# Real machine running FAQ

From the HBuilder/HBuilderX menu, click the real machine to run, the program will perform the following steps:

  1. The mobile phone hardware is connected to the computer where HBuilder is located through the usb cable. At this time, the connection may fail due to various problems such as the mobile phone driver, the usb port, the data cable, and the mobile phone hardware.
  2. HBuilderX detects the mobile phone through adb or itunes service. At this time, it may not be detected due to mobile phone channels, usb connection settings, adb settings or adb conflicts, and itunes settings.
  3. HBuilderX installs the debugging base to the mobile phone. At this time, the installation may fail because the mobile phone prohibits usb installation, the Android mobile phone does not have an sd card, and the iOS mobile phone does not have a trust certificate.
  4. HBuilderX synchronizes the code in the ide to the phone and starts the debug base. This step is generally not a problem.


# 第1步 HX中没有运行到手机的菜单



如果项目管理器显示项目图标的话,web项目前面的图标是W,5+app和wap2app的图标是A,uni-app的项目图标是方型U,uni-app x的项目图标是圆形U。

如果项目类型未能正确识别,可以对项目点右键 - 重新识别项目类型

# 第2步 电脑是否能检测到手机



  1. 数据线不合格。有的数据线只能充电,不能发送数据。需要换线。
  2. usb口电压不足或是坏口。需要换usb口,或配置一个带独立电源的usb hub。





# 第3步 电脑与手机是否建立信任调试关系

# 3.1 Android设备信任







  • USB 调试:打开
  • “仅充电”模式下允许ADB调试:打开
  • 监控ADB安装应用:建议关闭,开发更便利





由于Android的开源性,不少国产Android rom的魔改造成兼容性问题:

  • 部分手机如小米,还有usb安装应用的独立权限,需在手机上允许通过usb安装应用。不同rom的界面不一样,请自行搜索你的手机打开usb安装应用的方式。
  • 如果是荣耀Magic UI系列手机,请参考 华为荣耀Magic UI系列手机ADB连接手机方法

# 3.2 iOS设备信任



# 第4步 HBuilderX检测手机


# 4.1 检测Android手机





如果您在HBuilderX的运行界面检测不到手机,可以在cmd窗口里找到HBuilderX的安装目录的 \plugins\launcher-tools\tools\adbs\adb.exe,执行命令:adb.exe devices


  1. 前述步骤中有的未完成
  2. 需使用管理员模式运行HBuilderX
  3. 某些杀毒软件限制了HBuilderX的行为。此时需要在杀毒软件中给HBuilderX设置白名单。
  4. HBuilderX版本太老,需要升级
  5. HBuilderX的adb被其他adb抢占了。排查抢占问题的方式。见下
  6. HBuilderX的adb版本与手机要求不匹配。需更换adb版本。见下


  1. 关于本机(指Mac系统的关于本机,非手机) --> 系统报告 -> usb -> 你所连接的device --> 厂商ID或者供应商ID(Vendor ID)
  2. 在终端执行如下命令:echo xxxxxx >> ~/.android/adb_usb.ini (“xxxxxx”为厂商ID或者供应商ID(Vendor ID),有些系统下echo命令并不能正确写入文件,可在~/.android/目录下修改或新建adb_usb.ini添加xxxxxx),重启HBuilderX。
  • Android 11部分手机真机运行文件同步失败的问题,请升级HBuilderX 到3.1.19+版本。

# 4.1.2 adb占用问题



  • 在任务管理器中找到adb.exe相关进程(包括kadb.exe等),在任务管理中右键该进程,打开文件位置,查看该进程是什么软件启动的。
  • 禁止这些软件监听手机插入(一般在该软件的设置中)、禁止自动启动。
  • 有些软件结束adb进程后又会自动启动,所以得将adb.exe文件重命名一下,实在不行卸载了这些流氓软件。
  • 关闭所有手机助手及进程里各种adb.exe(包括kadb.exe等),再试。

If you can't find who is occupied, you can also use the following methods to detect and find the culprit:

  1. Open a command line window
  2. Confirm the startup process of adb: To find a tcp connection with port 5037, enter in the command line: netstat -ano | findstr 5037

TCP LISTENING 5816 *If the content is empty, there may be no program occupying the adb port. *

或者使用 netstat -ano | findstr 5037>d:/1.txt 输出到文件中查找。

According to the query result, it is confirmed that the connection whose port is 5037 is occupied by that process. The "5816" displayed in the result indicates the PID of the process occupying the adb port.

  1. The specific process can be found according to the PID of the process.

Type in the command line: tasklist | findstr 5816 Find a line similar to the following in the output:

adb.exe                     5816 Console                 0      4,440 K


Or manually locate the process in the task manager, open the task manager, go to the process tab, if there is a PID in the list, look for it directly; if there is no PID in the list, click the menu to view - select a column, and tick the PID.

# 4.1.2 ADB版本问题




当然也可下载Android SDK,将其中的adb替换HBuilderX自带的adb。

如果上面的方法还无法解决,菜单【帮助】【查看运行日志】,看下日志中存在什么相关的错误。 也可到DCloud论坛发帖。发帖时,详细说明操作系统信息、HBuilderX版本号、手机型号以及手机系统信息,并提供运行日志。

# 4.2 检测iOS手机


# 4.2.1 windows上iTunes注意事项

[Windows 32位 iTunes]下载地址所有版本的iTunes下载地址

[Windows 64位 iTunes]下载地址所有版本的iTunes下载地址

  • windows上iTunes请勿从微软应用商店下载;建议从如上地址下载iTunes;如果是第一次安装完iTunes,建议重新启动电脑
  • 如果您的电脑是64位, 且HBuilderX的版本低于3.4.0,请下载12.9.4.102之前的iTunes
  • 如果您的电脑是32位,请下载12.9.4.102之前的iTunes
  • 不要用太老的iTunes版本,但有时iTunes最新版确实会有bug,如果不幸遇到,可以卸载干净后安装次新版

如果以上方案都无法解决,有可能是因为本地库与iTunes带的库冲突了, 一般是iTunes库目录(32位系统目录为:C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support,64位系统目录为:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support)下的dll文件 和系统库目录(32位系统目录为:C:\WINDOWS\system32,64位系统目录为:C:\Windows\SysWOW64)下的dll重名, 可将iTunes库目录下的同名dll文件拷贝到系统库目录下,或者将系统目录下的同名dll文件重命名或删除,然后再重启HBuilder或者重试真机运行。


# 4.2.2 iTunes无法检测到手机

iTunes无法检测到手机,iTunes弹窗提示:iTunes 在您的电脑上检测到不兼容的蓝牙软件,可能无法正常运行

Please disable or update some bluetooth drivers. Or refer to Apple forum solution

# 4.2.3 Mac上连接iOS模拟器

  1. Xcode必须安装在应用程序(Application)中
  2. 首先确认Xcode(版本必须是6.0及以上版本)已安装并能正常启动模拟器
  3. 如果仍然无法检测到,则打开Xcode,然后打开Xcode的 Preferences --> Locations,设置该界面中的 Command Line Tools 项,选择正确的Xcode版本即可

# 其它问题

# Q1: The mobile phone can be detected, but it is grayed out and cannot be clicked

This situation usually occurs when the mobile phone is detected, and the connection of other software is disconnected in the middle, and the mobile phone needs to be re-plugged or restarted or HBuilderX needs to be restarted.

# Q2: The mobile phone can be detected, but the real machine of HBuilder fails to install and debug the base

  1. Some Android roms, such as Xiaomi, have the permission to install apk via usb, which may be turned off. In this case, you need to find the permission to install apk via usb in the settings such as the phone manager, and turn it on.
  2. Some Android phones will pop up a box on the phone interface when installing apk on the usb. If the popup box cannot be clicked in time, the installation will fail due to timeout. Please pay attention to the display of the mobile phone screen. When the HBuilder console prompts "Failed to install the HBuilder base app, please use the mobile assistant to manually install xxx\android_base.apk.", this is basically the case.
  3. The iOS version occasionally reports an error. You also need to manually install iPhone_base.ipa according to the prompts. The installation method recommends itools, you can use itunes without itools. After installation, there will be an HBuilder application on the phone. After you click the real machine to run, you can deploy the project to the mobile phone, and then manually click the HBuilder application to see the results of the project.

# Q3: The solution to the problem that the HBuilder console does not output logs


# Q4: Android手机真机运行提示应用安装成功,但是其实手机上并没有HBuilder或uni-app x基座应用

  1. Make sure that the USB debugging mode is turned on. If it is not turned on, please turn on the USB debugging mode and run the real machine debugging again.
  2. If HBuilder has detected the mobile phone, there may be a conflict with the mobile assistant, please close all mobile assistants and re-run the real device debugging.
  3. Use the mobile assistant to manually install android_base.apk to the mobile phone, and then re-run the real device debugging.

# Q5: Permission denied for Android real machine joint debugging report file operation

Please try the following solutions:

  1. Unplug the data cable
  2. Re-turn on USB debugging mode
  3. Re-plug the data cable. At this time, authorization confirmation may be required on the mobile phone. Click OK.
  4. Re-run the real machine debugging to see if there is any problem
  5. Restart the phone, and then re-run the real machine debugging to see if the problem is solved
  6. If there is still a problem, restart HBuilder, repeat steps 1-4, and then re-run the real machine debugging to see if the problem is solved
  7. If the problem is still not resolved, reinstall the phone driver:
    1. My Computer---Right Click---Properties---Hardware---Device Manager---Delete USB Driver
    2. Open the mobile phone assistant and reinstall the driver; at this time, authorization confirmation may be required on the mobile phone, click confirm, and then re-run the real machine debugging
  8. If none of the above solutions can be solved, it may be that when the phone is rooted, the permissions of the sdcard directory are wrong, resulting in the inability to run on the real machine. At this time, you can restore the factory settings, or re-root, or brush the machine to solve this problem.

# Q6: Android real machine joint debugging report: open '/dev/hwlog_switch' fail -1, 13. Permission denied

Please try the following solutions:

  1. 参考 https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/1336
  2. Unplug the data cable and try again
  3. Re-open the USB debugging mode and try again
  4. Restart the phone and try again
  5. Restart HBuilder and try again
  6. If none of the above solutions can be solved, it may be that when the phone is rooted, the permissions of the sdcard directory are wrong, resulting in the inability to run on the real machine. At this time, you can restore the factory settings, or re-root, or brush the machine to solve this problem.

# Q7: Why can't the real device debug the Android phone without SDCard?

Android phones without root only have access to SDCard. However, this SDCard does not have to be inserted into a physical SD card, it is a root directory called SDCard in the mobile phone. 如果是使用Android模拟器,在模拟器里可以配置SDCard是否存在及大小。

This situation has expired, and normal mobile phones currently have SDCard directories.

# Q8: The console shows that the mobile application has been launched, but it does not appear on the mobile screen?

When the base application is installed on an Android phone for the first time, most of the antivirus software on the mobile phone needs to be detected for a while before it is released, and it needs to wait for a while.

# Q9: After the 5+App is running, the mobile terminal stays on the startup screen and cannot enter

这是应用的js代码的问题,启动画面的关闭是可配置的。参考 https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/110

# Q10: Why is my iphone not plugged into my computer, but HBuilder detects an iOS device?

iTunes supports wifi synchronization. If the iOS device starts wifi synchronization, iTunes on the computer can detect it, and then HBuilder can also detect it.

# Q11: The real machine is successfully started, but the software displayed on the mobile phone is not the running project after it is started.

In this case, the adb connection to the mobile phone is successful, but the copying of the project file to the mobile phone fails. Rerun the real machine debugging. Or check whether the directory name and file name of the project to be run have special symbols or are too long to cause Android to not recognize them.

# Q12: After the real machine is started, the HBuilder real machine operation (log) interface is displayed {#synchronous}

  1. Re-run real device debugging to try to solve the problem
  2. The Android device may conflict with the mobile assistant, please close all mobile assistants and re-run the real device to debug
  3. If step 2 cannot solve the problem, please change to another mobile assistant, and re-run the real device debugging to try to solve the problem.
  4. Confirm the installation location of the HBuilder application on the mobile phone. If there is an external sdcard on the mobile phone, do not install the HBuilder base app on the external sdcard. If it is installed on the external sdcard, uninstall the HBuilder base app on the external sdcard, and Do not set the default installation location of the application to the external sdcard in the settings, or transfer the application to the phone memory or built-in sdcard, and re-run the real machine debugging

# Q13: 使用genymotion模拟器真机运行,安装apk时报INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE

参见genymotion模拟器报INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE的解决办法 The adaptation of other simulators can be searched in the forum.

# Q14: How to run the real machine through wifi without plugging in the data cable?


# HBuilderX Node真机运行常见问题

For versions after HBuilderX 3.5.3, the App runs on the real machine using Node and no longer depends on Java.

# 6.1 同步资源失败,未得到同步资源的授权,请停止运行后重新运行,并注意手机上的授权提示

If you encounter the following errors, please check the dock type first:

  • standard base
  • HBuilderX cloud packaging custom base
  • Custom dock made by offline SDK Android Studio

If the following solutions do not solve the problem, please go to Ask Forum to explain the problem in detail (need to include operating system, HBuilderX version, project information, base information, mobile phone information, console screenshots, etc. Detailed information will help us troubleshoot the problem)

Try the following workarounds

  • On the Android phone, find the app, delete it, and run it again.
  • Turn off developer mode, usb debugging, and try again. Phone USB settings, try each option
  • If it is a custom base made by offline SDK Android Studio, check whether implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.12.12', implementation 'com.squareup.okio:okio:1.15' are missing. 0', add them if missing.
  • If it is a custom base made by offline SDK Android Studio, you can try to use HBuilderX cloud to package the custom base to see if it is normal.
  • The reason why the mobile phone system is duplicated. Refer to specific details
  • 如果手机是华为鸿蒙系统,排查下是否是手机自身的原因,换个其它品牌手机试试,如小米、oppo。
  • 更多参考下这个帖子 详情

# 6.2 连接mumu模拟器,一直卡在正在建立手机连接


  • 首先,请确定运行基座是标准基座?还是自定义基座?如果标准基座异常,请使用自定义基座。如果自定义基座异常,标准基座正常,请重新制作自定义基座。
  • 升级mumu模拟器试试。mumu模拟器android版本是6.0, 已经很老了。建议使用mumuX模拟器或其他模拟器。
  • 建议使用Android Studio创建的模拟器,Android Studio可以创建各个版本的模拟器,下载Android Studio。或使用其它模拟器,如夜神模拟器。
  • 运行到Android真机是否正常?如果真机正常,请使用Android真机进行测试。
  • 重试上面的方法后,如果还无法解决,建议到论坛发帖,发帖时,请提供操作系统、HBuilderX版本、控制台错误截图、mumu模拟器信息。如果方便请在Ask帖子上附上QQ,以便我们联系您。Ask论坛发帖

# 6.3 点击运行菜单没有反应


  • 如果替换过HBuilderX安装目录下的Node程序,请还原Node程序或重装HBuilderX。
  • 如果之前运行菜单点击响应正常操作系统环境变量更改Node变量后出错,请清除操作系统环境变量中配置的Node变量。
  • 如果修改过HBuilderX/plugins/launcher下代码,请点击HBuilderX菜单【工具】【插件安装】,卸载重装App真机运行插件。
  • HBuilderX菜单【帮助】【查看运行日志】,看下日志中相关错误,根据错误进行解决。
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