# Uni 测试框架 API

# program

program is the global object automatically injected by uni-automator

# 方法

# program.pageStack

Get the page stack.

program.pageStack(): Promise<Page[]>

# program.navigateTo

Keep the current page and jump to a page in the app, same as uni.navigateTo.

program.navigateTo(url: string): Promise<Page>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
url string is - The path of the non-tabBar page in the application to be jumped

Sample code:

  const page = await program.navigateTo('/pages/index/index')
  console.log(page.path)// -> 'page/index/index'
# program.redirectTo

Close the current page and jump to a page in the application, same as uni.redirectTo.

program.redirectTo(url: string): Promise<Page>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
url string is - The path of the non-tabBar page in the application to be jumped
# program.navigateBack

Close the current page and return to the previous page or multi-level pages, same as uni.navigateBack.

program.navigateBack(): Promise<Page>

# program.reLaunch

Close all pages, open to a page within the app, same as uni.reLaunch.

program.reLaunch(url: string): Promise<Page>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
url string is - the in-app page path to jump to
# program.switchTab

Jump to the tabBar page and close all other non-tabBar pages, same as uni.switchTab.

program.switchTab(url: string): Promise<Page>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
url string is - path of the tabBar page to jump to
# program.currentPage

Get the current page.

program.currentPage(): Promise<Page>

# program.systemInfo

Get system information, same as uni.getSystemInfo.

program.systemInfo(): Promise<Object>

Sample code:

	const systemInfo = await program.systemInfo()
	if (systemInfo.uniPlatform === 'devtools') {
		// Do something
# program.pageScrollTo

Scroll the page to the target position, same as uni.pageScrollTo.

program.pageScrollTo(scrollTop: number): Promise<void>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
scrollTop number is - scroll to the target position of the page, in px

Sample code:

   const page = await program.currentPage()
   await program.pageScrollTo(20)
   console.log(await page.scrollTop())
# program.callUniMethod

Call the specified method on the uni object.

program.callUniMethod(method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
method string Yes - Name of the method to be called
...args array<any> no - method arguments

There is no need to pass in the success and fail callback functions when calling an asynchronous method.

Sample code:

	await program.callUniMethod('setStorage', {
	  key: 'test',
	  data: '123456'
	const data = await program.callUniMethod('getStorageSync', 'test')
	console.log(data) // -> '123456'
# program.screenshot

The screenshot of the current page is currently only supported by the developer tool simulator, and the client cannot use it.

program.screenshot(options?: Object): Promise<string | void>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
options Object No - Screenshot Options

If options are not passed, this method returns the base64 encoding of the image data.

The field of options is defined as follows:

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
path string Yes - image save path
	it('screenshot', async () => {
		await program.screenshot({
			path: "static/screenshot.png" // 默认项目根目录
# program.mockUniMethod

Overrides the result of the invocation of the specified method on the uni object.

Using this interface, you can easily and directly specify the return result of calling system components such as uni.chooseLocation.

program.mockUniMethod(method: string, result: any): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
method string Yes - name of method to override
result any Yes - specifies the result of the call

program.mockUniMethod(method: string, fn: Function | string, ...args: any[]): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
method string Yes - name of method to override
fn Function string Yes - processing return function
...args array<any> No - Incoming Arguments

fn Like the appFunction parameter of program.evaluate, closures cannot be used to refer to external variables. Also, you can use this.origin inside a method to call the original method.

Sample code:

	await program.mockUniMethod('showModal', {
		confirm: true,
		cancel: false

	await program.mockUniMethod(
		function(key, defVal) {
			if (key === 'name') return 'redhoodsu'
			if (key === 'sex') return 'male'
			return defVal
  // calling uni.getStorageSync('name') returns 'redhoodsu'

  // Change the platform field in getSystemInfo
	await program.mockUniMethod(
		function(obj, platform) {
			return new Promise(resolve => {
				// origin points to the original method
					success(res) {
						res.platform = platform
# program.restoreUniMethod

Resets the uni-specified method, removing the effects of the mockUniMethod call.

program.restoreUniMethod(method: string): Promise<void>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
method string Yes - name of method to override

Sample code:

	console.log(await program.callUniMethod('getStorageSync', 'test')) // -> ''
	await program.mockUniMethod('getStorageSync', 'mockValue')
	console.log(await program.callUniMethod('getStorageSync', 'test')) // -> 'mockValue'
	await program.restoreUniMethod('getStorageSync')
	console.log(await program.callUniMethod('getStorageSync', 'test')) // -> ''
# program.evaluate

Inject code snippets and return execution results. (Only supported by WeChat applet)

program.evaluate(appFunction: Function | string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
appFunction Function string Yes - code snippet
...args array<any> No - Parameters passed during execution

appFunction will eventually be serialized to the developer tools, so you can't use closures in functions to reference external variables. That is, passing a function () {} function is effectively equivalent to passing its string.

Sample code:

	let systemInfo = await program.evaluate(() => {
		return new Promise(resolve => {
				success(result) {
	systemInfo = await program.evaluate(() => {
		return uni.getSystemInfoSync()
	await program.evaluate(key => {
		uni.setStorageSync(key, 'test')
	}, 'test')
	const hasLogin = await program.evaluate(() => getApp().globalData.hasLogin)
# program.testAccounts

Get the list of users added in multi-account debugging. (Only supported by WeChat applet)

program.testAccounts(): Promise<Account[]>

The Account field is defined as follows:

Field Type Instruction
nickName string User Nickname
openid string account openid

Sample code:

	const testAccounts = await program.testAccounts()
	for (let i = 0, len = testAccounts.length; i < len; i++) {
		const miniProgram = await automator.launch({
			projectPath: 'path/to/project',
			account: testAccounts[i].openid
		// Different applets that control multiple user logins
# program.exposeFunction

Expose the method globally for the applet side to call the method in the test script (only supported by WeChat applet)

program.exposeFunction(name: string, bindingFunction: Function): Promise<void>

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
name string Yes - global method name
bindingFunction Function Yes - script method

You can use this method to monitor events, but it is not supported to obtain the call result on the applet side.

Sample code:

	await program.exposeFunction('onAppShow', options => {
		// Do something... 
	await program.evaluate(function() {
		uni.onAppShow(function(options) {

# Page

Page module provides methods to control pages.

# 属性

# page.path

Page path.

page.path: string

# page.query

page.query: Object

# 方法

# page.$

Get the page element.

page.$(selector: string): Promise<Element>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
selector string - 选择器(id、class、元素选择器)

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.index-desc')
  console.log(element.tagName) // 'view'
# page.$$

Get an array of page elements.

page.$$(selector: string): Promise<Element[]>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
selector string - 选择器(id、class、元素选择器)

Neither this method nor $ can select elements in custom components. Please use element.$.

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const elements = await page.$$('.list-text')
# page.waitFor

Wait until the specified conditions are met.

page.waitFor(condition: string | number | Function): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
condition string number Function Yes - Waiting condition

If the condition is of type string, then this parameter will be regarded as a selector. When the number of elements selected by this selector is not zero, the waiting will end.

If the condition is of type number, then this parameter will be regarded as the timeout period. When the specified time has passed, the waiting will end.

If the condition is of type Function, then the parameter will be treated as an assertion function. When the function returns a true value, the waiting will end.

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  await page.waitFor(5000) // 等待 5 秒
  await page.waitFor('picker') // 等待页面中出现 picker 元素
  await page.waitFor(async () => {
    return (await page.$$('picker')).length > 5
  }) // 等待页面中 picker 元素数量大于 5
# page.data

Get the page rendering data.

page.data(path?: string): Promise<Object>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
path string No - Data path

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  console.log(await page.data('list'))
# page.setData

Set the page rendering data.

page.setData(data: Object): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
data Object Yes - Data to be changed

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  await page.setData({
    text: 'changed data'
# page.size

Get the page size.

page.size(): Promise<Object>

Returned value description

Field Type Instruction
width number Page scrollable width
height number Page scrollable height

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const { width, height } = await page.size()
  console.log(width, height)

# page.scrollTop

Get the scroll position of the page.

page.scrollTop(): Promise<number>

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  await program.pageScrollTo(20)
  console.log(await page.scrollTop())
# page.callMethod

Call the page specified method.

page.callMethod(method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
method string Yes - Name of the method to be called
...args array No - Method parameter

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  await page.callMethod('onShareAppMessage')

# Element

The Element module provides methods to control page elements.

# 属性

# element.tagName

Tag name, lowercase.

element.tagName: string

# 方法

# element.$

Get the element within the element range.

element.$(selector: string): Promise<Element>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
selector string - 选择器(id、class、元素选择器)

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  let element = await page.$('.index-hd')
  element = await element.$('.index-desc')
  console.log(await element.text())
# element.$$

Get the element array within the element range.

element.$$(selector: string): Promise<Element[]>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
selector string - 选择器(id、class、元素选择器)

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.index-bd')
  const elements = await element.$$('.list-text')
  console.log(await elements[0].text())
# element.size

Get the element size.

element.size(): Promise<Object>

Returned value description

Field Type Instruction
width number Element width
height number Element height

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.index-bd')
  const { width, height } = await element.size()
  console.log(width, height)
# element.offset

Get the absolute position of the element.

element.offset(): Promise<Object>

Returned value description

Field Type Instruction
left number X coordinate in the upper left corner, in px
top number y coordinate in the upper left corner, in px

The coordinate information is based on the upper left corner of the page as the origin.

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.index-bd')
  const { left top } = await element.offset()
  console.log(left, top)
# element.text

Get the element text.

element.text(): Promise<string>

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.index-desc')
  console.log(await element.text())
# element.attribute

Get element properties.

element.attribute(name: string): Promise<string>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
name string Yes - Feature name

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.logo')
  console.log(await element.attribute('src')) // -> 'static/logo.png'
# element.property

Get element attributes.

element.property(name: string): Promise<any>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
name string Yes - Attribute name

The main differences between element.property and element.attribute are as follows:

element.attribute gets the value on the label, so its return type must be a string, but element.property is not necessarily.

element.attribute can get values such as class and id, but element.property cannot.

element.property can get most of the attribute values listed by the corresponding components in the document, such as the value of components such as form input.

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('input')
  console.log(await element.property('value'))
# element.html

Get the element HTML.

element.html(): Promise<string>

# element.outerHtml

Same as html, except that the element itself will be obtained.

element.outerHtml(): Promise<string>

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.index-desc')
  console.log(await element.html())
  console.log(await element.outerHtml())
# element.value

Get the element value.

element.value(): Promise<string>

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.input')
  console.log(await element.value())
# element.style

Get the element style value.

element.style(name: string): Promise<string>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
name string Yes - Style name

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.index-desc')
  console.log(await element.style('color')) // -> 'rgb(128, 128, 128)'
# element.tap

Click element.

element.tap(): Promise<void>

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.list-item-hd')
  await element.tap()
# element.longpress

Long press the element.

element.longpress(): Promise<void>

# element.touchstart

Start touching the element with your finger.

element.touchstart(options: Object): Promise<void>

The field of options is defined as follows:

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
touches array Yes - Touch event, an array of information about the touch points that are currently staying on the screen
changedTouches array Yes - Touch events, an array of information about the touch points that are currently changing
# element.touchmove

Move after the finger touches the element.

element.touchmove(options: Object): Promise<void>

The field of options is the same as touchstart.

# element.touchend

End touching the element with your finger.

element.touchend(options: Object): Promise<void>

The field of options is the same as touchstart.

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('.touch')
  await element.touchstart({
    touches: [
        identifier: 1,
        pageX: 500,
        pageY: 500
    changedTouches: [
        identifier: 1,
        pageX: 500,
        pageY: 500
  await element.touchend({
    touches: [],
    changedTouches: [
        identifier: 1,
        pageX: 500,
        pageY: 500
# element.trigger

Trigger element events.

element.trigger(type: string, detail?: Object): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
type string Yes - Trigger event type
detail Object No - The detail value passed when the event is triggered.

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('picker')
  await element.trigger('change', { value: 1 })

This method only triggers the response method, and can neither change the component state nor trigger user action events, namely tap, longpress and other events. Please call with other corresponding methods.

# element.input

Enter the text, only available for the input and textarea components.

element.input(value: string): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
value string Yes - Text to be entered

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('input')
  await element.input('test')
# element.callMethod

Call the specified method of component instance, only available for the custom components.

element.callMethod(method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
method string Yes - Name of the method to be called
...args array No - Method parameter

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('set-tab-bar')
  await element.callMethod('navigateBack')
# element.data

Get rendering data of component instance, only available for the custom components.

element.data(path?: string): Promise<Object>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
path string No - Data path

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('set-tab-bar')
  console.log(await element.data('hasSetTabBarBadge'))
# element.setData

Set rendering data of component instance, only available for the custom components.

element.setData(data: Object): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
data Object Yes - Data to be changed

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('set-tab-bar')
  await page.setData({
    hasSetTabBarBadge: true
# element.callContextMethod

Call the Context object method, only available for the video component.

element.callContextMethod(method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
method string Yes - Name of the method to be called
...args array No - Method parameter

video component is only available for those having set the id's.

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('video')
  await element.callContextMethod('play')
# element.scrollWidth

Get the scroll width, only available for the scroll-view component.

element.scrollWidth(): Promise<number>

# element.scrollHeight

Get the scroll height, only available for the scroll-view component.

element.scrollHeight(): Promise<number>

# element.scrollTo

Scroll to the specified location, only available for the scroll-view component.

element.scrollTo(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
x number Yes - Horizontal scroll location
y number Yes - Vertical scroll location

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('scroll-view')
  const y = (await element.scrollHeight()) - 50
  await element.scrollTo(0, y)
# element.swipeTo

Slide the slider to the specified position, only available for the swiper component.

element.swipeTo(index: number): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
index number Yes - index of the target slider

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('swiper')
  await element.swipeTo(2)
# element.moveTo

Move the view container, only available for the movable-view component.

element.moveTo(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
x number Yes - Offset in the x-axis direction
y number Yes - Offset in the y-axis direction

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('movable-view')
  await element.moveTo(40, 40)
# element.slideTo

Slide to the specified value, only available for the slider component.

element.slideTo(value: number): Promise<void>

Parameter Description

Field Type Required Defaults Instruction
value number Yes - Value to be set

Sample code:

  const page = await program.currentPage()
  const element = await page.$('slider')
  await element.slideTo(10)

# 平台差异

# program(全局对象)

方法 APP-NVUE APP-VUE H5 微信小程序 百度小程序 uni-app x 说明
pageStack 获取小程序页面堆栈
navigateTo 保留当前页面,跳转到应用内的某个页面,同uni.navigateTo
redirectTo 关闭当前页面,跳转到应用内的某个页面,同uni.redirectTo
navigateBack 关闭当前页面,返回上一页面,同uni.navigateBack
reLaunch 关闭所有页面,打开到应用内的某个页面,同uni.reLaunch
switchTab 跳转到 tabBar 页面,并关闭其他所有非 tabBar 页面,同uni.switchTab
currentPage 获取当前页面
systemInfo 获取系统信息,同uni.getSystemInfo
pageScrollTo x 将页面滚动到目标位置,同uni.pageScrollTo
callUniMethod 调用 uni 对象上的指定方法
screenshot x 对当前页面截图,目前只有开发者工具模拟器支持,客户端无法使用
mockUniMethod x 覆盖 uni 对象上指定方法的调用结果
restoreUniMethod x 重置 uni 指定方法,消除 mockUniMethod 调用的影响
testAccounts x x x x x 获取多账号调试中已添加的用户列表
evaluate x x x x x 注入代码片段并返回执行结果
exposeFunction x x x x x 在全局暴露方法,供小程序侧调用测试脚本中的方法

# Page

属性 APP-NVUE APP-VUE H5 微信小程序 百度小程序 uni-app x 说明
path 页面路径
query 页面参数
方法 APP-NVUE APP-VUE H5 微信小程序 百度小程序 uni-app x 说明
$ 获取页面元素
$$ 获取页面元素数组
waitFor 等待直到指定条件成立
data 获取页面渲染数据
setData 设置页面渲染数据
size 获取页面大小(width,height)
scrollTop 获取页面滚动位置
callMethod 调用页面指定方法,uni-app x args 仅支持一个参数

# Element

属性 APP-NVUE APP-VUE H5 微信小程序 百度小程序 uni-app x 说明
tagName 标签名,小写
方法 APP-NVUE APP-VUE H5 微信小程序 百度小程序 uni-app x 说明
$ 在元素范围内获取元素
$$ 在元素范围内获取元素数组
size 获取元素大小(width,height)
offset 获取元素绝对位置(left,top)
text 获取元素文本
attribute 获取元素特性
style 获取元素样式值
tap 点击元素
value 获取元素值
callMethod 调用组件实例指定方法,仅自定义组件可以使用,uni-app x args 仅支持一个参数
html x 获取元素 HTML
outerHtml x 同 html,只是会获取到元素本身
data 获取组件实例渲染数据,仅自定义组件可以使用
setData 设置组件实例渲染数据,仅自定义组件可以使用
property x 获取元素属性
touchstart x 手指开始触摸元素
touchmove x 手指触摸元素后移动
touchend x 手指结束触摸元素
longpress x 长按
trigger x x 触发元素事件
input x 输入文本,仅 input、textarea 组件可以使用
callContextMethod x x x x x 调用上下文 Context 对象方法,仅 video 组件可以使用
scrollWidth x x 获取滚动宽度,仅 scroll-view 组件可以使用
scrollHeight x x 获取滚动高度,仅 scroll-view 组件可以使用
scrollTo x x 滚动到指定位置,仅 scroll-view 组件可以使用
swipeTo x x 滑动到指定滑块,仅 swiper 组件可以使用
moveTo x x 移动视图容器,仅 movable-view 组件可以使用
slideTo x x 滑动到指定数值,仅 slider 组件可以使用

# 测试平台判断

if (process.env.UNI_PLATFORM === "h5") {}
if (process.env.UNI_PLATFORM === "app-plus") {}
if (process.env.UNI_PLATFORM === "mp-weixin") {}
if (process.env.UNI_PLATFORM === "mp-baidu") {}

# Jest API

# 常用的匹配器


test('two plus two is four', () => {
  expect(2 + 2).toBe(4);

在上面的代码中,expect (2 + 2) 返回了一个"预期"的对象。 你通常不会对这些期望对象调用过多的匹配器。 在此代码中,.toBe(4) 是匹配器。 当 Jest 运行时,它会跟踪所有失败的匹配器,以便它可以为你打印出很好的错误消息。

toBe 使用 Object.is 来进行精准匹配的测试。 如果要检查对象的值,请使用 toEqual:

test('对象赋值', () => {
  const data = {one: 1};
  data['two'] = 2;
  expect(data).toEqual({one: 1, two: 2});

toEqual 递归检查对象或数组的每个字段。

toEqual 会忽略具有未定义属性、未定义数组项、数组稀疏或对象类型不匹配的对象键。 要考虑这些,请改用 toStrictEqual

您还可以使用与匹配相反的 not 来进行测试:

test('adding positive numbers is not zero', () => {
  for (let a = 1; a < 10; a++) {
    for (let b = 1; b < 10; b++) {
      expect(a + b).not.toBe(0);

# 真值

代码中的 undefined, nullfalse 有不同含义,若你在测试时不想区分他们,可以用真值判断。 Jest 提供 helpers 供你使用。

  • toBeNull 只匹配 null
  • toBeUndefined 只匹配 undefined
  • toBeDefinedtoBeUndefined 相反
  • toBeTruthy 匹配任何 if 语句为真
  • toBeFalsy 匹配任何 if 语句为假


test('null', () => {
  const n = null;

test('zero', () => {
  const z = 0;

# 数字


test('two plus two', () => {
  const value = 2 + 2;

  // toBe and toEqual are equivalent for numbers

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