# dom

For those native functions that do not depend on UI interaction, nvue encapsulates them into modules, which is a method of calling native capabilities through javascript.

  • uni-app has built-in integrated native modules by default, such as: BindingX, animation, DOM.addRule, etc. Introduce App native plugins through uni.requireNativePlugin
// Usage mode
	const PluginName = uni.requireNativePlugin(PluginName); // PluginName 为原生插件名称
  • Third-party native plug-ins that support native cloud packaging in the project nativeplugins directory and plug-in market. It is also very convenient for you to transplant the existing native modules to nvue platform. How to use: in manifest.json->App native plug-in configuration->select local plug-in or cloud plug-in->make a custom base to use. See details

  • nvue also supports js API interface of uni-app. Unless otherwise specified, it means that both vue file and nvue file support it. See details.

  • uni-app API not supported in nvue, [see details](#nvue-%E9%87%8C%E4%B8%8D%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81%E7%9A%84- uni-app-api)

# addRule

Weex provides DOM.addRule to load custom fonts. Developers can load iconfont and custom font by specifying font-family. Developers can use the following code to load custom fonts:

			<text class="my-iconfont">&#xe85c;</text>	
		export default{
			beforeCreate() {
				const domModule = uni.requireNativePlugin('dom')
				domModule.addRule('fontFace', {
					'fontFamily': "myIconfont",
					'src': "url('http://at.alicdn.com/t/font_2234252_v3hj1klw6k9.ttf')"
		.my-iconfont {
			color: #00AAFF;

addRule(type, contentObject)

  • @fontFace protocol name, cannot be modified.
  • @fontFamily the name of the font-family.
  • @src font address, url('') is a reserved field, and its parameters are as follows:
    • http. Load from HTTP request, e.g. url('http://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1469606063_76593.ttf')
    • https. Load from HTTPS request, e.g. url('https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1469606063_76593.ttf')
    • local, Android ONLY. Read from assets directory, e.g. url('local://foo.ttf'), foo.ttf is the filename in your assets directory.
    • file. Read from local file, e.g. url('file://storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.alibaba.weex/cache/http:__at.alicdn.com_t_font_1469606063_76593.ttf')
    • data. Read from base64, e.g. url('data:font/truetype;charset=utf-8;base64,AAEAAAALAIAAAwAwR1NVQrD+....'), the above data fields are incomplete.


You can name fontFamily in addRule as you wish in your page, any string is OK. But this is not the real font-family name of the font file. The real name or system name for the font is stored in binrary data of ttf file. You must ensure that the real font-family name of font file is unique. Or your font may not be successfully registered to device and your text may display as a '?'. Specially, if you are using http://www.iconfont.cn/ to build your iconfont. Make sure that you set a unique enough font-family name for your font in project settings. Calling addRule in beforeCreate is recommended.

# scrollToElement

Let the page scroll to the component corresponding to ref. This API can only be used for the child nodes of scrollable components, such as <scroller>, <list>, <waterfall> and other scrollable components.

scrollToElement(ref, options)

  • @options
    • offset, an space on top of the ref component, which is also scrolling down to the visual viewport. Default is 0.
    • animated, a boolean indicates whether a scroll animation should be played. If set to false, the ref component will jump into the view without any transition animation. Default is true.
    <view class="wrapper">
      <scroller class="scroller">
        <view class="row" v-for="(name, index) in rows" :ref="'item'+index">
          <text class="text" :ref="'text'+index">{{name}}</text>
      <view class="group">
        <text @click="goto10" class="button">Go to 10</text>
        <text @click="goto20" class="button">Go to 20</text>
    const dom = uni.requireNativePlugin('dom')
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          rows: []
      created() {
        for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
          this.rows.push('row ' + i)
      methods: {
        goto10(count) {
          const el = this.$refs.item10[0]
          dom.scrollToElement(el, {})
        goto20(count) {
          const el = this.$refs.item20[0]
          dom.scrollToElement(el, {
            offset: 0
  <style scoped>
    .scroller {
      border-width: 3px;
      border-style: solid;
      border-color: rgb(162, 217, 192);
      margin:0 25rpx;
    .row {
      height: 100rpx;
      flex-direction: column;
      justify-content: center;
      padding-left: 30rpx;
      border-bottom-width: 2px;
      border-bottom-style: solid;
      border-bottom-color: #DDDDDD;
    .text {
      font-size: 45rpx;
      color: #666666;
    .group {
      flex-direction: row;
      justify-content: center;
      margin-top: 60rpx;
    .button {
      width: 200rpx;
      padding-top: 20rpx;
      padding-bottom: 20rpx;
      font-size: 40rpx;
      margin-left: 30rpx;
      margin-right: 30rpx;
      text-align: center;
      color: #41B883;
      border-width: 2px;
      border-style: solid;
      border-color: rgb(162, 217, 192);
      background-color: rgba(162, 217, 192, 0.2);

# getComponentRect

You can get the bounding rect of the referenced component using this API.

getComponentRect(ref, callback)

  • @ref, the referenced component.
  • @callback, the callback function after executing this action.

Sample data in callback method:

    result: true,
    size: {
        bottom: 60,
        height: 15,
        left: 0,
        right: 353,
        top: 45,
        width: 353

This method needs to be called after the node rendering to obtain the correct information, it can be called in mounted or updated after updating data

If you want to get the bounding rect of outside viewport of the weex container, you can specify the ref as a literal string 'viewport', like getComponentRect('viewport', callback).

# animation

The animation module can be used to perform animations on components. JS-Animation can perform a series of simple transformations on components (position, size, rotation, background color and opacity).

For example, if you have an image component, through animation you can move, rotate, stretch or shrink it.

    <view class="box">
      <view ref="test" @click="move" class="box-item"></view>
      const animation = uni.requireNativePlugin('animation')
      export default {
          methods: {
              move() {
                  var testEl = this.$refs.test;
                  animation.transition(testEl, {
                      styles: {
                          backgroundColor: '#007AFF',
                          transform: 'translate(100px, 80px)',
                          transformOrigin: 'center center'
                      duration: 800, //ms
                      timingFunction: 'ease',
                      delay: 0 //ms
                          title: 'finished',
  <style scoped>
      width: 250rpx;
      height: 250rpx;
      background-color: #00aaff;

# transition

  • @ref, the element that will be animated. For example, if the value of ref for an element is test, you can start an animation with this.$refs.test.
  • @options, animation properties such as keys, duration.

The following table lists all legal parameters of options:

Property Describe
styles specifies the names and values of styles to which a transition effect should be applied.
duration specifies the duration of animation execution, the default value is 0, meaning that the component get the desired property immediately.
delay specifies the waiting time before the animation starts. The default value is 0.
needLayout Whether the animation execution affects the layout, the default value is false.
timingFunction Describes the speed curve of animation execution, which is used to describe the mapping relationship between the elapsed time of animation and the progress of animation completion. The default value is linear, which means the animation has the same speed from start to finish. See below

The supported styles are listed below:

Property Describe
width Indicate the width value applied to the component after the animation is executed. Set needLayout to true if you need to influence the layout. The default value is computed width.
height Indicate the height value applied to the component after the animation is executed. Set needLayout to true if you need to influence the layout. The default value is computed width.
backgroundColor The background color applied to the component after the animation is executed, the default value is computed backgroundColor.
opacity Indicate the opacity value applied to the component after the animation is executed, the default value is computed opacity.
transformOrigin transformOrigin defines the central point of the change process, such as transformOrigin: x-axis y-axis parameter x-axis can be left, center, right, length or percentage, and parameter y-axis can be top, center, bottom, length or percentage. The default value is center center.
transform The transformation type of transform may include rotate, translate, scale and other attributes. The default value is null. See details below


Property Describe
translate/translateX/translateY Specify the location to which the element is to be moved. In length or percentage, and the default value is 0.
rotate/rotateX/rotateY v0.16+ specifies the angle at which the element will be rotated. In degree, and the default value is 0
scale/scaleX/scaleY Enlarge or reduce the element in proportion. In number, and the default value is 1
perspective v0.16+ the distance from the observer to the z=0 plane, which is valid in Android 4.1 and above. In number, and the default value is positive infinity.


Property Describe
linear The animation speed is the same from beginning to end
ease-in Animation speed from slow to fast
ease-out Animation speed from fast to slow
ease-in-out The animation first accelerates to the middle point and then decelerates to the end point
cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) Define the change process in cubic Bessel function, and the parameter value of the function must be between 0 and 1. For more information about cubic bezier, please refer to cubic-bezier and Bézier curve.
  • @callback, callback is a function called after the completion of animation. In iOS platform, you can use function to get information of animation execution.


  • On iOS, you can get information about whether animation is successfully executed. There are two result parameters in the callback, namely Success and Fail.
  • Android doesn't support the result parameter.

If you need to use CSS animation, refer to transition and transform.

# Using BindingX

uni-app is the separation of the logical layer and the view layer. At this point, two layers of communication costs will be incurred. Dragging elements in the view layer, for example, might not be a smooth experience due to communication loss if events are constantly received in the logic layer.

BindingX is a pre-description interaction syntax provided by weex. Analyze the BindingX rule by native, and handle the interaction and dynamic effect of the view layer according to this rule. No more real-time de-js logic layer running and communicating.

BindingX is a rule, fast parsing, but not as flexible as js.

uni-app has built-in BindingX, which can be used in nvue to complete complex animation effects.

  • From HBuilderX 2.3.4+, the uni-app compilation mode can directly reference the uni.requireNativePlugin('bindingx') module, and the weex mode also needs to use npm to reference.

  • For the BindingX demo example, please refer to the relevant examples of vue in the BindingX example, and copy the relevant vue code to the nvue file.

# Notice
  • Don not use origin in expression for now
# Code example:
	    <view class="container">
	        <view ref="b1" class="btn" style="background-color:#6A1B9A" @click="clickBtn">
	            <text class="text">A</text>
	        <view ref="b2" class="btn" style="background-color:#0277BD" @click="clickBtn">
	            <text class="text">B</text>
	        <view ref="b3" class="btn" style="background-color:#FF9800" @click="clickBtn">
	            <text class="text">C</text>
	        <view ref="main_btn" class="btn" @click="clickBtn">
	            <image class="image" ref="main_image" src="https://gw.alicdn.com/tfs/TB1PZ25antYBeNjy1XdXXXXyVXa-128-128.png" />
	    const Binding = uni.requireNativePlugin('bindingx');
	    module.exports = {
	        data() {
	            return {
	                isExpanded: false
	        methods: {
	            getEl: function(el) {
	                if (typeof el === 'string' || typeof el === 'number') return el;
	                if (WXEnvironment) {
	                    return el.ref;
	                } else {
	                    return el instanceof HTMLElement ? el : el.$el;
	            collapse: function() {
	                let main_btn = this.getEl(this.$refs.main_btn);
	                let main_image = this.getEl(this.$refs.main_image);
	                let b1 = this.getEl(this.$refs.b1);
	                let b2 = this.getEl(this.$refs.b2);
	                let b3 = this.getEl(this.$refs.b3);
	                let main_binding = Binding.bind({
	                    eventType: 'timing',
	                    exitExpression: 't>800',
	                    props: [{
	                        element: main_image,
	                        property: 'transform.rotateZ',
	                        expression: 'easeOutQuint(t,45,0-45,800)'
	                    }, {
	                        element: main_btn,
	                        property: 'background-color',
	                        expression: "evaluateColor('#607D8B','#ff0000',min(t,800)/800)"
	                }, function(res) {
	                    if (res.state === 'exit') {
	                            token: main_binding.token,
	                          eventType: 'timing'
	                let btn_binding = Binding.bind({
	                    eventType: 'timing',
	                    exitExpression: 't>800',
	                    props: [{
	                        element: b1,
	                        property: 'transform.translateY',
	                        expression: "easeOutQuint(t,-150,150,800)"
	                    }, {
	                        element: b2,
	                        property: 'transform.translateY',
	                        expression: "t<=100?0:easeOutQuint(t-100,-300,300,700)"
	                    }, {
	                        element: b3,
	                        property: 'transform.translateY',
	                        expression: "t<=200?0:easeOutQuint(t-200,-450,450,600)"
	                }, function(res) {
	                    if (res.state === 'exit') {
	                            token: btn_binding.token,
	                          eventType: 'timing'
	            expand: function() {
	                let main_btn = this.getEl(this.$refs.main_btn);
	                let main_image = this.getEl(this.$refs.main_image);
	                let b1 = this.getEl(this.$refs.b1);
	                let b2 = this.getEl(this.$refs.b2);
	                let b3 = this.getEl(this.$refs.b3);
	                let main_binding = Binding.bind({
	                    eventType: 'timing',
	                    exitExpression: 't>100',
	                    props: [{
	                        element: main_image,
	                        property: 'transform.rotateZ',
	                        expression: 'linear(t,0,45,100)'
	                    }, {
	                        element: main_btn,
	                        property: 'background-color',
	                        expression: "evaluateColor('#ff0000','#607D8B',min(t,100)/100)"
	                }, function(res) {
	                    if (res.state === 'exit') {
	                            token: main_binding.token,
	                          eventType: 'timing'
	                let btn_binding = Binding.bind({
	                    eventType: 'timing',
	                    exitExpression: 't>800',
	                    props: [{
	                        element: b1,
	                        property: 'transform.translateY',
	                        expression: "easeOutBounce(t,0,0-150,800)"
	                    }, {
	                        element: b2,
	                        property: 'transform.translateY',
	                        expression: "t<=100?0:easeOutBounce(t-100,0,0-300,700)"
	                    }, {
	                        element: b3,
	                        property: 'transform.translateY',
	                        expression: "t<=200?0:easeOutBounce(t-200,0,0-450,600)"
	                }, function(res) {
	                    if (res.state === 'exit') {
	                            token: btn_binding.token,
	                          eventType: 'timing'
	            clickBtn: function(e) {
	                if (this.isExpanded) {
	                } else {
	                this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded;
	    .container {
	        flex: 1;
	    .image {
	        width: 60px;
	        height: 60px;
	    .text {
	        color: #ffffff;
	        font-size: 30px;
	    .btn {
	        width: 100px;
	        height: 100px;
	        background-color: #ff0000;
	        align-items: center;
	        justify-content: center;
	        position: absolute;
	        border-radius: 50px;
	        bottom: 25px;
	        right: 25px;

# nvue and vue communicate with each other

In uni-app, nvue and vue pages can be mixed and used.

It is recommended to use uni.$on , uni.$emit for page communication, and the old communication methods (uni.postMessage and plus.webview.postMessageToUniNView) are no longer recommended.

# Communication implementation method
	// $on(eventName, callback)  
	uni.$on('page-popup', (data) => {  
	    console.log('标题:' + data.title)
	    console.log('内容:' + data.content)
	// $emit(eventName, data)  
	uni.$emit('page-popup', {  
	    title: '我是title',  
	    content: '我是content'  

**Note when communicating with this page: To remove the event listener using uni.$off before the page is unloaded. **Reference

# Step:
  1. Use uni.postMessage(data) to send data communication in nvue, and the data is in JSON format (the values of key-value pairs only support String).
  2. Use onUniNViewMessage in App.vue to listen.
# Code example:
	<!-- test.nvue -->
	    <view @click="test">
	    export default {
	        methods: {
	            test(e) {
	                uni.postMessage({test: "数据",value:"数据"});
	<!-- App.vue -->
	    export default {
	        onLaunch: function() {
	            console.log('App Launch');
# Step:
  1. vue 里使用 plus.webview.postMessageToUniNView(data,nvueId) 发送消息,dataJSON 格式(键值对的值仅支持String),nvueIdnvue 所在 webview 的 id,webview的 id 获取方式参考:$getAppWebview()
  2. In nvue, refer to the globalEvent module to listen to the plusMessage event, as follows:
	const globalEvent = uni.requireNativePlugin('globalEvent');
	globalEvent.addEventListener("plusMessage", e => {
# Code example:
	<!-- index.nvue -->
	    <div @click="test">
	    const globalEvent = uni.requireNativePlugin('globalEvent');
	    export default {
	        data() {
	            return {
	                num: "0"
	        created() {
	            globalEvent.addEventListener("plusMessage", e => {
	                if (e.data.num) { //存在num时才赋值,在nvue里调用uni的API也会触发plusMessage事件,所以需要判断需要的数据是否存在
	                    this.num = e.data.num
	        methods: {
	            test(e) {
	                    url: '../test/test'
	<!-- test.vue -->
	        <button type="primary" @click="test">点击改变nvue的数据</button>
	    export default {
	        methods: {
	            test() {
	                var pages = getCurrentPages();
	                var page = pages[pages.length - 2];
	                var currentWebview = page.$getAppWebview();
	                    num: "123"
	                }, currentWebview.id);

# Variables and data shared between vue and nvue

In addition to communicating events, variables and storage can be shared between vue and nvue pages. The scheme for shared variables and data provided by uni-app is as follows:

  1. vuex: Since HBuilderX 2.2.5, nvue supports vuex. This is the official state management tool of vue.

Note: Direct introduction of store is not supported, you can use helper methods such as mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations or use this.$store

  1. uni.storage:
    • vue and nvue pages can use the same uni.storage storage. This storage is persistent. For example, the login status can be saved here.
    • The App side also supports plus.sqlite, which is also shared and common.
  2. globalData: The MiniApp has a globalData mechanism, which can also be used in uni-app, and is universal to all terminals. Define globalData in the App.vue file as follows:
	    export default {  
	        globalData: {  
	            text: 'text'  
	        onLaunch: function() {  
	            console.log('App Launch')  
	        onShow: function() {  
	            console.log('App Show')  
	        onHide: function() {  
	            console.log('App Hide')  
  • The way to operate globalData in js is as follows: getApp().globalData.text = 'test'
  • If you need to bind the data of globalData to the page, you can reassign the variable in the onShow life cycle of the page.

# Using HTML5Plus API in nvue

The nvue page can directly use the plus API, and does not need to wait for the plus ready.

# Unsupported uni-app API in nvue

nvue supports most uni-app APIs. The following only lists the APIs that are not currently supported.

# Animation
API Describe Solution
uni.createAnimation() Create an animation instance animation
# Scroll
API Describe Solution
uni.pageScrollTo() Scroll the page to the target position scrollToElement
# Node layout interaction
API Describe
uni.createIntersectionObserver() Create and return an example of the IntersectionObserver object
# Painting

For the usage of canvas API, please refer to canvas document.