Single line input box.
The input in the html specification is not only an input box, but also radio, checkbox, time, date, and file selection functions. In the uni-app specification, input is just an input box. Other functions uni-app has a separate component or API: radio component, checkbox component, [time selection](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/picker?id=%e6%97%b6%e9%97%b4%e9%80%89%e6%8b%a9%e5% 99%a8), [date picker](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/picker?id=%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%9f%e9%80%89%e6%8b%a9 %e5%99%a8), Image Selection, [Video Selection](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/api /media/video?id=choosevideo), multimedia file selection (including picture and video), [general file selection](https: //uniapp.dcloud.io/api/media/file?id=choosefile).
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Platform Difference Description |
value | String | 输入框的初始内容 | ||
type | String | text | input 的类型 有效值 | |
text-content-type | String | Semantics of the text area, automatically filled according to the type valid value | Only supported by App-nvue-iOS | |
password | Boolean | false | Whether it is a password type | When H5 and App write this attribute, the type is invalid |
placeholder | String | The placeholder when the input box is empty | ||
placeholder-style | String | 指定 placeholder 的样式 | ||
placeholder-class | String | "input-placeholder" | 指定 placeholder 的样式类,注意页面或组件的style中写了scoped时,需要在类名前写/deep/ | 抖音小程序、飞书小程序、快手小程序不支持 |
disabled | Boolean | false | whether to disable | |
maxlength | Number | 140 | Maximum input length, when set to -1, there is no limit to the maximum length | |
cursor-spacing | Number | 0 | 指定光标与键盘的距离,单位 px 。取 input 距离底部的距离和 cursor-spacing 指定的距离的最小值作为光标与键盘的距离 | App、微信小程序、百度小程序、QQ小程序、京东小程序 |
focus | Boolean | false | 获取焦点。 | H5、App需要点击按钮获取焦点的,必须使用@touchend.prevent="onTap"阻止键盘收起默认事件才能获取焦点关于软键盘弹出的逻辑说明,小程序、nvue需使用组件的 focus()、blur() 方法控制焦点 |
confirm-type | String | done | Set the text of the button in the lower right corner of the keyboard, only valid when type="text". Valid value | WeChat MiniApp, App, H5, Kuaishou MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp |
confirm-hold | Boolean | false | Whether to keep the keyboard closed when the button in the lower right corner of the keyboard is clicked | App (3.3.7+), H5 (3.3.7+), WeChat MiniApp, Alipay MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, QQ MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp |
cursor | Number | 指定focus时的光标位置 | ||
cursor-color | String | 光标颜色 | 微信小程序 3.1.0+、H5(4.0+)、App-Vue(4.0+) | |
selection-start | Number | -1 | Cursor starting position, valid when auto-gathering, need to be used together with selection-end | |
selection-end | Number | -1 | Cursor end position, valid when auto-gathering, must be used together with selection-start | |
adjust-position | Boolean | true | Whether to automatically push up the page when the keyboard pops up | App-Android (invalid when the vue page softinputMode is adjustResize, invalid when using the x5 kernel), WeChat MiniApp, Baidu MiniApp, QQ MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp |
auto-blur | Boolean | false | Whether to automatically lose focus when the keyboard is closed | App-Vue 3.0.0+ |
ignoreCompositionEvent | Boolean | true | Whether to ignore the processing of text composition system events in the component. When it is false , compositionstart, compositionend, compositionupdate events will be triggered, and input events will be triggered during text composition | App-vue (3.4.4+), H5 (3.4.4+), App-nvue does not Support |
always-embed | Boolean | false | Force the input to be in the same layer state, and the input will switch to a non-same layer state when it is in focus by default (only valid under iOS) | WeChat MiniApp 2.10.4+ |
hold-keyboard | Boolean | false | In focus, the keyboard will not be put away when the page is clicked | WeChat MiniApp 2.8.2+ |
safe-password-cert-path | String | The path of the safe keyboard encryption public key, only supports the path in the package | WeChat MiniApp 2.18.0+ | |
safe-password-length | Number | Safe keyboard input password length | WeChat MiniApp 2.18.0+ | |
safe-password-time-stamp | Number | Safe keyboard encryption time stamp | WeChat MiniApp 2.18.0+ | |
safe-password-nonce | String | Safe keyboard encryption salt value | WeChat MiniApp 2.18.0+ | |
safe-password-salt | String | Safe keyboard calculates hash salt value, if custom-hash is specified, it will be invalid | WeChat MiniApp 2.18.0+ | |
safe-password-custom-hash | String | Safe keyboard calculation hash algorithm expression, such as md5(sha1('foo' + sha256(sm3(password + 'bar')))) | WeChat MiniApp 2.18.0 + | |
random-number | Boolean | false | When the type is number, digit, idcard, whether the number keyboard is arranged randomly | Alipay MiniApp 1.9.0+ |
controlled | Boolean | false | Whether it is a controlled component. When it is true, the value content will be completely controlled by setData | Alipay MiniApp 1.9.0+ |
always-system | Boolean | false | Whether to force the use of the system keyboard and input elements created by the web-view. When it is true, confirm-type and confirm-hold may be invalid | Alipay MiniApp 2.7.3+ |
inputmode | String | "text" | is an enumerated property that provides hints about the type of data the user may enter when editing the element or its contents. valid value | H5 (3.6.16+), App-vue (3.6.16+) |
@input | EventHandle | When the keyboard enters, the input event is triggered, event.detail = {value} | For the difference, see Tips below | |
@focus | EventHandle | triggered when the input box is focused, event.detail = { value, height }, height is the height of the keyboard | Only WeChat MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp, App (2.2.3+), QQ MiniApp support height | |
@blur | EventHandle | triggered when the input box loses focus, event.detail = {value: value} | Kuaishou MiniApp does not support | |
@confirm | EventHandle | triggered when the Done button is clicked, event.detail = {value: value} | Kuaishou MiniApp does not support | |
@keyboardheightchange | eventhandle | This event is triggered when the keyboard height changes, event.detail = {height: height, duration: duration} | WeChat MiniApp base library 2.7.0+, App 3.1.0+ |
事件处理函数可以直接 return 一个字符串,将替换输入框的内容。仅微信小程序支持。input
组件上有默认的 min-height
样式,如果 min-height
的值大于 height
的值那么 height
属性在iOS下的格式为十六进制颜色值 #000000,安卓下只支持 default 和 green,Skyline 下无限制。Web
和 app-plus vue
上 iOS 自带键盘的智能标点功能会导致:在 type 为 number
时,连续输入两次 .
后,在第三次输入 .
时,会触发两次 deleteContentBackward(删除) 的输入外加一次 insertText 为 …
(三个点) 的输入。会导致表现异常,关闭智能标点功能后正常。Value | Description | Platform Difference Description |
text | text input keyboard | |
number | Number input keyboard | All support, App platform, H5 platform version 3.1.22 and below, the keyboard displayed on the iOS platform on the vue page contains negative numbers and decimals. |
idcard | ID card input keyboard | WeChat, Alipay, Baidu, QQ MiniApp, Kuaishou MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp |
digit | 带小数点的数字键盘 | 均支持,App平台、H5平台 vue 页面在 iOS 平台显示的键盘包含负数(原生键盘不支持负号)。 |
tel | 电话输入键盘 | |
safe-password | Password safe input keyboard | WeChat MiniApp |
nickname | nickname input keyboard | WeChat MiniApp |
-When the input on the MiniApp terminal is focused, it will behave as a native control, and the level will become higher at this time. If you need front-end components to cover the input, you need to make the input out of focus, or use cover-view and other solutions to cover native controls, reference.Specifically, the input of the Ali MiniApp is text and the focus is a native control; all the input focus of WeChat, Toutiao, and QQ are native controls; the focus of the Baidu MiniApp is still non-native. You can also refer to Native Control documentOnly supported by App-nvue-iOS
value | description |
oneTimeCode | one-time verification code, often used for SMS verification code input |
The text of the button in the lower right corner of the popup soft keyboard.
Value | Description | Platform Difference Description |
send | The button in the lower right corner is "Send" | WeChat, Alipay, Baidu MiniApp, Kuaishou MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp, app-nvue, app-vue and h5 (2.9.9+, and require the device webview kernel Chrome81+, Safari13 .7+) |
search | The button in the lower right corner is "Search" | |
next | The button in the lower right corner is "Next" | WeChat, Alipay, Baidu MiniApp, Kuaishou MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp, app-nvue, app-vue and h5 (2.9.9+, and requires the device webview kernel Chrome81+, Safari13.7+) |
go | The button in the lower right corner is "Go" | |
done | The button in the lower right corner is "Done" | WeChat, Alipay, Baidu MiniApp, Kuaishou MiniApp, Jingdong MiniApp, app-nvue, app-vue and h5 (2.9.9+, and require the device webview kernel Chrome81+, Safari13 .7+) |
Added in uni-app 3.6.16+ inputmode is the content of the later update of the html specification. Various MiniApp not yet supported this attribute.
In the qualified high-version webview, this attribute can be used in the web and app-vue platforms of uni-app.
value | description |
none | No virtual keyboard. Useful when an application or site needs to implement its own keyboard input control. |
text | Use the standard text input keyboard for the user's locale. |
decimal | A decimal input keyboard, consisting of digits and a separator (usually " ." or " , "), the device may or may not display a minus key. |
numeric | A numeric input keypad, all that is required is the digits 0 to 9, the device may or may not display a minus key. |
tel | Telephone input keypad, consisting of the digits 0 through 9, the asterisk (*) and pound (#) keys. Telephone inputs inside form inputs should generally use <input type="tel"> . |
search | Virtual keyboard optimized for search input, e.g. the return key may be relabeled as "search", and there may be other optimizations as well. |
Virtual keyboard optimized for email address typing, usually containing "@" symbols and other optimizations. Email address inputs in forms should use <input type="email"> . | |
url | Optimized virtual keyboard for URL input, for example, "/" key will be more visible, history access, etc. URL inputs in forms should generally use <input type="url"> . |
Chrome >= 66
, Edge >= 79
, Firefox >= 95
, Chrome Android >= 66
, Firefox for Android >= 79
, Safari on iOS >= 12.2
, WebView Android >= 66
and type
, comfirm-tye
, and their differences are explained in detail as follows:
When app-vue is on iOS, when the soft keyboard in webview pops up, there is a horizontal bar above the soft keyboard by default, showing: buttons for previous item, next item, and completion. If you don't want to display this horizontal bar, you can configure softinputNavBar: 'none'
Configuration method, configure style on a certain page or globally in pages.json
"app-plus": {
"softinputNavBar": "none"
softinputNavBar: 'none'
//this.$scope.$getAppWebview() is equivalent to plus.webview.currentWebview() in html5plus. Using plus.webview.currentWebview() directly on the vue page in uni-app is invalid
If it is an nvue page, iOS does not have a horizontal bar above the keyboard by default, and no settings are required.
The App platform soft keyboard pops up with two modes: adjustResize|adjustPan. The default is the adjustPan mode. The MiniApp platform only supports the adjustPan mode. The H5 platform varies with different browsers
Configuration method, configure style in pages.json
"app-plus": {
"softinputMode": "adjustResize"
event and use the prevent
modifier (only App, H5 is supported, other platforms can set focus
to make the input box regain focus) , such as using on the confirm button: @touchend.prevent="onTap"
The above is the default logic. uni-app also provides an API to hide the soft keyboard: uni.hideKeyboard()
On the app platform, there are native input boxes of searchinput configured by titleNView and drawinput of plus.nativeObj.view. The input boxes of these two methods are native, not in the webview.
modeinput example View Demo
The following sample code comes from hello uni-app project. It is recommended to use HBuilderX to create a new uni-app project and select the hello uni-app template to directly experience the complete example.
<!-- This example does not contain the complete css, please refer to the above to get the external link css, check it in the hello uni-app project -->
<view class="uni-common-mt">
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">可自动聚焦的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" focus placeholder="自动获得焦点" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">键盘右下角按钮显示为搜索</view>
<input class="uni-input" confirm-type="search" placeholder="键盘右下角按钮显示为搜索" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">控制最大输入长度的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="10" placeholder="最大输入长度为10" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">实时获取输入值:{{inputValue}}</view>
<input class="uni-input" @input="onKeyInput" placeholder="输入同步到view中" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">控制输入的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" @input="replaceInput" v-model="changeValue" placeholder="连续的两个1会变成2" />
<!-- #ifndef MP-BAIDU -->
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">控制键盘的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" ref="input1" @input="hideKeyboard" placeholder="输入123自动收起键盘" />
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">数字输入的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" type="number" placeholder="这是一个数字输入框" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">密码输入的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" password type="text" placeholder="这是一个密码输入框" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">带小数点的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" type="digit" placeholder="带小数点的数字键盘" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">身份证输入的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" type="idcard" placeholder="身份证输入键盘" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title">控制占位符颜色的input</view>
<input class="uni-input" placeholder-style="color:#F76260" placeholder="占位符字体是红色的" />
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title"><text class="uni-form-item__title">带清除按钮的输入框</text></view>
<view class="uni-input-wrapper">
<input class="uni-input" placeholder="带清除按钮的输入框" :value="inputClearValue" @input="clearInput" />
<text class="uni-icon" v-if="showClearIcon" @click="clearIcon"></text>
<view class="uni-form-item uni-column">
<view class="title"><text class="uni-form-item__title">可查看密码的输入框</text></view>
<view class="uni-input-wrapper">
<input class="uni-input" placeholder="请输入密码" :password="showPassword" />
<text class="uni-icon" :class="[!showPassword ? 'uni-eye-active' : '']"