uniIdRedirectUrl: string // The page address before the onNeedLogin page is triggered (the full page address including the path and parameters)


  • After the developer monitors the onNeedLogin event, the automatic login page function of uniIdRouter will be disabled, and the developer will handle the jump in onNeedLogin

# Remove the listener

Added in HBuilderX 3.5.0


  • The method in the listener to be removed must be the same as the method added before it can be removed. For details, see the example below
// Wrong usage, can't remove listener
uniCloud.onNeedLogin(function(e) {
uniCloud.offNeedLogin(function(e) {

// correct usage
function log(e) {

# Listen to the token refresh event

Added in HBuilderX 3.5.0

Used to monitor client token refresh events, including automatic token update when cloud object returns newToken and clientDB automatic token update, note that the token returned by uni-id-co login will also trigger this event

Code example:

uniCloud.onRefreshToken(function(event) {
	// event format see below

Response format

interface OnRefreshTokenEvent {
	token: string,
	tokenExpired: number


  • After the developer monitors the onNeedLogin event, the automatic login page function of uniIdRouter will be disabled, and the developer will handle the jump in onNeedLogin

# 移除token刷新事件的监听

Added in HBuilderX 3.5.0


  • The method in the listener to be removed must be the same as the method added before it can be removed. For details, see the example below
// 错误用法,无法移除监听
uniCloud.onRefreshToken(function(e) {
uniCloud.offRefreshToken(function(e) {

// correct usage
function log(e) {

# WeChat MiniApp secure network initialization

Added in 3.6.8

For secure network related documents, please refer to: secure network


参数 类型 必填 默认值 说明
callLoginByWeixin boolean false 是否在安全网络初始化同时执行一次uni-id-co的微信登录,配置为false时不进行微信登录仅调用uni-id-co的secureNetworkHandshakeByWeixin方法进行握手
openid string - 新增于HBuilderX 3.7.7,传入此参数后此方法内部不再调用uni-id-co的任何方法,此时需要由开发者自行实现一些凭据的存储逻辑,详情参考:不使用uni-id-pages时如何使用微信小程序安全网络


// App.vue
  export default {
    onLaunch: async function() {
      // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
      const res = await uniCloud.initSecureNetworkByWeixin({
        callLoginByWeixin: true
      console.log('initSecureNetworkByWeixin', res);
      // #endif
      console.log('App Launch')



  • Before sending the secure network request, the uniCloud client sdk will judge whether the initialization is completed, and if not, it will wait for the completion before sending the secure network request.
  • Need to ensure that secure network requests are executed after this method call

# Attributes

# Get the service provider of the current uniCloud instance

Usage: uniCloud.config.provider

Accessing this property will return tencent and aliyun representing Tencent Cloud and Aliyun respectively

# Error object

When the client requests the cloud (including requesting cloud functions, cloud objects, clientDB, cloud storage, etc.), there may be scenarios where errors may be thrown. In this case, an uniCloud standard error object (referred to as uniCloudError hereinafter) will be thrown, and uniCloudError contains the following attributes

property type required description
errCode string yes error code
errMsg string yes error message
requestId string No RequestId, for troubleshooting
detail object No This property only exists when the cloud object actively returns the response body specification corresponding to the error

In addition, there are code properties and message properties on the uniCloudError object, neither of which is recommended.