This document is uni-pay 1.x version document. Good for old projects. For new projects, please refer to uni-pay 2.x version documentation.

# Introduction

unipay provides a simple, easy-to-use and unified payment capability package for uniCloud developers. So that developers do not need to study the back-end development of Alipay, WeChat and other payment platforms, do not need to write different codes for them, use it immediately, and shield the differences.

The front-end of uni-app has encapsulated the full-end payment api uni.requestPayment, and now the server side has also encapsulated unipay for uniCloud, from now on, developers can complete the front and back payment services extremely quickly.

At present, the payment capabilities of the App terminal (WeChat payment and Alipay payment), WeChat applet, and Alipay applet have been packaged.

unipay is an open source sdk and can be used with confidence. This plug-in also includes example projects, which can be run after configuring the relevant configuration applied for by WeChat and Alipay.

为了更好的体验支付流程可以在插件市场导入unipay的示例项目快速体验,插件市场 unipaygitee仓库 unipay公共模块

There are also templates repackaged based on uniPay in the plug-in market. Front-end payment and management-side order management have been written and used. See: [BaseCloud - Unified Order Payment Service Module]( cn/plugin?id=2668)


  • unipay has done hump conversion for input parameters and return values. Developers need to pay attention when comparing the documents corresponding to WeChat payment or Alipay payment.
  • Special parameters appId, mchId need to pay attention to case
  • All amounts are unified to cents (to avoid floating point errors)
  • In order to avoid the interference of irrelevant parameters, this document only lists the required parameters. For other parameters, please refer to [WeChat Payment - Mini Program]( chapter=9_1), WeChat Payment-App, Alipay Payment-Mini Program 😕/, Alipay Payment-App
  • WeChat payment sandbox environment does not support applet payment, in addition, this sandbox environment can only run the test cases provided by WeChat and cannot be tested at will
  • Whether it is WeChat or Alipay, the sandbox environment is not guaranteed to be stable. If you encounter difficult problems in the process of using the sandbox, it is recommended to switch to the formal environment test

Troubleshooting Guidelines

# Introducing unipay

Developers can choose whether to import from the plugin market or install from npm. The import method is slightly different. Please see the example below

// plugin market import
const unipay = require('uni-pay')

// npm install
const unipay = require('@dcloudio/unipay')


# Initialize

Perform the initialization operation and return the unipay instance

# WeChat Pay V3

Added in uni-pay 1.1.0

Entry Instructions

parameter name type required default value description
appId String Yes - The appId of the current application on the corresponding payment platform
mchId String Yes - Merchant ID
v3Key String Yes - API v3 key
appCertPath String Yes - Merchant API certificate file path (choose one of file path and string)
appCertContent String Yes - Merchant API certificate string (choose one of file path and string)
appPrivateKeyPath String Yes - Merchant API private key file path (choose one of file path and string)
appPrivateKeyContent String Yes - Merchant API private key string (choose one of file path and string)
timeout Number No 5000 Request timeout, unit: millisecond
const path = require('path'); // 引入内置的path模块

const unipayIns = unipay.initWeixinV3({
  appId: 'your appId',
  mchId: 'your mchId',
  v3Key: 'you parterner key',
  appCertPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'your appCertPath'),
  // appCertContent: "", 
  appPrivateKeyPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'your appPrivateKeyPath'),
  // appPrivateKeyContent: "",


Certificate string and private key string format requirements:

  • The certificate string should not contain -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----, and the content of the certificate cannot be wrapped
  • The private key string should not contain -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END PRIVATE KEY-----, and the content of the private key cannot be wrapped


// certificate content
your certificate content...

// certificate string
appCertContent = 'your certificate content...'

# WeChat Pay v2

Introduction to parameters

parameter name type required default value description
appId String Yes - The appId of the current application on the corresponding payment platform
mchId String Yes - Merchant ID
subAppId String No - Sub-merchant appId
subMchId String No - Sub-merchant ID
key String yes - payment merchant key (API key)
pfx String|Buffer Required to use the refund function - WeChat payment merchant API certificate, mainly used for refund
timeout Number No 5000 Request timeout, unit: millisecond
signType String No MD5 Signature type
sandbox Boolean No false Whether to enable the sandbox environment
const unipayIns = unipay.initWeixin({
  appId: 'your appId',
  mchId: 'your mchId',
  key: 'you parterner key',
  pfx: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/your/pfxfile'), // 建议以p12文件绝对路径进行读取,使用微信退款时需要

// Take the certificate placed in the cert directory of the same level as the cloud function index.js as an example, the index.js can be written as follows
const fs  = require('fs');  
const path = require('path');  
const unipayIns = unipay.initWeixin({
  appId: 'your appId',
  mchId: 'your mchId',
  key: 'you parterner key',
  pfx: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'cert/xxx.p12'))  

# pay by AliPay

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
appId String Yes - The appId of the current application on the corresponding payment platform
mchId String Yes - Merchant ID
privateKey String yes - application private key string
alipayPublicKey String No - Alipay public key, used for signature verification
keyType String No PKCS8 Application Private Key String Type
timeout Number No 5000 Request timeout, unit: milliseconds
signType String No RSA2 Signature Type
sandbox Boolean No false Whether to enable the sandbox environment
alipayRootCertPath String No - 1.0.6+, Alipay root certificate file path
appCertPath String No - 1.0.6+, path to the application public key certificate file
alipayPublicCertPath String No - 1.0.6+, Alipay public key certificate file path
const unipayIns = unipay.initAlipay({
  appId: 'your appId',
  mchId: 'your mchId',
  privateKey: 'your privateKey',
  // If you don't use a certificate (normal public key mode), you need alipayPublicKey
  alipayPublicKey: 'you alipayPublicKey', // 使用支付时需传递此值做返回结果验签
  // If you use a certificate, you need to pass alipayRootCertPath, appCertPath, alipayPublicCertPath
  alipayRootCertPath: path.join(__dirname,'../fixtures/alipayRootCert.crt'),
  appCertPath: path.join(__dirname,'../fixtures/appCertPublicKey.crt'),
  alipayPublicCertPath: path.join(__dirname,'../fixtures/alipayCertPublicKey_RSA2.crt'),

common problem

  • When you encounter errors like error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag when paying with Alipay, please confirm your private key format. If it is not PKCS8, you need to pass in the keyType parameter during initialization, and the value is the corresponding private key. key format

# Apple in-app purchase payment

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
sandbox Boolean no false whether to enable sandbox environment
password String No - App-specific shared secret, which is the unique code used to receive a receipt for this app's auto-renewing subscription. If you are transferring this app to another developer or do not want to disclose the master shared key, it is recommended to use the app-specific shared key. This parameter is not required for non-auto-renewal scenarios
timeout Number No 5000 Request timeout, unit: milliseconds
const unipayIns = unipay.initAppleIapPayment({
  sandbox: true,
  password: 'your password',

# Api list

# Get payment parameters

unipayIns.getOrderInfo, this interface only supports WeChat applet, Alipay applet, and App platform

Introduction to parameters

参数名 类型 必填 默认值 说明 支持平台
openid String 支付宝小程序、微信小程序必填,App端支付不需要 - 通过对应 uni-id 接口进行获取,服务商模式应使用子商户获取的openid 支付宝小程序、微信小程序
subject String 支付宝支付必填,微信支付时忽略此项 - 订单标题 支付宝支付
body String 微信支付必填 - 商品描述 微信支付
outTradeNo String 必填 - 商户订单号,有长度限制(微信支付为32字符以内,支付宝为64字符以内)、只能包含字母、数字、下划线;需保证在商户端不重复
totalFee Number 必填 - 订单金额,单位:分 支付宝小程序、微信小程序
notifyUrl String 必填 - 支付结果通知地址,需要注意支付宝支付时退款也会通知到此地址,务必处理好自己的业务逻辑
spbillCreateIp String 必填 - 客户端IP,云函数内可以通过context.CLIENTIP获取 -
tradeType String - 交易类型;见下方 tradeType 的说明
sceneInfo Object 微信tradeType为MWEB时必填 - 见下方sceneInfo的说明 -


此接口支持直接传微信和支付宝官方文档上的参数,如微信的 support_fapiao 参数,转成驼峰 supportFapiao 即可

let	orderInfo = await unipayIns.getOrderInfo({
	notifyUrl: 'https://xxx.xx', // 支付结果通知地址
	supportFapiao: true

tradeType description

tradeType supports the following options

  • JSAPI is applicable to: WeChat official account payment, WeChat applet payment, Alipay applet payment
  • APP is applicable to: Alipay, WeChat APP payment
  • NATIVE is applicable to: Alipay, WeChat PC website scan code payment
  • MWEB is applicable to: WeChat h5 (non-public account) jump to WeChat page payment (Added in uni-pay 1.0.24)

sceneInfo description

When WeChat payment tradeType is MWEB, you need to pass sceneInfo in the following format

	"h5Info": {
		"type": "Wap",
		"wapUrl": "", // 开发者网站的网址
		"wapName": "腾讯充值" // 开发者网站名称

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
orderInfo Object String The parameters required by the client for payment can be directly returned to the client. The following will introduce how to use it with the client

Use example

When the tradeType is NATIVE, directly convert orderInfo.codeUrl to QR code and use the corresponding client to scan the code to pay.

When the tradeType is MWEB, you can directly jump to orderInfo.mwebUrl for payment

// cloud function - getOrderInfo
exports.main = async function (event,context) {
	let	orderInfo = await unipayIns.getOrderInfo({
		openid: 'user openid',
		subject: '订单标题', // 微信支付时不可填写此项
		body: '商品描述',
		outTradeNo: '商户订单号',
		totalFee: 1, // 金额,单位分
		notifyUrl: 'https://xxx.xx' // 支付结果通知地址
	return {

// client
	name: 'getOrderInfo',
	success(res) {
			// #ifdef APP-PLUS
			provider: selectedProvider, // App端此参数必填,可以通过uni.getProvider获取
			// #endif
			// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
			// #endif
			// #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP-ALIPAY
			orderInfo: res.result.orderInfo,
			// #endif

// QR code payment
	name: 'getOrderInfo',
	success(res) {
    // Display this content as a QR code

# checking order

unipayIns.orderQuery, query order information according to the order number of the merchant or the order number of the platform. It is mainly used to verify the payment result when the payment notification is not received.

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
outTradeNo String Choose between transactionId and transactionId - Merchant order number
transactionId String Choose one from outTradeNo - Platform order number

Return value description

parameter name type description supported platform
appId String Application ID assigned by the platform WeChat payment
mchId String Merchant ID, (WeChat payment document is called merchant ID: mch_id, Alipay payment is called seller id: seller_id) WeChat payment
outTradeNo String Merchant order number -
transactionId String Platform order number -
tradeState String order status, see the description of order status below
totalFee Number Price amount, unit: cent -
settlementTotalFee Number Amount of the order payable, unit: cents Alipay payment
cashFee Number Cash payment amount, unit: cent -

Order Status

WeChat Pay: SUCCESS—Successful payment REFUND—Transfer to Refund NOTPAY—Not paid CLOSED—closed REVOKED—Revoked (card payment) USERPAYING--User is paying PAYERROR--payment failed (other reasons, such as bank return failure).

pay by AliPay: USERPAYING (transaction created, waiting for buyer to pay) CLOSED (unpaid transactions are closed over time, or a full refund after payment is completed) SUCCESS (transaction payment successful) FINISHED (transaction closed, non-refundable)

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.orderQuery({
    outTradeNo: 'outTradeNo',
  return res

# Close order

unipayIns.closeOrder is used for the user to make no payment within a certain period of time after the transaction is created. This API can be called to directly close the unpaid transaction to avoid repeated payment.


  • WeChat payment: The order closing interface cannot be called immediately after the order is generated, and the shortest calling time interval is 5 minutes.

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
outTradeNo String Required when using WeChat, choose either transactionId or transactionId when using Alipay - Merchant order number
transactionId String When using Alipay and outTradeNo choose one - Platform order number

Return value description

parameter name type description supported platform
appId String Application ID assigned by the platform WeChat Pay V2
mchId String Merchant ID WeChat Pay V2
outTradeNo String Merchant order number Alipay payment
transactionId String Platform order number Alipay payment

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.closeOrder({
    outTradeNo: 'outTradeNo',
  return res

# Cancel order

unipayIns.cancelOrder, this interface is only supported by Alipay, if the payment transaction fails or the payment system times out, call this interface to cancel the transaction. If the user fails to pay for this order, the Alipay system will close the order; if the user pays successfully, the Alipay system will return the order funds to the user. Note: Cancellation can only be called when the payment system times out or the payment result is unknown. If you need to implement the same function for other normal payment orders, please call the Refund Request API. After submitting the payment transaction, call [Query Order API], and call [Cancel Order API] if there is no clear payment result.

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
outTradeNo String Choose one from transactionId - Merchant order number
transactionId String Choose one from outTradeNo - Platform order number

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
outTradeNo String Merchant order number Alipay payment
transactionId String Platform order number Alipay payment

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.cancelOrder({
    outTradeNo: 'outTradeNo',
  return res

# Request a refund

unipayIns.refund, when the transaction needs to be refunded due to the buyer or the seller within a certain period of time, the seller can return the payment to the buyer through the refund interface.

WeChat payment precautions

  1. Refunds cannot be submitted for orders that have been traded for more than one year
  2. WeChat payment refund supports multiple refunds for a single transaction. For multiple refunds, you need to submit the merchant order number of the original payment order and set a different refund order number. The total amount requested for a refund cannot exceed the order amount. Resubmit after a refund fails, please do not change the refund order number, please use the original merchant refund order number
  3. Request frequency limit: 150qps, that is, the number of normal refund requests per second is no more than 150, error or invalid request frequency limit: 6qps, that is, the abnormal or wrong refund request is no more than 6 times per second
  4. Partial refunds for each paid order cannot exceed 50 times
  5. If there are multiple refunds for the same user, it is recommended to refund in different batches to avoid concurrent refunds and cause refund failures

Introduction to parameters

Parameter name Type Mandatory Default value Description Supported platforms
outTradeNo String or transactionId - Merchant order number -
transactionId String and outTradeNo - Platform order number -
outRefundNo String Mandatory for WeChat Pay, optional for Alipay - Merchant Refund No. -
totalFee Number Required for WeChat payment - Total order amount -
refundFee Number Mandatory - Total Refund Amount WeChat Pay
refundFeeType String Required for WeChat Pay V3 - Currency Type WeChat Pay V3
refundDesc String Optional - Reason for refund -
notifyUrl String Optional for WeChat Pay, not supported by Alipay - Refund notification url, Alipay will notify you of the notification address when obtaining payment parameters WeChat Pay

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
outTradeNo String Merchant order number -
transactionId String Platform order number -
outRefundNo String Merchant Refund Number WeChat Pay
refundId String Platform refund order number -
refundFee Number Total refund amount -
cashRefundFee Number Cash refund amount -

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.refund({
    outTradeNo: '商户订单号',
    outRefundNo: '商户退款单号', // 支付宝可不填此项
    totalFee: 1, // 订单总金额,支付宝可不填此项
    refundFee: 1, // 退款总金额
  return res

# Query refund

unipayIns.refundQuery, after submitting a refund application, query the refund status by calling this API.

Introduction to parameters

Parameter name Type Mandatory Default value Description Supported platforms
outTradeNo String WeChat Pay V2 to choose one of four, Alipay and transactionId to choose one of two - Merchant order number -
transactionId String WeChat Pay V2 to choose one of four, Alipay and outTradeNo to choose one of two - Platform order number -
outRefundNo String Required for WeChat Pay V3, one of four for WeChat Pay V2, required for Alipay - Merchant Refund No. -
refundId String WeChat payment V2 choose one of four - platform refund number WeChat payment
offset Number Optional for WeChat Pay V2 - Offset, which can be used when the number of partial refunds exceeds 10, indicating that the returned query results start to fetch records from this offset -


  • outRefundNo is the incoming merchant refund order number when using Alipay to request a refund interface. If not passed in the refund request, the value is the merchant's order number when the transaction was created, i.e. outTradeNo

Return value description

parameter name type description supported platform
outTradeNo String Merchant order number -
transactionId String Platform order number -
totalFee Number Order Amount -
refundId String Platform refund number, only returned by Alipay and WeChat Pay V3 -
refundFee Number Total Refund Amount -
refundDesc String Reason for refund -
refundList Array<refundItem> Refund information in installments, only returned by WeChat Pay V2 WeChat Pay V2
refundRoyaltys Array<refundRoyaltysItem> Details of refund account, only returned by Alipay Alipay payment

refundItem description

Parameter name Type Description Supported platforms
outRefundNo String Merchant refund order number -
refundId String Platform refund order number -
refundChannel String Refund channel, ORIGINAL—refund on the same route, BALANCE—return to the balance, OTHER_BALANCE—return to another account with an abnormal balance from the original account, OTHER_BANKCARD—return to another bank card in an abnormal way from the original bank card
refundFee Number Refund amount requested -
settlementRefundFee Number Refund amount, Refund amount = Refund amount applied for - Non-recharge voucher refund amount, Refund amount <= Refund amount applied
refundStatus String Refund status, SUCCESS—refund is successful, REFUNDCLOSE—refund is closed, PROCESSING—refund processing, CHANGE—refund is abnormal, the bank found that the user’s card is invalid or frozen, leading to the same way If the refund of the bank card fails, you can go to the merchant platform ( - transaction center to process the refund manually.
couponRefundFee Number Total coupon refund amount -
couponRefundCount Number Number of refund coupons used -
refundAccount String Source of refund funds -
refundRecvAccout String Refund credit account -
refundSuccessTime String Refund success time -
couponList Array<couponItem> Refund information by tranches -

couponItem description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
couponType String Coupon Type -
couponRefundId String Refund coupon ID -
couponRefundFee String Refund amount of a single coupon -

refundRoyaltysItem Description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
fundChannel String The funding channel used by the transaction -
bankCode String Bank code when paying by bank card -
amount Number Amount used by this payment instrument type -
realAmount Number The actual payment amount of the channel -
fundType String The type of funds used by the channel. Currently, this information is only returned when the fund channel (fund_channel) is a bank card channel (BANKCARD) (DEBIT_CARD: debit card, CREDIT_CARD: credit card, MIXED_CARD: debit and credit in one card) -

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.refundQuery({
    outTradeNo: '商户订单号',
    outRefundNo: '商户退款单号', // 支付宝必填
  return res

# Download transaction bill

unipayIns.downloadBill, merchants can download the historical transaction list through this interface. Only supported by WeChat Pay


  1. Transactions that are not successfully placed on the WeChat side will not appear in the statement. After successful payment, the cancelled transaction will appear in the statement, which is consistent with the order number of the original payment order;
  2. WeChat starts to generate the statement of the previous day at 9:00 the next day, and it is recommended that merchants obtain it after 10:00;
  3. The field unit of the amount involved in the statement is "yuan".
  4. The statement interface can only download bills within three months.
  5. The statement is generated based on the latitude of the merchant number. If a merchant number is bound to multiple appids, any one of the appids can be used to request to download the statement. The appid in the statement is taken from the appid submitted at the time of the transaction and has nothing to do with the appid used when requesting to download the statement.

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
billDate String Mandatory - The date of downloading the statement, format: 2014-06-03
billType String Optional ALL ALL (default), returns all order information on the day (excluding recharge and refund orders), SUCCESS, returns orders successfully paid on the day (excluding recharge and refund orders), REFUND, returns Same-day refund order (excluding recharge and refund order), RECHARGE_REFUND, return the same-day recharge and refund order

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
content String The data returned in the form of a text table -

An example of content is as follows

All orders of the day Transaction Time, Public Account ID, Merchant ID, Sub-Merchant ID, Device ID, WeChat Order ID, Merchant Order ID, User ID, Transaction Type, Transaction Status, Payment Bank, Currency Type, Total Amount, Voucher or Instant Discount Amount , WeChat refund order number, merchant refund order number, refund amount, voucher or instant discount refund amount, refund type, refund status, product name, merchant data package, handling fee, rate

Orders successfully paid on the same day Transaction Time, Public Account ID, Merchant ID, Sub-Merchant ID, Device ID, WeChat Order ID, Merchant Order ID, User ID, Transaction Type, Transaction Status, Payment Bank, Currency Type, Total Amount, Voucher or Instant Discount Amount , commodity name, merchant data package, handling fee, rate

Same-day refund orders Transaction Time, Public Account ID, Merchant ID, Sub-Merchant ID, Device ID, WeChat Order ID, Merchant Order ID, User ID, Transaction Type, Transaction Status, Payment Bank, Currency Type, Total Amount, Voucher or Instant Discount Amount ,Refund application time,Refund success time,WeChat refund order number, Merchant refund order number, Refund amount, Voucher or instant discount refund amount, Refund type, Refund status, Product name, Merchant data package, fee, rate

From the second line onwards, it is a data record, each parameter is separated by a comma, and a ` symbol is added before the parameter, which is the character of the left key of standard keyboard 1, and the field order is consistent with the table header.

The penultimate line is the title of the order statistics, and the last line is the statistics

Total number of transactions, total transaction amount, total refund amount, total voucher or instant discount refund amount, total handling fee amount

An example is as follows:

`2014-11-10 16:33:45,`wx2421b1c4370ec43b,`10000100,`0,`1000,`1001690740201411100005734289,`1415640626,`085e9858e3ba5186aafcbaed1,`MICROPAY,`SUCCESS,`OTHERS,`CNY,`0.01,`0.0,`0,`0,`0,`0,`,`,`被扫支付测试,`订单额外描述,`0,`0.60%
`2014-11-10 16:46:14,`wx2421b1c4370ec43b,`10000100,`0,`1000,`1002780740201411100005729794,`1415635270,`085e9858e90ca40c0b5aee463,`MICROPAY,`SUCCESS,`OTHERS,`CNY,`0.01,`0.0,`0,`0,`0,`0,`,`,`被扫支付测试,`订单额外描述,`0,`0.60%

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.downloadBill({
    billDate: '20200202',
  return res

# Download Funds Statement

unipayIns.downloadFundflow, merchants can download historical fund flow bills from June 1, 2017 through this interface. WeChat support only


  1. The data in the capital bill reflects the changes in the funds of the merchant's WeChat account;
  2. The bill of the day will be generated at 9:00 am the next day, and merchants are advised to obtain it after 10:00 am;
  3. The field unit of the amount involved in the fund statement is "yuan".

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
billDate String Mandatory - The date of downloading the statement, format: 2014-06-03
accountType String Optional Basic Account for the source of funds for the bill: Basic account, Operation account, Fees fee account

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
content String The data returned in the form of a text table -

An example of content is as follows

  • The first line is the header

Accounting time, WeChat payment business order number, capital flow order number, business name, business type, income and expenditure type, income and expenditure amount (yuan), account balance (yuan), fund change submission applicant, remarks, business voucher number

  • From the second line onwards, it is the capital flow data, each parameter is separated by a comma, and the ` symbol is added before the parameter, which is the character of the left key of standard keyboard 1, and the field order is consistent with the table header

  • The penultimate row is the title of the capital bill statistics

The total number of capital flows, the number of income, the amount of income, the number of expenditures, the amount of expenditure

  • Last row stats

An example bill is as follows:


`2018-02-01 04:21:23,`50000305742018020103387128253,`1900009231201802015884652186,`退款,`退款,`支出,`0.02,`0.17,`system,`缺货,`REF4200000068201801293084726067



Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.downloadFundflow({
    billDate: '20200202',
  return res

# Payment result notification processing

Note: Alipay will also send a notification to the notify_url set at the time of payment in the event of a partial refund

unipayIns.verifyPaymentNotify for verifying and processing payment results within cloud functions using cloud function URLization.

Introduction to parameters

Only receive the event corresponding to the cloud function as a parameter

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
totalFee Number Total order amount -
cashFee Number Cash payment amount -
feeType String Currency Type -
outTradeNo String Merchant order number -
transactionId String Platform order number -
timeEnd String Payment completion time in the format yyyyMMddHHmmss -
openid String user id -
returnCode String When the value is SUCCESS, the payment is successful. Usually, parameters such as order amount need to be verified -

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.verifyPaymentNotify(event)
  // Finish other business
  // Note that if the processing is successful, it must be returned in strict accordance with the following format, otherwise the manufacturer will continue to notify
  // After the WeChat payment V3 is processed successfully
  return {
    mpserverlessComposedResponse: true,
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({
        code: 'SUCCESS',
        message: '成功'
  // After the WeChat payment V2 is processed successfully
  return {
    mpserverlessComposedResponse: true, 
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'text/xml;charset=utf-8'
    body: `<xml><return_code><![CDATA[SUCCESS]]></return_code><return_msg><![CDATA[OK]]></return_msg></xml>`
  // Alipay processed successfully
  return {
    mpserverlessComposedResponse: true,
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {  
      'content-type': 'text/plain'  
    body: "success"

# Refund result notification

Note: Alipay will only send a notification when it is not fully refunded, and the notification address is the notify_url set at the time of payment

uni-pay 1.0.17 version added support for Alipay refund result notification

unipayIns.verifyRefundNotify for verifying and processing payment results within cloud functions using cloud function URLization.

Introduction to parameters

Only receive the event corresponding to the cloud function as a parameter

Return value description

Parameter Name Type Description Supported Platforms
totalFee Number Total order amount -
refundFee Number Refund amount requested -
settlementTotalFee Number The amount of the order to be settled, Alipay does not return it -
settlementRefundFee Number Refund amount, Alipay will not return -
outTradeNo String Merchant order number -
transactionId String Platform order number -
refundId String Platform refund order number, Alipay will not return it -
outRefundNo String Merchant refund order number -
refundStatus String SUCCESS - successful refund, CHANGE - abnormal refund, REFUNDCLOSE - refund closed -
refundAccount String Refund source, Alipay does not return -
refundRecvAccout String The refund is credited to the account, and Alipay does not return it -

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.verifyRefundNotify(event)
  // Note that if the processing is successful, it needs to be returned in strict accordance with the following format, otherwise the manufacturer will continue to notify
  // After the WeChat processing is successful
  return {
    mpserverlessComposedResponse: true,
    statusCode: 200,  
    headers: {  
        'content-type': 'text/xml;charset=utf-8'  
    body: `<xml><return_code><![CDATA[SUCCESS]]></return_code><return_msg><![CDATA[OK]]></return_msg></xml>`  
  // Alipay processed successfully
  return {
    mpserverlessComposedResponse: true,
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'text/plain'  
    body: "success"

# Get notification type

Added in uni-id 1.0.17

unipayIns.checkNotifyType, which is used to check the type of the current notification within the cloud function URLized using the cloud function. Since Alipay payment will call the notify_url set at the time of payment when it is not fully refunded, you can use this interface to determine the notification type before calling the verification notification

Introduction to parameters

Only receive the event corresponding to the cloud function as a parameter

Return value description

This interface will return a string, the possible values are as follows

  • refund: is currently a refund notification
  • payment: is currently a payment result notification

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.checkNotifyType(event)
  if(res === 'refund') {
    // refund notification
  } else if(res === 'payment') {
    // Payment result notification

# Apple In-App Purchase - Verify Payment Credential

unipayIns.verifyReceipt, verifies the iap payment receipt and returns the transaction information.

Introduction to parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
receiptData String Yes - Payment receipt

Return value description

Parameter name Type Description Supported platforms
transactionId String Transaction ID -
tradeState String Order status, WeChat payment: SUCCESS—successful payment, REFUND—transferred and refunded, NOTPAY—unpaid, PAYERROR—payment failure (other reasons, such as bank return failure), SUCCESS (transaction payment successful). -
totalFee Number Price amount, unit: cents -
settlementTotalFee Number The amount of the order to be settled, unit: cent -
receipt Object Receipt information -

Use example

exports.main = async function (event) {
  let res = await unipayIns.verifyReceipt({
    receiptData: 'transactionReceipt',
  return res