# iOS native app configuration files and resources

App packaging provides configuration Info.plist and Bundle Resources in iOS native development. Common items are encapsulated in uni-app, and manifest.json is provided.

But manifest.json cannot contain all iOS configuration.

Before HBuilderX 3.6.5, developers could only package or develop [App native language plug-ins](https://nativesupport.dcloud .net.cn/NativePlugin/README).

Starting from HBuilderX3.6.5, it supports directly configuring the Info.plist and resource files (Bundle Resources) of the iOS platform in the application project.

# 配置文件 Info.plist

Info.plist文件是 XCode 工程配置文件,可在HBuilderX中项目中添加Info.plist文件,云端打包后将会合并到 XCode 工程生成 ipa。

Edit and add the required content according to the application requirements, as shown in the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


  • The plist file must conform to the standard xml format
  • The plist file must conform to the Apple Information Property List specification, refer to Details
    • The file header needs to add <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    • The root node must be a plist, and the secondary node must be a dict
  • The content of Info.plist and the content of manifest.json should avoid conflict, that is, the content that has been configured in the manifest should not be configured. When packaged in the cloud, it will be merged into the Info.list file in the app. When there is a conflict, the content of the Info.plist will overwrite the configuration in manifest.json
  • The plist file configuration can only take effect after submitting the cloud package. Please use the [custom debugging base] when the real machine is running (https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/35115)

# iOS隐私信息访问描述配置


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

uni-app x项目manifest.json中没有提供iOS隐私信息访问许可描述的配置,需在此Info.plist中添加。


# iOS url scheme配置

如果应用需要向系统注册url scheme,以便在浏览器中通过scheme打开App,可根据需求在Info.plist文件中添加CFBundleURLTypes数据,如下示例:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

uni-app/uni-app x项目都支持通过此方式配置url scheme,uni-app项目还可通过manifest.json的可视化界面配置,参考iOS设置url scheme


  • CFBundleURLSchemes字段下的字符串数组项是需要注册的scheme值,上面示例配置了myappuniappx,请根据应用实际需求修改,array可添加多个string项配置多个scheme值。为了避免与其他应用产生冲突,请配置自己应用特有的字符串来避免冲突。
  • CFBundleURLName字段下的字符串是这组url scheme的标识,建议按上面示例的默认值配置即可,如需修改请参考苹果官方文档。
  • CFBundleTypeRole字段下的字符串是固定值,不要修改。


# 应用资源

Enter the name nativeResources (note that it is case-sensitive), confirm and create a directory.

  • Resources,用于保存Bundle资源的目录
  • UniApp.entitlements,用于配置工程Capabilities的文件

# 配置文件UniApp.entitlements

在 XCode 中可以通过项目可视化界面编辑应用的Capabilities,实际上是操作项目的 entitlements 和 Info.plist 文件保存数据。在 HBuilderX 中暂未提供Capabilities可视化界面操作,需手动编辑UniApp.entitlementsInfo.plist文件来实现相关配置。

在 nativeResourc/ios 目录下创建UniApp.entitlements文件,用于配置 XCode 原生工程的Capabilities,如下示例:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

uni-app/uni-app x 项目可以通过编辑UniApp.entitlements文件配置Capabilities,需确保此entitlements文件格式正确,可以在 XCode 中编辑验证此文件。


  • plist文件必须符合标准的xml格式
  • plist文件必须符合Apple Information Property List规范,参考详情
    • 文件头需加<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    • 根节点必须是plist,二级节点必须是dict
  • UniApp.entitlements的内容只能用于配置 Capabilities,不能添加自定义数据


# 配置Associated Domains

UniApp.entitlements添加com.apple.developer.associated-domains节点数据开启Associated Domains能力

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">


  • com.apple.developer.associated-domains字段值类型必须是字符串数组
  • 上面示例中applinks:demo.dcloud.net.cn配置的是通用链接域名,其中applinks:表示此域名用于通用链接,demo.dcloud.net.cn是域名,请修改为应用自己使用的域名
  • array节点下可添加多个关联域名
  • iOS平台完整配置通用链接参考文档:配置通用链接(Universal Link)


# Bundle资源目录 (Bundle Resources)



  • ios目录下不支持放Object-C/Swift源码文件,需要开发源码建议使用UTS插件uni原生语言插件
  • resources目录中的资源文件不能通过uni API使用,需通过 iOS 原生 API 访问,参考Accessing a Bundle's Contents。也就是在uni-app/uni-app x项目中这些资源需要通过uts代码访问,uni-app项目也可编写uni原生语言插件访问
  • resources目录中已经保留使用以下文件,需注意避免冲突
// uni-app/5+ App 项目  
┌─Pandora                       //uni-app资源目录
│  └─apps                       //应用资源目录
│    └─[AppID]                  //使用DCloud AppID作为目录名称
├─PandoraApi.bundle             //uni-app SDK内置资源目录
├─control.xml                   //uni-app模块配置文件
├─dcloud_logo@2x.png           //应用logo图片
├─dcloud_logo@3x.png           //应用logo图片
├─uni-jsframework.js           //uni-app vue2框架
├─uni-jsframework-vue3.js      //uni-app vue3框架
├─uni-jsframework-dev.js       //uni-app vue2框架(开发模式)
├─uni-jsframework-vue3-dev.js  //uni-app vue3框架(开发模式)
├─unincomponents.ttf           //uni-app内置字体图标
└─userPosition@2x.png          //地图模块当前位置图标

// uni-app x 项目
┌─uni-app-x                    //uni-app x 项目资源
├─DCUniVideo                   //video组件目录
├─uni_uts_toast_error.png      //uni.showToast 使用的图标
└─uni_uts_toast_success.png    //uni.showToast 使用的图标

  • The configuration of the application resource directory can only take effect after submitting the cloud package. Please use the [custom debugging base] when the real machine is running (https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/35115)

# Offline packaging

When packaging offline, the application manifest file and resources need to be manually merged into the XCode native project by the developer.