# uni-app cli item

This document only applies to CLI projects.

Create a cli project, see https://uniapp.dcloud.io/quickstart-cli.html

If it was an HBuilderX project before, copy the files in the HBuilderX project (except the unpackage and node_modules directories) to the src directory of the vue-cli project. Reinstall npm dependencies in vue-cli project (if npm dependencies were used before)

If you select the hello uni-app template when creating a project in the cli, you can see that some test cases are already included in it.

Note: Relevant dependencies cannot be higher than the following versions


Existing cli project

  1. Update dependencies @dcloudio/* >= 2.0.0-alpha-27920200613002
  2. Install the dependency package @dcloudio/uni-automator
npm install @dcloudio/uni-automator --save-dev
  1. Add command to package.json script node

The vue2 project is added as follows:

"test:h5": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=h5 jest -i",
"test:android": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=app-plus UNI_OS_NAME=android jest -i",
"test:ios": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=app-plus UNI_OS_NAME=ios jest -i",
"test:mp-weixin": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=mp-weixin jest -i",
"test:mp-baidu": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=mp-baidu jest -i"

The vue3 project is added as follows:

"test:h5": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=h5 jest -i",
"test:android": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=app UNI_OS_NAME=android jest -i",
"test:ios": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=app UNI_OS_NAME=ios jest -i",
"test:mp-weixin": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=mp-weixin jest -i",
"test:mp-baidu": "cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=mp-baidu jest -i"

# H5 platform testing process

  1. Enter the project directory and install dependencies
npm install puppeteer@14.0.0 --save-dev

Note: Since v3.0.0, Puppeteer starts to depend on Node 10.18.1+, Puppeteer only supports 14.0.0 and below

  1. Write the test js code according to the API, refer to the test case API文档见:https://uniapp.dcloud.io/collocation/auto/api 测试文件目录配置见 jest.config.js

  2. 运行测试

npm run test:h5
  1. 测试结果
>> cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=h5 jest -i
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       4 passed, 4 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        14.995s, estimated 16s

更多配置参考 jest.config.js

# App-Android testing process

  1. Configure the global adb environment variable

  2. 配置 Hbuilder 调试基座/自定义基座 android_base.apk 目录,参考 jest.config.js

  3. Create cli project/existing cli project Switch to the project directory and install the dependency package adbkit

npm install adbkit --save-dev
  1. Write test code and refer to test cases

  2. Run the test

npm run test:android

# App-iOS testing process

Currently only supports iOS simulator (requires mac to install xcode)

  1. Install dependencies node-simctl
npm install node-simctl --save-dev
  1. 配置模拟器id,参考 jest.config.js

  2. 配置 Hbuilder 调试基座/自定义基座 Pandora_simulator.app 目录,参考 jest.config.js

  3. Write test code and refer to test cases

  4. Run the test

npm run test:ios

# WeChat Mini Program Test Process

  1. Create cli project, same as H5 platform (Wechat applet appid, manifest.json -> mp-weixin -> appid must be configured)

  2. Run the test (if the WeChat Developer Tools cannot open the project successfully, please open it manually)

npm run test:mp-weixin
  1. Test results
> cross-env NODE_ENV=development UNI_PLATFORM=mp-weixin vue-cli-service uni-build --watch "--auto-port" "9520"
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       4 passed, 4 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        14.995s, estimated 16s

# Test example

Use the hello uni-app project to test the H5 platform

  1. Create a cli project, select hello uni-app
$ vue create -p dcloudio/uni-preset-vue#alpha my-hello-uni-app
# 进入项目目录
$ cd my-hello-uni-app
  1. Install puppeteer
npm install puppeteer
  1. Create a test file src/pages/tabBar/component/component.test.js, copy the following code
describe('pages/tabBar/component/component.nvue', () => {
    let page
    beforeAll(async () => {
        // ReLaunch to the homepage and get the homepage page object (where program is the global object automatically injected by uni-automator)
        page = await program.reLaunch('/pages/tabBar/component/component')
        await page.waitFor(1000)

    it('u-link', async () => {
        // Detect the text content of the home page u-link
        expect(await (await page.$('.hello-link')).text()).toBe('https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/')

    it('视图容器', async () => {
        // detect that the first panel is a view container
        expect(await (await page.$('.uni-panel-text')).text()).toBe('视图容器')
        // Detect the first panel switch to expand
        const panelH = await page.$('.uni-panel-h');
        // Cannot do exact match, Baidu applet will generate additional class
        expect(await panelH.attribute('class')).toContain('uni-panel-h')
        await panelH.tap()
        await page.waitFor(500)
        // expanded
        expect(await panelH.attribute('class')).toContain('uni-panel-h-on')

    it('.uni-panel', async () => {
      const lists = await page.$$('.uni-panel')

    it('.uni-panel action', async () => {
      const listHead = await page.$('.uni-panel-h')
      expect(await listHead.attribute('class')).toContain('uni-panel-h-on')
      await listHead.tap()
      await page.waitFor(200)
      expect(await listHead.attribute('class')).toContain(

      // Expand the first panel, click the first item, and verify that the new page opened is correct
      await listHead.tap()
      await page.waitFor(200)
      const item = await page.$('.uni-navigate-item')
      await item.tap()
      await page.waitFor(500)
      expect((await program.currentPage()).path).toBe('pages/component/view/view')
      await page.waitFor(500)

      // Execute navigateBack to verify if it returns
      expect((await program.navigateBack()).path).toBe('pages/tabBar/component/component')
  1. Run the test
npm run test:h5
  1. Test Results
> cross-env UNI_PLATFORM=h5 jest -i
 PASS  src/pages/tabBar/component/component.test.js (14.789s)
    √ u-link (8ms)视图容器 (518ms).uni-panel (2ms).uni-panel action (4447ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       4 passed, 4 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        14.995s, estimated 16s

# Screenshot example

describe('pages/API/set-navigation-bar-title/set-navigation-bar-title.vue', () => {
    let page
    beforeAll(async () => {
        // ReLaunch to the homepage and get the homepage page object (where program is the global object automatically injected by uni-automator)
        page = await program.reLaunch('/pages/API/set-navigation-bar-title/set-navigation-bar-title')
        await page.waitFor(3000)

    it('.uni-hello-text', async () => {
      var image = await program.screenshot({
        path: "set-navigation-bar-title.png"  // 默认项目根目录

For more test examples see: hello uni-app

GitHub: https://github.com/dcloudio/hello-uniapp