# refresh

app side nvue specific component.

<refresh> provides a pull-down refresh function for the container. On nvue, flexible, customized and high-performance pull-down refresh can be realized with this component.


  • <refresh> is a sub-component of <scroll-view>, <list>, and <waterfall>, which can only be rendered correctly when they are included.
  <view v-for="num in lists">

# Sub-component

  • Any components such as <text> and <image> can be rendered in <loading>.
  • Special sub-component <loading-indicator>: Can only be used as a sub-component of <refresh> and <loading>, with default animation effect.

# Attribute

display controls the display and hiding of the <refresh> component. The settings of display must appear in pairs, i.e., to set display="show", there must be a corresponding display="hide". The optional value is show / hide, and the default value is show.

# Event

  • refresh event: triggered when <scroll-view>, <list>, <waterfall> are pulled down.
  • pullingdown event: triggered when <scroll-view>, <list>, <waterfall> are pulled down. The following data can be obtained from the event parameter object:
    • dy: the difference of sliding distance between two callbacks.
    • pullingDistance: pull-down distance
    • viewHeight: refresh component height
    • type: "pullingdown" constant string
<refresh @refresh="onrefresh" @pullingdown="onpullingdown" :display="refreshing ? 'show' : 'hide'">
  <text>Refreshing ...</text>