# map

map component.

The map component is used to display the map, while the positioning API only obtains the coordinates, please do not confuse the two.

Platform Difference Description

App H5 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 QQ小程序 快应用 360小程序 快手小程序 京东小程序
1.63+ 1.9.0+ x

Instructions for Map Service Provider

Map Service Provider App H5 WeChat MiniApp
高德 3.6.0+
Google 3.4+ 仅nvue页面 3.2.10+

Attribute Description

Property Name Type Default Value Description Platform Difference Description
longitude Number central longitude
latitude Number central latitude
scale Number 16 Zoom level, the value range is 3-20 The zoom ratio of Gaode map is different from that of WeChat MiniApp
theme String normal The theme (satellite or normal) is only valid during initialization and cannot be changed dynamically (only supported by Android) Jingdong MiniApp
min-scale Number 3 Minimum zoom level App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp 2.13+
max-scale Number 20 Maximum zoom level App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp 2.13+
layer-style Number/String 1 Personalized map App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp 2.13+
markers Array marker points
polyline Array Route Feishu MiniApp does not support
circles Array circles
controls Array Controls
include-points Array Zoom view to include all given coordinate points App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
enable-3D Boolean false Whether to display 3D blocks App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp 2.3.0
show-compass Boolean false Whether to display the compass App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp 2.3.0
enable-zoom Boolean true Support zooming App-nvue 2.1.5+, Wechat MiniApp 2.3.0
enable-scroll Boolean true Whether to support dragging App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp 2.3.0
enable-rotate Boolean false 是否支持旋转 App-nvue 2.1.5+、微信小程序2.3.0
rotate Number 0 旋转角度(范围0-360)地图正北和设备 y 轴角度的夹角 微信小程序2.5.0、支付宝小程序、抖音小程序、QQ小程序
skew Number 0 倾斜角度,范围 0 ~ 40 , 关于 z 轴的倾角 微信小程序2.5.0、支付宝小程序、抖音小程序、QQ小程序
enable-overlooking Boolean false Whether to enable overlooking App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp 2.3.0
enable-satellite Boolean false Whether to enable satellite images App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp 2.7.0
enable-traffic Boolean false Whether to enable real-time traffic conditions App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp 2.7.0
enable-poi Boolean false Whether to display POI points App-nvue 3.1.0+
enable-building Boolean false Whether to display buildings App-nvue 3.1.0+ support (repeal the original enable-3D attribute, the building is enabled by default on Gaode map, and 3D cannot be set)
show-location Boolean 显示带有方向的当前定位点 微信小程序、H5、百度小程序、支付宝小程序、京东小程序
polygons(支付宝为: polygon) Array.<polygon> 多边形 App-nvue 2.1.5+、App-vue 3.4.3+、H5 3.4.3+、微信小程序、百度小程序、支付宝小程序
enable-indoorMap Boolean false Whether to display indoor map App-nvue 3.1.0+
@markertap EventHandle triggered when a marker is clicked, MiniApp = { MiniApp }
@labeltap EventHandle triggered when the label is clicked, e.detail = {markerId} WeChat MiniApp 2.9.0
@callouttap EventHandle triggered when the bubble corresponding to the marker point is clicked, e.detail = {markerId}
@controltap EventHandle triggered when the control is clicked, e.detail = {controlId}
@regionchange EventHandle Triggered when the field of view changes WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
@tap EventHandle triggered when the map is clicked; App-nvue, WeChat MiniApp 2.9 supports returning latitude and longitude
@updated EventHandle triggered when the map rendering update is completed WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp
@anchorpointtap EventHandle triggered when the anchor point is clicked, e.detail = {longitude, latitude} App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp 2.13+
@poitap EventHandle triggered when a poi point on the map is clicked, e.detail = {name, longitude, latitude} WeChat MiniApp 2.3.0+


  • The width/height of the <map> component is recommended to be written directly, for example: 750rpx, do not set a percentage value.
  • 谷歌地图使用 wgs84 坐标,其他地图使用 gcj02 坐标,用错坐标类型会显示偏移。
  • App平台 layer-style 属性需要在地图服务商后台创建,值设置为高德后台申请的字符串,详情
  • H5 端高德地图 include-points 属性仅支持 2 个坐标点,表示显示范围的西南角和东北角。

# Recently Added Features

  1. Support point aggregation, suitable for scenarios with too many markers.
  2. Support rainbow worm line, which is often used in route planning scenarios.
  3. Overlay supports adjusting the overlay relationship with other map elements.
  4. Support marker (car) translation animation, suitable for track playback scenarios.


Marker points are used to show the marker's location on the map

Properties Description Type Required Remarks Platform Difference Description
id marker id Number yes This id will be returned by marker click event callback. It is recommended to set a Number type id for each marker to ensure better performance when updating markers. The maximum limit is 9 digits
latitude latitude Number yes floating point number, range -90 ~ 90
longitude longitude Number yes floating point number, range -180 ~ 180
title mark roll call String no display when clicked, and will be ignored when callout exists App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Alipay MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
iconPath The displayed icon String Yes the image path in the project directory, which supports relative path writing, starting with '/' means relative to the root directory of the MiniApp; it also supports temporary paths
rotate rotation angle Number No clockwise rotation angle, range 0 ~ 360, default is 0 App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
alpha Transparency of annotation Number No Default 1, no transparency, range 0 ~ 1 App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
width mark icon width Number No The MiniApp is the actual width of the picture
height mark icon height Number No The default is the actual height of the picture App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Alipay MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
callout Customize the bubble window above the marker Object No The supported properties are shown in the table below, and it can recognize line breaks. App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
label Add a label next to the mark point Object No The supported attributes are shown in the table below, and newline characters can be recognized. App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, App, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
anchor The latitude and longitude is the anchor point of the label icon, the default is the midpoint of the bottom Object No {x, y}, x means horizontal (0-1), y means vertical (0-1). {x: .5, y: 1} represents the midpoint of the bottom App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, JD MiniApp
clusterId Use when customizing point aggregation cluster effects Number No App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp
customCallout Custom bubble window Object No App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
aria-label Accessibility, additional description of (attribute) element String No App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp
joinCluster Whether to participate in point aggregation Boolean No If you specify point aggregation, this option value must be set to true to take effect App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp

bubble callout on marker

Properties Description Type Platform Difference Description
content Text String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
color text color String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
fontSize Text Size Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
borderRadius callout border fillet Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
borderWidth Border Width Number WeChat MiniApp, JD MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp
borderColor border color String WeChat MiniApp, JD MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp
bgColor Background color String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
padding Leave blank at the edge of the text Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
display 'BYCLICK': Click to display; 'ALWAYS': Always display String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
textAlign Text alignment. Valid values: left, right, center String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
anchorX horizontal offset, positive number to the right Number WeChat MiniApp 2.11.0
anchorY vertical offset, positive number downwards Number WeChat MiniApp 2.11.0

label on marker

Properties Description Type Platform Difference Description
content text String
color text color String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
fontSize Text Size Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
x The coordinates of the label, the origin is the latitude and longitude corresponding to the marker Number H5, Baidu MiniApp
y The coordinates of the label, the origin is the latitude and longitude corresponding to the marker Number H5, Baidu MiniApp
anchorX the coordinates of the label, the origin is the latitude and longitude corresponding to the marker Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp
anchorY the coordinates of the label, the origin is the latitude and longitude corresponding to the marker Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp
borderWidth Border Width Number WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp
borderColor border color String WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp
borderRadius Border rounded corners Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
bgColor Background color String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
padding Leave blank at the edge of the text Number App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp
textAlign Text alignment. Valid values: left, right, center String App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp
aria-label Accessibility, additional description of (attribute) element String App-nvue 3.1.0+, WeChat MiniApp

# point aggregation

When there are too many markers to be displayed on the map, the markers on the interface may be overlaid, incompletely displayed, and lead to poor overall performance. In response to such problems, the point aggregation capability is introduced.

The usage process is as follows:

MapContext.initMarkerCluster Initialize the configuration of the aggregation point (optional); MapContext.addMarkers specifies the markers involved in aggregation; When MapContext.on('markerClusterCreate', callback) is triggered, update the style of the cluster via MapContext.addMarkers (optional); MapContext.removeMarkers removes the markers participating in the aggregation;


Specify a series of coordinate points, connecting the line from the first item to the last item in the array

Properties Description Type Required Remarks Platform Difference Description
points array of latitude and longitude Array Yes [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}]
color The color of the line String No 8-digit hexadecimal representation, the last two digits represent the alpha value, such as: #0000AA
width line width Number No
dottedLine Dotted Line Boolean No Default false App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
arrowLine Arrowed line Boolean No The default is false, the WeChat MiniApp Developer Tool does not support this attribute App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
arrowIconPath Change arrow icon String No Take effect when arrowLine is true App-nvue 2.1.5+, WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
borderColor The border color of the line String No WeChat MiniApp, H5, Baidu MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp
borderWidth 线的厚度 Number 微信小程序、H5、百度小程序、京东小程序
colorList 彩虹线 Array 存在时忽略 color 值 App-nvue 3.1.0+、微信小程序
level 压盖关系
abovelabels 显示在所有 POI 之上(默认)
abovebuildings 显示在楼块之上 POI 之下
aboveroads 显示在所有 POI 之上
String 微信小程序


  • App-nvue When arrowLine is true, the line color value of the spliced image with arrow will be ignored, and the method of replacing the arrow image [reference document](https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/ 37901)

Specify a series of coordinate points and generate a closed polygon according to the points coordinate data

Attribute Description Type Required Remarks
points array of latitude and longitude array yes [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}]
strokeWidth Stroke width Number No
strokeColor stroke color String no hexadecimal
fillColor fill color String no hex
zIndex 设置多边形 Z 轴数值 Number
level 压盖关系
abovelabels 显示在所有 POI 之上(默认)
abovebuildings 显示在楼块之上 POI 之下
aboveroads 显示在所有 POI 之上
String false 微信小程序


show circle on map

Attribute Description Type Required Remarks
latitude latitude Number Yes a floating-point number, ranging from -90 to 90
longitude longitude Number yes floating point number, range -180 ~ 180
color Stroke color String No 8-digit hexadecimal representation, the last two digits represent the alpha value, such as: #000000AA; #00000 is hexadecimal
fillColor Fill color String No 8-digit hexadecimal representation, the last two digits represent the alpha value, such as: #000000AA; #00000 is hexadecimal
radius Radius Number Yes
strokeWidth 描边的宽度 Number
level 压盖关系
abovelabels 显示在所有 POI 之上(默认)
abovebuildings 显示在楼块之上 POI 之下
aboveroads 显示在所有 POI 之上
String false 微信小程序


Display the control on the map, the control does not move with the map

Attribute Description Type Required Remarks
id Control id Number No This id will be returned in the control click event callback
position the position of the control on the map Object Yes the position of the control relative to the map
iconPath The displayed icon String Yes the image path in the project directory, which supports relative path writing, starting with '/' means relative to the root directory of the project; also supports temporary paths
clickable Clickable or not Boolean No Not clickable by default


Attribute Description Type Required Remarks
left How far from the left border of the map Number No Default is 0
top how far from the upper boundary of the map Number no default is 0
width Control Width Number No The default is the image width
height Control height Number No The default is the picture height

The latitude and longitude of the map component are required. If the latitude and longitude are not filled, the default value is the latitude and longitude of Beijing.

Example View Example



		<view class="page-body">
			<view class="page-section page-section-gap">
				<map style="width: 100%; height: 300px;" :latitude="latitude" :longitude="longitude" :markers="covers">

# App平台地图服务商差异

# Map 地图组件

Properties Description Whether AutoNavi supports Whether Google Maps supports
subkey The key used by the personalized map Not supported Not supported
show-scale show scale supported not supported
enable-poi Whether to display POI points Supported Not supported
labeltap Triggered when the label is clicked Supported Android supported, iOS not supported
poitap Triggered when a poi point on the map is clicked Supported Android does not support iOS support

# marker

Properties Description Whether AutoNavi supports Whether Google Maps supports
label Add a label next to the marker point Supported Supported by Android Not supported by iOS

# marker 上的气泡 callout

Properties Description Whether AutoNavi supports Whether Google Maps supports
display 'BYCLICK': Click to display; 'ALWAYS':Always display Supported Android supports iOS only supports 'BYCLICK'

# marker 上的自定义气泡 customCallout

Properties Description Whether AutoNavi supports Whether Google Maps supports
display 'BYCLICK': Click to display; 'ALWAYS': Always display Supported Android supports iOS only supports 'BYCLICK'

# polyline

Properties Description Whether AutoNavi supports Whether Google Maps supports
colorList Rainbow Line Supported Android Not Supported iOS Supported
dottedLine Dotted line or not Supported Android supported, iOS not supported
arrowLine Arrowed Line Supported Android Not Supported iOS Supported
arrowIconPath Replace the arrow icon Supported Android does not support iOS support

map 组件相关操作的 JS APIuni.createMapContext

Nvue map replacement arrow icon format reference: https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/37901


-In MiniApp and app-vue, the <map> component is a native component created by the engine. It has the highest level and cannot be controlled by z-index. To draw content on <map>, you can use the marker, controls and other attributes that come with the component, or you can use the <cover-view> component. App side can also use plus.nativeObj.view or subNVue to draw native content, Reference. In addition, there is no hierarchical problem with the nvue file on the App side. Starting from WeChat Basic Library 2.8.3, it supports the same layer rendering of map components, and there is no layer problem anymore.

  • The controls property of the WeChat MiniApp will be deprecated, Details.If the base library used supports same-layer rendering, you can use the <view> component directly, otherwise use the <cover-view> component
  • The map of the nvue file on the App side is more aligned with the MiniApp. The map in vue has the same function as plus.map, and is slightly different from the map of the MiniApp. **It is recommended to use nvue when using map on the App side. **
  • If local images are used on the app side, the resources need to be set to release mode before packaging. Add a new runmode node to app-plus in the manifest file, and set the value to liberate.
  • Do not use <map> components in scroll-view, swiper, picker-view, and movable-view in MiniApp involving hierarchical issues and in app-vue. -In MiniApp and app-vue, css animations are invalid for <map> components.
  • The latitude and longitude used by the map component are the coordinates of the National Bureau of Surveying. To call the uni.getLocation interface, you need to specify the type as gcj02.
  • The underlying engines of <map> components are different on different platforms: WeChat MiniApp are Tencent Maps; H5 is Tencent Maps or Google Maps or Gaode Maps; App, Alipay (Chinese mainland version) MiniApp are Gaode Maps; Baidu MiniApp and QuickApp are Baidu Maps. app-vue can also use Baidu map, configure it in the manifest, and take effect after packaging, but app-nvue only supports Gaode map. In addition, the APIs for selecting maps and viewing map locations only support Amap. If there is no special need on the App side, it is recommended to use Amap.
  • The default api of the map component refers to the WeChat MiniApp. If you need to use plus.map, you can get the native map object through $getAppMap, see details. Note that the map component of nvue is not a plus.map object, and $getAppMap cannot be used
  • The H5 terminal needs to be deployed on the https service to obtain location information, and the local preview (localhost) can still use the http protocol.
  • When using the Chrome browser on a PC device without a GPS module or without a GPS signal, the location information is obtained by connecting to the Google server, and domestic users may fail to obtain the location information.
  • To use the map component on the app side, you need to apply for SDK qualification from a third-party service provider such as AutoNavi or Baidu, and obtain an AppKey. When packaging, you need to check the corresponding module in the manifest file and fill in the Appkey in the SDK configuration. Note that the application package name must match the package name when packaging, and the certificate information must match**. There are detailed application guidelines on the manifest visualization interface.
  • The use of maps on the H5 side is related to positioning. It is necessary to configure the secret key (key) applied by third-party map service providers such as Tencent or Google in manifest.json. Amap requires additional configuration of securityJsCode or serviceHost, for details, refer to Amap Documentation.
  • ios nvue Color does not support ARGB hexadecimal, use rgba(r,g,b,a) instead
  • Pay attention to the conversion of the position coordinate system. There are global GPS standards, national standards, and Baidu private standards. If one standard is used for positioning and the map is another standard, there will be displacement deviations when displayed on the map. It is generally recommended to use the national standard gcj02 uniformly.

Q:应用中使用了 <map> 组件,打包为App时,提示缺少权限模块怎么办?

A:App端原生地图,依赖第三方的 SDK,因此打包移动应用时,需要在manifest中勾选相关的权限并填写 key 信息,详见


A: App 3.4+ 已支持 Google 地图, App 3.4 以下版本使用下面的方案

  1. 在web-view下调用谷歌的web地图
  2. 写一个原生插件封装谷歌原生地图,具体参考uni-app插件市场的原生插件开发教程。插件市场已有三方写好的地图插件

# Three-party positioning and map service fee description




# unicloud-map 云端一体组件

若想要在地图上展示自定义的POI信息,试试 unicloud-map 云端一体组件,该组件将前端地图组件与云端数据库无缝连接,只需写一个<unicloud-map>组件,即可从数据库中获取附近的POI信息并在地图上呈现。无论是静态还是动态的POI,甚至更多自定义功能,都轻松实现。让地图开发变得愉快又高效。






通过从数据库获取POI数据,并通过 uni-id-common 内的路线规划API,计算路线、距离、时间
