# open

2021年11月18日,已支持腾讯云和阿里云 2023年10月24日,已支持支付宝小程序云

At present, you can purchase redis services in the uniCloud web console. The purchased instance is provided by the cloud manufacturer, not by DCloud. DCloud only provides the purchase entry

  1. Log in to the uniCloud web console
  2. Select a service space
  3. Select the redis menu on the left, select the instance and buy it


  • The activated redis instance will be automatically bound to the current service space
  • You can upgrade or downgrade the redis instance in the future. Please read the instructions for upgrade and downgrade below.
  • When purchasing a redis instance, choose a longer "purchase duration" to enjoy more discounts
  • After payment, you need to wait 3-5 minutes for the redis instance to be initialized

# Specification

# Ali Cloud

Specification Number of CPU cores Maximum number of new connections per second Maximum number of connections Bandwidth (MB/s) QPS reference value
256MB master-slave version 2 10,000 10,000 10 80,000
1GB master-slave version 2 10,000 10,000 10 80,000
2GB master-slave version 2 10,000 10,000 16 80,000
4GB master-slave version 2 10,000 10,000 24 80,000
8GB主从版 2 10,000 10,000 24 80,000
16GB主从版 2 10,000 10,000 32 80,000
32GB主从版 2 10,000 10,000 32 80,000
64GB主从版 2 10,000 10,000 48 80,000

# Tencent Cloud

Specification Number of CPU cores Maximum number of new connections per second Maximum number of connections Bandwidth (MB/s) QPS reference value
256MB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 10 80,000
1GB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 16 80,000
2GB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 24 80,000
4GB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 24 80,000
8GB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 24 80,000
16GB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 32 80,000
32GB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 32 80,000
64GB内存版 1 10,000 10,000 64 80,000

# 支付宝小程序云

规格 CPU核数 每秒新建连接数上限 连接数上限 带宽(MB/s) QPS参考值
1GB集群版-单副本 1 6,000 6,000 10 50,000
4GB集群版-单副本 1 6,000 6,000 10 100,000
1GB集群版-双副本 2 6,000 6,000 10 50,000
4GB集群版-双副本 2 6,000 6,000 10 100,000

# Fee description

  • 阿里云及腾讯云为包年包月套餐,需付费开通,支持续费、变配
  • 支付宝小程序云为按量计费,开通不收费,但是需要账号充值保证金及支付宝按量余额,费用在第二天出账并从余额扣除。不支持变配。

# Renewal

在uniCloud web控制台redis详情页面点击续费按钮可以对redis实例进行续费操作。

From 1 to 7 days after the instance expires, the instance status is disabled and cannot be accessed. To continue using it, you need to renew the instance in time

After the instance is disabled, the annual and monthly subscription duration is calculated based on the time when you perform the renewal operation. For example, if your instance expires on April 10, 2021, and you manually renew it for one month on April 15, 2021 operation, then the expiration time of the instance is May 15, 2021.

# Masuhai

在uniCloud web控制台redis详情页面点击变配按钮可以对redis实例进行升配操作。升级配置需要按照剩余时间补足差额

The cost of upgrading the instance configuration = (the price of the instance per day after the upgrade - the price of the instance per day before the upgrade) × the number of days remaining until the service expires. The specific cost is subject to the display on the web console.


  • Configuration changes will cause switching operations and cause 1-2 flashes within 30 seconds. It is recommended that you initiate configuration changes during low business peaks to avoid affecting business.

# Downgrade

在uniCloud web控制台redis详情页面点击变配按钮可以对redis实例进行降配操作。

Currently it is possible to downgrade but the fee cannot be refunded to your account


  • Configuration changes will cause switching operations and cause 1-2 flashes within 30 seconds. It is recommended that you initiate configuration changes during low business peaks to avoid affecting business.
  • If the memory usage exceeds the upper memory limit of the target specification during downgrade, the downgrade will fail

# used in cloud functions

How to use redis in cloud functions, please refer to Extended Capability Redis


  • Why does the newly opened redis instance use tens of MB of memory?
