# What is an index

All databases support indexes, and index files provide a quick way to query records by taking up additional disk space. When querying, query the index file first, and then query the real data according to the instructions of the index file, which has obvious performance advantages when the amount of data is large.

Indexes serve two purposes:

  1. Indexing the field of the query condition in the collection is an important means to ensure database performance and improve user experience.
  2. The index can control the uniqueness of each record in the field. For example, if a field is set as a unique index, the value of this field will not be repeated in the entire data record set. If it is a normal unique index, it means that the field cannot be null. In the case of a sparse index, the representation can be null, but non-null values cannot be repeated.

If your query operation includes filtering conditions (including equivalence testing and range filtering) or sorting, or requires uniqueness, consider adding indexes to the relevant fields of the collection. Generally speaking, it is necessary to add indexes where, match, orderBy, sort for the field used in the following methods/properties, and also include the startWith attribute of getTree and getTreePath in clientDB.

If the related field is not set as an index, when the number of records in the data table increases, the query will slow down or even get an error over time. This is especially important to note. Some developers have already experienced online glitches. There is no index during development, because the amount of data is small and there is no performance problem. After going online, the amount of data becomes larger and larger, and the query becomes slower and slower until it times out, causing online accidents.

# add index

# uniCloud web console added

  1. Go to the uniCloud console.
  2. Switch to the [Cloud Database] tab, and select the collection to be indexed, and enter the index management tab, as shown in the figure below.


  1. Add an index.



  • The index supports the combination of multiple fields, so it is not simply to set a field as an index. Instead, you need to give the index a name, and then configure one or more fields under the index.
  • The order of the index field, which refers to the order of the orderby in the query statement. If the actual query requires flashback, then the index is set to flashback, so that the query speed can be faster.

# Configure collection index in db_init.json

In db_init.json, you can set an index for a specific collection by writing the following method (recommended to use it when the service space is initialized)

  "opendb-news-article": {
    "data": [],
      "IndexName": "user_article_", // 索引名称
      "MgoKeySchema": { // 索引规则
          "MgoIndexKeys": [{
              "Name": "user_id", // 索引字段
              "Direction": "1" // 索引方向,1:ASC-升序,-1:DESC-降序,2dsphere:地理位置
              "Name": "article_id", // 索引字段
              "Direction": "1" // 索引方向,1:ASC-升序,-1:DESC-降序,2dsphere:地理位置
          "MgoIsUnique": false // 索引是否唯一

# Single field index

You can create a single-field index for the field corresponding to the query condition. If the field is a nested field, you can use "dot notation". For example, when indexing the color field in a record of the following format, it can be represented by style.color.

  "_id": "",
  "style": {
    "color": ""

When setting a single-field index, you can arbitrarily specify that the index is sorted in ascending or descending order, and the database can always perform the correct sorting in the sorting query of the index field.

# Composite index

A composite index is an index that contains multiple fields. When the fields used by the query conditions are included in all the fields or prefix fields defined by the index, the index will be hit and the query performance will be optimized.

The index prefix is the first 1 or more fields defined in the fields of the combined index, for example, the three fields name, age, score in the collection students are defined in order combined index, then the prefix of the index contains

  • name
  • name, age

The combination of query fields that can hit the index includes

  • name
  • name, age
  • name, age, score
  "_id": "1",
  "name": "luke",
  "age": 26,
  "score": 80

Combined index The order of fields determines the combined index effect

For example, defining a composite index as name, age and age, name are different. When the combined index is name, age, its index prefix is name, the query on the field name can hit the name, age index, and the field *age * The query cannot hit the index, because age does not belong to the prefix of name, age (conversely, the field age can hit the age, name index).

# Geo index

ApsaraDB for Cloud Database currently supports the establishment of a geographic location index for plane geometry. When using the geographic location query function, a geographic location index must be established for the fields of the geographic location data.

For example, create a geographic index for a collection with a geographic field point:

  "_id": "",
  "point": new db.Geo.Point(50, 50)


# TTL index

The ttl index is used to set the data expiration time and delete the data after it expires. Only supported by Alibaba Cloud

The configuration is as follows:


  • Data deletion is not real-time, mongoDB will periodically clean up data in the background
  • Only one index field can be added after enabling ttl indexing
  • Only supports setting ttl index on fields that store date type (not timestamp)

# Index usage precautions

# Uniqueness Restriction

When creating an index, select UNIQUE for the index property to add a uniqueness restriction. This restriction requires that the value corresponding to the index field in the collection cannot be repeated.

For example, if the index field foo is established in a collection, and the attribute is "unique", then in this collection, it is required that no documents with the same field foo exist.


If a field does not exist in the record, its value defaults to null for the index field. If the index has a uniqueness restriction, it is not allowed to have two or more records where the field is empty/doesn't exist.

In response to the above problems, Alibaba Cloud supports setting the index to sparse index, while Tencent Cloud does not support sparse index.

# Sparse index

Only supported by Alibaba Cloud

Sparse indexes are suitable for scenarios where a field needs to be unique, but the field may be empty. Taking the user table as an example, users may register by email or by mobile phone number, so it is necessary to ensure that the mailbox and mobile phone number are unique and allowed to be empty. At this time, the indexes of mailboxes and mobile phone numbers can be set as sparse indexes respectively. to handle this scenario. Note that uni-id supports multi-application user isolation (the same mobile phone number, email, etc. can be registered in different applications), and mobile phone numbers, emails, etc. cannot be set to unique indexes

Configure the index as a sparse index

# Field size limit

  • The value size limit for indexed fields cannot exceed 1024 bytes.
  • When adding an index, if the content of the index field of the existing document in the collection exceeds 1024 bytes, an error will be reported when adding an index.
  • An indexed field has been set. If you insert a document, an error will be reported if the content of the field in the document exceeds 1024 bytes.

That is, do not index large pieces of text (such as news content)

Each English letter (case-insensitive) occupies a space of one byte, and each Chinese character occupies a space of two bytes.

# Regular expressions

Regular queries cannot use indexes to improve performance.