If you do not use the automatic icon generation method, you can configure the icons for Android and iOS platforms according to the following documents.

# Android平台


  • The png format must be used. Other formats need to be converted using the picture tool. Be careful not to directly rename pictures in other formats such as jpg to png
  • The system does not limit the icon resolution, you can configure it according to the recommended resolution
  • The image supports transparent areas, it is recommended to use rounded icons

Tip: Some special mobile phone ROMs may have requirements for icons, please pay attention to whether there are requirements when submitting the corresponding application market

# 云端打包


源码视图配置 Switch to the source view interface, and configure the corresponding resolution icon path in the "app-plus"->"distribute"->"icons"->"android" node according to the following attributes:

property name type description
xxxhdpi String 2K screen device program icon, resolution 192x192
xxhdpi String 1080P high resolution screen device program icon, the resolution requirement is 144x144
xhdpi String 720P high-resolution screen device program icon, the resolution requirement is 96x96
hdpi String High-resolution screen device program icon, resolution 72x72
mdpi String Program icon of common screen device, the resolution requires 48x48, such devices are rare and can not be configured
ldpi String Large screen device program icon, the resolution requires 48x48, such devices are rare and can not be configured

Tip: 5+ App project source code view node is app->distribute->icons->android


# Offline packaging

Offline packaging needs to configure the application icon in the native project, refer to Android native project configuration

# iOS平台


  • The png format must be used. Other formats need to be converted using the picture tool. Be careful not to directly rename pictures in other formats such as jpg to png
  • Icons must be right-angled, do not use rounded corners, the AppStore review will not pass if you use rounded corners
  • When packaging and submitting the appstore, you must configure the AppStore icon with a resolution of 1024*1024. The cloud packager uses a pure white icon by default.
  • All icons do not contain transparent information (alpha channel), otherwise submitting to AppStore will report the following error ITMS-90717 error

For more information about app icons, refer to Apple's official instructions: [https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/icons-and-images/app-icon/](https://developer .apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/icons-and-images/app-icon/)

# 云端打包


  • app store 应用需要提交到AppStore上架审核是必须配置
  • iPhone图标配置 打包时勾选“支持iPhone”时必须配置
  • iPad图标配置 Checking "support iPad" when packaging is a must

源码视图配置 Switch to the source code view interface, and configure the corresponding resolution icon path in the "app-plus"->"distribute"->"icons"->"ios" node according to the following properties:

property name type description
iphone Object, refer to iPhone icon source code parameters iPhone device program icon
ipad Object, refer to iPad icon source code parameters iPad device program icon
appstore String App Store icon path, resolution 1024x1024
# iPhone图标源码参数
property name type description
app@2x String The main icon of the iOS7+ device program, the resolution requirement is 120x120
app@3x String The main icon of the iOS7+ device program, the resolution requirement is 180x180
spotlight@2x String Spotlight search icon for iOS7+ devices, resolution 80x80
spotlight@3x String Spotlight search icon for iOS7+ devices, resolution 120x120
settings@2x String iOS7+ device Settings icon, resolution 58x58
settings@3x String iOS7+ device Settings icon, resolution 87x87
notification@2x String iOS7+ device notification bar icon, resolution 40x40
notification@3x String iOS7+设备通知栏图标,分辨率要求60x60
# iPad图标源码参数
property name type description
app String The main icon of the iOS7+ device program, the resolution requirement is 76x76
app@2x String The main icon of the iOS7+ high-resolution screen device program, the resolution requirement is 152x152
proapp@2x String iOS9+ iPad Pro (12.9 inches) device program main icon, the resolution requirement is 167x167
spotlight String iOS7+ device Spotlight search icon, the resolution requires 40x40
spotlight@2x String iOS7+ high-resolution screen device Spotlight search icon, the resolution requirement is 80x80
settings String iOS5+ device Settings icon, resolution 29x29
settings@2x String iOS5+ high-resolution screen device Settings icon, the resolution requires 58x58
notification String iOS7+ device notification bar icon, resolution 20x20
notification@2x String iOS7+ high-resolution screen device notification bar icon, the resolution requires 40x40

# Offline packaging

Offline packaging needs to configure the application icon in the native project, refer to [iOS native project configuration](https://nativesupport.dcloud.net.cn/AppDocs/usesdk/ios?id=%e9%85%8d%e7%bd% ae%e5%ba%94%e7%94%a8%e7%9a%84%e5%9b%be%e6%a0%87)

# 常见问题

# iOS平台配置/更新图标后打包安装,图标显示不正确

解决方案 The iOS system will cache the app icon, and you need to restart the phone for the new icon to take effect

# 提交AppStore审核是报ITMS-90717错误

This is because the image contains transparent information, that is, the alpha channel. The complete error message is as follows:

ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'HBuilder.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."

解决方案 Remove the alpha channel when generating the png icon file, and resubmit the cloud package