This document is intended to introduce how to reference and use applet plugins in uni-app. If you want to know how to compile a uni-app project into a applet plugin, please refer to the document: Publish as applet plugin

# What is a Mini Program Plugin

The applet plug-in is different from the applet custom component.

The applet custom component is to import the component source code into the project and release it as a whole.

Mini Program plug-ins are independent plug-ins developed by third-party plug-in authors in accordance with the specifications of small program manufacturers such as WeChat, and are directly published to the plug-in platform of Mini Programs. The developer only configures the plug-in id in his applet project, and does not import the plug-in source code into the project. During runtime, it is dynamically loaded by the applet engine. The developer cannot obtain the source code of the imported third-party applet plug-in.

It may be called slightly differently in different Mini Programs. WeChat applet and Alipay applet are called plug-in, and Baidu applet is called dynamic library. For convenience, they are collectively referred to as plugins below.

Reference Documentation

# Import plugin code package in uni-app

Declare the plug-ins used in the fields corresponding to each platform in manifest.json. For specific configuration, refer to the development documents of the plug-ins used.


// WeChat applet
"mp-weixin": {
  "plugins": {
    "myPlugin": {
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "provider": "wxidxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "export": "index.js"

// Alipay applet
"mp-alipay": {
  "plugins": {
    "myPlugin": {
      "version": "*",
      "provider": "2019235609092837",
      "export": "index.js"

// Baidu applet
"mp-baidu": {
  "dynamicLib": {
    "myPlugin": {
      "provider": "TheUniqueNameOwnedByThisDynamicLib"


  • HBuilder X 3.2.13+ supports the export field, that is, the applet is exported to the plugin. Currently only WeChat applet and Alipay applet are supported

# Using plugins in pages

Use custom components provided by plugins in the same way as normal custom components. When the json file defines the custom component that needs to be imported, use the plugin:// protocol to specify the reference name of the plugin and the name of the custom component

To use the components contained in the plugin in the page, you need to configure the usingComponents or usingSwanComponents of the corresponding platform under the style node of the corresponding page in pages.json, for example:

Take "hello-component": "plugin://myPlugin/hello-component" as an example, key (hello-component before the colon) is the component name used in the page.

value is divided into three sections, plugin is the protocol (dynamicLib in the Baidu applet), myPlugin is the name of the plugin, that is, the name when the plugin is introduced, and hello-component is the name of the component exposed by the plugin.

// WeChat applet
  "path": "pages/index/index",
  "style": {
    "mp-weixin": {
      "usingComponents": {
        "hello-component": "plugin://myPlugin/hello-component"

// Alipay applet
  "path": "pages/index/index",
  "style": {
    "mp-alipay": {
      "usingComponents": {
        "hello-component": "plugin://myPlugin/hello-component"

// Baidu MiniApp note that some plug-ins below HBuilder 3.1.0 need to use usingSwanComponents
  "path": "pages/index/index",
  "style": {
    "mp-baidu": {
      "usingComponents": {
        "my-special-list": "dynamicLib://myDynamicLib/special-list"

used on the page. Code example:

<!-- WeChat applet and Alipay applet -->
<navigator url="plugin://myPlugin/hello-component">
  Go to pages/hello-page!

<!-- Baidu Mini Program -->
<view class="container">
    <!-- 'my-special-list' here is the alias for this custom component on this page -->
    <my-special-list />

# Import plugin code package in subpackage

Alipay applet and Baidu applet do not support the introduction of plug-ins into subcontracts. In addition, if the project uses subcontracting, plug-ins cannot be used in the Alipay applet. The content in this section is only for WeChat Mini Programs.

If the plugin is only used in one sub-package (the same plugin cannot be referenced by multiple sub-packages at the same time), it can be configured into the sub-package separately, so that the plugin will not be loaded with the main package, the developer can add it in ``pages.jsonDeclare plugins in subPackages


"subPackages": [{
    "root": "pagesA",
    "pages": [{
        "path": "list/list"
    "plugins": {
        "pluginName": {
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "provider": "wxidxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Restrictions on using plugins in subpackages

  • The plugin can only be used within this subpackage;
  • The same plugin cannot be referenced by multiple subpackages at the same time;
  • You cannot jump directly to the plug-in page in the sub-contract from the page outside the sub-contract. You need to jump to the non-plug-in page in the sub-contract first, and then jump to the plug-in page in the same sub-contract.

# Possible issues

  • Some plugins may require some permissions to run properly, please configure permission in mp-weixin in manifest.json [see details]( /dev/reference/configuration/app.html#permission)
  • The WeChat development tool prompts "plug-in version does not exist", it may be that the version used in the sample code of the plug-in development documentation does not exist, please change the version at the declaration of the plug-in