# Ad error code

# app platform error code

code message
-5001 The advertising slot identifier adpid is empty, please pass in a valid adpid
-5002 Invalid ad slot identifier adpid, please use the correct adpid
-5003 The advertisement has not been activated, please apply on the advertising platform and ensure that it has been approved
-5004 No advertising module, please configure the advertising module to be used when packaging
-5005 Ad failed to load, please reload after a while, otherwise system policies may be triggered and traffic revenue may decrease
-5006 Ads are not loaded and cannot be played. Please adjust show after loading.
-5007 Could not get ad configuration data, please try again
-5008 Ad has expired, please reload data
-5100 Other errors, Aggregate Advertiser Internal Error

# -5005详细说明


# 可能的原因

  1. 请求过于频繁,广告主不愿意给同一设备投放太多次广告。可过段时间再试
  2. 当天请求次数已达广告商最大上限,明天再试
  3. 设备太旧,广告主不投放
  4. 终端用户在刷广告,比如使用了云手机或手机墙,广告主不投放
  5. 如果配置了 bidding 分层,无法满足条件的也会抛出此错误

# 正确解决方案

  1. 尽可能开通多个广告渠道以增加填充率。激励视频有穿山甲、优量汇、快手、百度、华为、Sigmob等多家渠道,只开通一两家很容易造成填充不足。
  2. 配置分层和 bidding 策略以提高填充率(联系广告运营uniad@dcloud.io,且需 HBuilderX 3.6.7+ 并整包更新App)
  3. 如果一直无法填充,提示用户当前环境不适合展示广告,尝试更换设备
  4. 激励视频因为有奖励,很容易招惹灰黑产,为防止被刷,推荐使用:
    1. 开通激励视频的服务器回调 详情
    1. 不使用短信验证码等不安全登录手段,改为App一键登陆、uni金融级实人认证(含活体检测)等更安全的身份校验
    1. 使用uni云端一体安全网络,防止伪造客户端 详情

# 不治本的绕过型方案

  1. 使用开发测试广告位,仅适用于开发人员调试,没有广告收益
  2. 使用视频模拟广告以满足业务流程,没有广告收益。如:每日任务


<!-- pages/index/index.nvue -->
	<view class="content">
		<ad-rewarded-video adpid="1507000689" :loadnext="true" v-slot:default="{loading, error}" @error="onaderror">
			<button :disabled="loading" :loading="loading">显示广告</button>
			<view v-if="error">{{error}}</view>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {}
		methods: {
			onaderror(e) {
				// 广告加载失败
				console.log("onaderror: ", e.detail);
				if (e.detail.errCode == -5005) {
						url: '/pages/adVideo/adVideo',
						events: {
							// 为指定事件添加一个监听器,获取被打开页面传送到当前页面的数据
							onVideoClosed: function(data) {

<!-- pages/adVideo/adVideo.nvue -->
	<view class="container">
		<video id="myVideo" :src="src" :autoplay="true" :controls="false" @ended="onfinish" @click="toLandVideo"
			@timeupdate="onTimeUpdate" class="video"></video>
		<view class="close-box">
			<text v-if="countdown>0" class="close">{{countdown}}s</text>
			<text v-if="showClose" class="close" @click="closeVideo">X</text>
		<text class="ad-tip">广告</text>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				src: "", //视频地址
				showClose: false,
				countdown: '',
		onReady() {
			this.videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('myVideo')
		onLoad() {
			this.isFinish = false
			this.isPalying = false
		onShow() {
			if (!this.isFinish && this.videoContext) this.videoContext.play()
		onBackPress() {
			return !this.isFinish
		methods: {
			onfinish(e) {
				// console.log("onfinish:" + JSON.stringify(e));
				this.showClose = true
				this.isFinish = true
			closeVideo() {
				const eventChannel = this.getOpenerEventChannel();
				eventChannel.emit('onVideoClosed', {
					data: ''
			toLandVideo() {
					url: "/pages/landVideo/landVideo"
			onTimeUpdate(e) {
				this.countdown = parseInt(e.detail.duration - e.detail.currentTime)
	.container {
		flex: 1;
		position: relative;
	.video {
		flex: 1;
	.close-box {
		top: 10rpx;
		right: 50rpx;
		position: absolute;
		flex-direction: row;
	.close {
		color: #808080;
		font-size: 50rpx;
		width: 100rpx;
		text-align: center;
	.ad-tip {
		bottom: 20rpx;
		right: 50rpx;
		position: absolute;
		color: #666;
		font-size: 28rpx;

<!-- pages/landVideo/landVideo.vue -->
		<web-view src="广告落地页url"></web-view>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {}
		methods: {}

提示:-5005 时,包含二级错误码,可在下面广告商错误码中找到具体原因

# 广告商详细错误码

  • App-side aggregated pangolins (iOS): Error code details
  • App-side aggregated pangolins (Android): Error code details
  • App-side aggregated Guangdiantong (iOS): [Error code details](https://developers.adnet.qq.com/doc/ios/union/union_debug#%E9%94%99%E8%AF%AF %E7%A0%81)
  • Adnet (Android) aggregated on the App side: [Error Code Details](https://developers.adnet.qq.com/doc/android/union/union_debug#sdk%20%E9%94%99%E8% AF%AF%E7%A0%81)
  • Sigmob (iOS) aggregated on the App side: [error code details](https://doc.sigmob.com/#/Sigmob%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%8C%87%E5% 8D%97/SDK%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E/iOS/%E9%94%99%E8%AF%AF%E7%A0%81 /)
  • Sigmob (Android) aggregated on the App side: [Error code details](https://doc.sigmob.com/#/Sigmob%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E6%8C%87%E5% 8D%97/SDK%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E/Android/%E9%94%99%E8%AF%AF%E7%A0%81 /)
  • Kuaishou error codes aggregated on the App side
code message
40001 No Network
40002 Data parsing failed
40003 The ad data is empty
40004 The cached video resource is missing
100001 Incorrect parameter
100002 Server Error
100003 Operation not allowed
100004 Service unavailable
310001 appId not registered
310002 Invalid appId
310003 appId has been banned
310004 packageName is inconsistent with the registered packageName
310005 The operating system is inconsistent with the registration
320002 The account corresponding to the appId is invalid
320003 The account corresponding to the appId has been banned
330001 posId not registered
330002 posId is invalid
330003 posId has been banned
330004 posid is inconsistent with the registered appId information