# uni-app automated testing



Recommended usage: after R&D submits the source code to the version library, the continuous integration system automatically pulls the source code and automatically runs the automated test.

# 特性


  • Control the jump to a specified page
  • Get page data
  • Get page element status
  • Trigger element binding event
  • Call any interface on uni object

Platform difference description

App H5 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 QQ小程序 快应用 快手小程序 京东小程序
√(ios only supports simulator) x x x x x x x


如果您想在终端命令行进行自动化测试、或使用持续集成进行测试,请使用uni-app CLI 工程,CLI项目自动化测试教程

# Test plugin

In order to facilitate everyone to perform uni-app automated testing in HBuilderX, HBuilderX uni-app automated testing plugin was developed.

The plugin supports automated testing of uni-app common projects and CLI projects in HBuilderX.


# jest.config.js

The jest.config.js file is the test configuration file. The details are as follows:

module.exports = {
	globalTeardown: '@dcloudio/uni-automator/dist/teardown.js',
	testEnvironment: '@dcloudio/uni-automator/dist/environment.js',
	testEnvironmentOptions: {
		compile: true,
		h5: { // 为了节省测试时间,可以指定一个 H5 的 url 地址,若不指定,每次运行测试,会先 npm run dev:h5
			url: "http://192.168.x.x:8080/h5/",
			options: {
				headless: false // 配置是否显示 puppeteer 测试窗口
		"app-plus": { // 需要安装 HBuilderX
			android: {
				appid: "", //自定义基座测试需配置manifest.json中的appid
				package: "", //自定义基座测试需配置Android包名
				executablePath: "HBuilderX/plugins/launcher/base/android_base.apk" // apk 目录或自定义调试基座包路径
			ios: {
				// uuid must be configured, currently only the simulator is supported, you can (xcrun simctl list) view the simulator uuid to be used
				id: "",
				executablePath: "HBuilderX/plugins/launcher/base/Pandora_simulator.app" // ipa 目录
		"mp-weixin": {
			port: 9420, // 默认 9420
			account: "", // 测试账号
			args: "", // 指定开发者工具参数
			cwd: "", // 指定开发者工具工作目录
			launch: true, // 是否主动拉起开发者工具
			teardown: "disconnect", // 可选值 "disconnect"|"close" 运行测试结束后,断开开发者工具或关闭开发者工具
			remote: false, // 是否真机自动化测试
			executablePath: "", // 开发者工具cli路径,默认会自动查找,  windows: C:/Program Files (x86)/Tencent/微信web开发者工具/cli.bat", mac: /Applications/wechatwebdevtools.app/Contents/MacOS/cli
		"mp-baidu": {
			port: 9430, // 默认 9430
			args: "", // 指定开发者工具参数
			cwd: "", // 指定开发者工具工作目录
			launch: true, // 是否主动拉起开发者工具
			teardown: "disconnect", // 可选值 "disconnect"|"close" 运行测试结束后,断开开发者工具或关闭开发者工具
			remote: false, // 是否真机自动化测试
			executablePath: "", // 开发者工具cli路径,默认会自动查找
	testTimeout: 15000,
	reporters: [
	watchPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/', '/dist/', '/.git/'],
	moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'json'],
	rootDir: __dirname,
	testMatch: ['<rootDir>/src/**/*test.[jt]s?(x)'], // 测试文件目录
	testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/']


  1. If the page involves sub-contracting loading, there may be a problem with the page path obtained by reLaunch. The solution is as follows:
// ReLaunch to the home page and get the page object (where program is the global object automatically injected by uni-automator)
page = await program.reLaunch('/pages/extUI/calendar/calendar')
// If the WeChat applet is a subcontracted page, it needs to be delayed for more than 7s to ensure that the page object can be obtained correctly
await page.waitFor(7000)
page = await program.currentPage()
  1. The WeChat applet element cannot select elements across components. First, you must obtain the current component, and then continue to search.
  <view class="test"></view>
// error, can't get element
await page.$('.test')

// get the element
let tag = await page.$('uni-tag')
await tag.$('.test')
  1. WeChat applet does not support parent-child selectors
  2. The Baidu applet selection element must have an event element to be selected, otherwise the prompt element does not exist
  3. For the pages in the subcontract, the delay time should be longer after opening, otherwise the page information cannot be obtained correctly
  4. App-android custom base test needs to configure appid (appid in manifest.json), package (package name), executablePath (custom debugging base package path) under the android node of the jest.config.js file

# Test example

GitHub: https://github.com/dcloudio/hello-uniapp

# 更新记录

  • HBuilderX 4.13 支持 page.data 获取 defineExpose 暴露的数据