# live-pusher

Live audio and video recording, also known as live-pusher.

Platform difference description

App H5 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 QQ小程序 快应用 360小程序 快手小程序 京东小程序
√(nvue)、vue 3.4.1+ x x x x x x x x x

The 3.4.1+ vue page of the app platform already supports live-pusher, versions before 3.4.1 Need to write conditional compilation code, use plus.video.LivePusher, Business Guide, [Specification Document](http://www.html5plus. org/doc/en_us/video.html#plus.video.LivePusher). It is still recommended to use the live-pusher component in nvue directly.

For app development, it is recommended to use nvue for live streaming. Compared with vue, it has the following advantages:

  1. nvue can also compile multiple sides with a set of codes.
  2. cover-view of nvue is more powerful than that of vue, making it easier to draw elements on video. If only the App side is considered, any component can override the live-pusher component without using cover-view, for there is no hierarchy problem.
  3. If you need the video embedded in the swiper to slide up and down (such as the home page modes like Tik Tok and Inke), only nvue can achieve on the app side Of course, the disadvantage of nvue compared to vue is that CSS is limited in writing. If you only develop WeChat applets and do not consider App, then the same is true for using vue pages.

Parameter Description

Set the live-pusher address and live-pusher video mode of the live-pusher component.

Property Type Default Required Description Platform Difference Description
url string yes The push stream address, which supports RTMP protocol.
mode string SD No Push video mode, available values: SD (standard definition), HD (high definition), FHD (ultra-definition).
aspect string 3:2 No Video aspect ratio
muted Boolean false no Whether to mute.
enable-camera Boolean true no Enable the camera.
auto-focus Boolean true No Auto-focus.
beauty Number 0 No Beauty, the value range is 0-9 (iOS value range is 1), 0 means off.
whiteness Number 0 No Whitening, the value range is 0-9 (iOS value range is 1), 0 means off.
orientation String "vertical" no screen orientation
min-bitrate Number 200 No Minimum bitrate.
max-bitrate Number 1000 No Maximum bitrate.
audio-quality string high No High sound quality (48KHz) or low sound quality (16KHz), the value is high, low WeChat applet 1.7.0
waiting-image string No Waiting image for streaming when entering the background WeChat applet 1.7.0
waiting-image-hash string No Waiting for the MD5 value of the image resource WeChat applet 1.7.0
zoom boolean false No Adjust focus WeChat applet 2.1.0
device-position string front No Front or rear, the value is front, back WeChat applet 2.3.0
background-mute boolean false No Mute when entering the background WeChat applet 1.7.0
remote-mirror boolean false No Set whether the push screen is mirrored, the effect will be reflected in the live-player WeChat applet 2.10.0
local-mirror string auto No Control whether the local preview screen is mirrored WeChat applet 2.10.0
audio-reverb-type number 0 No Audio reverb type WeChat applet 2.10.0
enable-mic boolean true no Enable or disable the microphone WeChat applet 2.10.0
enable-agc boolean false No Whether to enable automatic audio gain WeChat applet 2.10.0
enable-ans boolean false No Enable audio noise suppression WeChat applet 2.10.0
audio-volume-type string voicecall No Volume Type WeChat Mini Program 2.10.0
@statechange EventHandle state change event, detail = {code}
@netstatus EventHandle Network status notification, detail = {info}
@error EventHandle Render error event, detail = {errMsg, errCode}
@bgmstart EventHandle Triggered when the background sound starts playing WeChat applet 2.4.0
@bgmprogress EventHandle Triggered when the background sound progress changes, detail = {progress, duration} WeChat applet 2.4.0
@bgmcomplete EventHandle Triggered when the background sound playback is complete WeChat applet 2.4.0
Value Instruction
vertical Vertical
horizontal Horizontal
Value Instruction
auto Front camera mirroring, rear camera not mirroring
enable Mirroring both front and rear cameras
disable The front and rear cameras are not mirrored
Value Instruction
2 Small Room
3 Great Hall
4 Deep
5 Resonant
6 Metal Sound
7 Magnetic
Value Instruction
media Media Volume
voicecall Call Volume

# Network status data (info) Android

keyname description
videoBitrate The current output bit rate of the video encoder/encoder, in kbps
audioBitrate The current output bit rate of the audio encoder/encoder, in kbps
videoFPS current video frame rate
videoGOP The current video GOP, that is, the interval between every two key frames (I frames), in s
netSpeed current send/receive speed
netJitter Network jitter situation, the greater the jitter, the more unstable the network is
videoWidth The width of the video screen
videoHeight The height of the video screen

# Network status data (info) iOS

parameter type description
code Number code
message string Specific network status information

# Event

# statechange

State change event

# Detailed description of return parameter (detail)
parameter type description
code Number
message string

# netstatus

Network status notification event

# For Android, the detailed description of return parameter (detail)
keyname description
videoBitrate The current output bit rate of the video encoder/encoder, in kbps
audioBitrate The current output bit rate of the audio encoder/encoder, in kbps
videoFPS current video frame rate
videoGOP The current video GOP, that is, the interval between every two key frames (I frames), in s
netSpeed current send/receive speed
netJitter Network jitter situation, the greater the jitter, the more unstable the network is
videoWidth The width of the video screen
videoHeight The height of the video screen
# For iOS, the detailed description of return parameter (detail)
parameter type description
code Number code
message string Specific network status information

# error

Render error event

# Detailed description of return parameter (detail)
parameter type description
errCode Number
errMsg string
        <live-pusher id='livePusher' ref="livePusher" class="livePusher" url=""
        mode="SD" :muted="true" :enable-camera="true" :auto-focus="true" :beauty="1" whiteness="2"
        aspect="9:16" @statechange="statechange" @netstatus="netstatus" @error = "error"
        <button class="btn" @click="start">开始推流</button>
        <button class="btn" @click="pause">暂停推流</button>
        <button class="btn" @click="resume">resume</button>
        <button class="btn" @click="stop">停止推流</button>
        <button class="btn" @click="snapshot">快照</button>
        <button class="btn" @click="startPreview">开启摄像头预览</button>
        <button class="btn" @click="stopPreview">关闭摄像头预览</button>
        <button class="btn" @click="switchCamera">切换摄像头</button>
    export default {
        data() {
			return {}
        onReady() {
            // Note: Need to delay in onReady or onLoad
            this.context = uni.createLivePusherContext("livePusher", this);
        methods: {
            statechange(e) {
                console.log("statechange:" + JSON.stringify(e));
            netstatus(e) {
                console.log("netstatus:" + JSON.stringify(e));
            error(e) {
                console.log("error:" + JSON.stringify(e));
            start: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
                        console.log("livePusher.start:" + JSON.stringify(a));
            close: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
                        console.log("livePusher.close:" + JSON.stringify(a));
            snapshot: function() {
                    success: (e) => {
            resume: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
                        console.log("livePusher.resume:" + JSON.stringify(a));
            pause: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
                        console.log("livePusher.pause:" + JSON.stringify(a));
            stop: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
            switchCamera: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
                        console.log("livePusher.switchCamera:" + JSON.stringify(a));
            startPreview: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
                        console.log("livePusher.startPreview:" + JSON.stringify(a));
            stopPreview: function() {
                    success: (a) => {
                        console.log("livePusher.stopPreview:" + JSON.stringify(a));

Related api: uni.createLivePusherContext


  • live-pusher is a native component, which is higher than the front-end component on the applet side and needs to be covered with cover-view. In lower versions of WeChat, live-pusher cannot be embedded in scroll-view, swiper, picker-view, and movable-view. In the nvue file on the App side, live-pusher has no such restrictions.
  • App platform: When using the <live-pusher/> component, you must check manifest.json->App module permission configuration->LivePusher module when packaging the App.