# Automated test plugin

# plugin description

This plugin is used to run uni-app automated tests in HBuilderX, and supports H5, WeChat applet, android, ios automated tests.

The main functions are:

  • Initialize the test environment (create a test configuration file, and install the environment required for testing)
  • Run tests (run all test cases under the project, run a test case)
  • New test case (uni-app pages page, right-click menu [New test case])
  • View historical test reports (HBuilderX top run menu)

# Test Notes

  1. This plugin supports uni-app common project and uniapp-cli project. For the uniapp-cli project, to run automated tests, you need to install automated test dependencies under the current project.
  2. Windows computers do not support running tests to ios phone.
  3. MacOSX电脑,仅支持运行测试到iOS模拟器,不支持ios真机,测试iOS模拟器,需要电脑装安装XCode。
  4. 运行测试到H5,仅支持chrome浏览器,不支持其它浏览器。
  5. Run the test to the Android phone, if HBuilderX detects only one android device, directly run the test to the currently connected device. When you have multiple devices, a pop-up window will ask you to select a phone.
  6. node: When node is not installed on the machine, the test will be run using HBuilderX built-in node. On the contrary, if the node is installed on the machine, the node of the machine is used.
  7. To run the test to the WeChat applet, you must configure the WeChat applet appid in manifest.json. If the WeChat Developer Tools cannot open the project successfully, please open it manually for the first time.

# Plugin installation

Plugin installation address

As shown in the figure below, in the plug-in market, enter the [plug-in details page] (https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=5708), click [Import Plug-in], and the locally installed HBuilderX will be automatically launched.

Special Note: Plug-in installation depends on HBuilderX terminal plug-in.

# Test environment install


  • H5, WeChat, ios, android automated testing depends on puppeteer, adbkit, node-simctl, jest, playwright. When running the plugin, if this dependency is not installed, a pop-up window will be installed automatically.
  • Note: This plug-in version 0.0.3 and below, node: When node is not installed on this machine, the built-in node of HBuilderX will be used to run the test. On the contrary, if the node is installed on the machine, the node of the machine is used.
  • Note: This plugin version 0.0.4+, new configuration items support custom settings which node version to use for uni-app compilation

pay attention:

  • For common uni-app projects, the test environment needs to be installed through the plug-in hbuilderx-for-uniapp-test.
  • uniapp-cli project, just install the relevant test dependencies under the project. Details

# uni-app common project

For uni-app ordinary projects, when initializing the test environment or running the test, if the relevant dependencies are not installed, they will be installed automatically.

As shown in the figure below, the project manager, select the project, right-click menu [initialize the test environment]

注意:安装环境依赖时,如果检测到项目下不存在测试配置文件 env.jsjest.config.js,则会自动创建测试配置文件。

# uniapp-cli project

The uniapp-cli project, automated test running, will use the dependent library under the project.

Open the command line, enter the project directory, and enter the following command to install:

npm install --save cross-env puppeteer adbkit node-simctl jest playwright @playwright/test

# Create test case

uni-app project, pages page, right-click menu, create test cases

# Test run

After creating a test case, select the project, right-click the menu [Run uni-app automated test], and select the running platform to start running the test.

Note: If you want to run the specified test case, please select the use case to be run in the project manager, right-click menu [Run current test case]

# Test Platform Description

  • Windows computers NOT SUPPORTED to run tests to ios phone
  • MacOSX computer, only supports running tests to ios simulator, does not support ios real machine.
  • Run the test to H5, only supports chrome browser, does not support other browsers.
  • Run the test to an Android phone, if HBuilderX only detects one android device, run the test directly to the currently connected device. When there are multiple devices, a pop-up window will ask to select a mobile phone.

# Select test platform

As shown in the figure below, when running the test, you can select the corresponding platform.

# Select devices


# Plugin configuration

Click the menu [Settings] [Plugin Configuration], find the hbuilderx-for-uniapp-test item, and you can see the setting items.

As pictured above

  • Support custom Test Report path.
  • Automatically modify testMatch in jest.config.js file, default is true. After removing the check, testMatch will no longer be automatically modified.
  • Plugin version 0.0.4+, new configuration items support custom setting which node version to use for uni-app compilation. That is, you can choose to use HBuilderX built-in Node, or use operating system installed Node for uni-app compilation.

# How to write test cases

uni-app automated testing, using the common jest testing library in the industry.

  • In the uni-app project, under the pages directory, right-click the menu [Create Test Case], and select a template.
  • Test case file name, must be xxx.test.js
  • When writing test cases, please follow the jest specification.

# jest case analysis

The following will use a simplest example to explain the composition of test cases.

  • describe represents a set of use cases, describe will form a scope
  • it test function
  • test test function, similar to it
  • expect matcher. Using documentation
# 求和测试
function sum(a, b) {
    return a + b;

describe("sum test", () => {
    it('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
        expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);
    test('adds 1 + 1 to equal 3', () => {
        expect(sum(1, 1)).toBe(3);

# uni-app page use case example

Take the uni-app [default template] index page as an example.

Write a test case that checks the index.vue page, if the title is Hello

describe('test title', () => {
    let page;
    beforeAll(async () => {
        page = await program.currentPage();
        await page.waitFor(3000);

    it('check page title', async () => {
        const el = await page.$('.title');
        const titleText = await el.text();


# Setup and Teardown

Often when writing tests, you need to do some setup work before the test runs, and some finishing work after the test runs. You can use Jest's hook function to solve this problem.

4 hook functions in jest

  • beforeAll: execute before all tests
  • afterAll: After all tests are executed
  • beforeEach: executed before each test instance
  • afterEach: executed after each test instance completes

Documentation extension: jest setup-teardown

# Execution order of hook functions

Using the following code, let's see the function execution order

describe('test Run Sequence', () => {
    beforeAll(() => {
        console.log('1 - beforeAll');
    afterAll(() => {
        console.log('1 - afterAll');
    beforeEach(() => {
        console.log('1 - beforeEach');
    afterEach(() => {
        console.log('1 - afterEach');
    test('test', () => {
        console.log('1 - test')

operation result

  test Run Sequence
    ✓ test (4 ms)

    1 - beforeAll

    1 - beforeEach

    1 - test

    1 - afterEach

    1 - afterAll

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        0.454 s

# Built-in Jest code blocks

In order to write test cases more quickly, this plugin has built-in jest part of the code block

prefix code block
describe describe('', () => {});
test test('', () => {});
ta test('', async () => {await});
beforeAll beforeAll(() => {});
afterEach afterEach(() => {});
afterAll afterAll(() => {});
beforeAll beforeAll(() => {});