The node layout intersection status API can be used to listen to the intersection status of two or more component nodes in the layout position. This set of APIs can often be used to deduce whether or to what extent certain nodes are visible to users.

# uni.createIntersectionObserver([this], [options])

Create and return a IntersectionObserver object instance.

this description:

Custom component instance. Alipay applet does not support this parameter, the input is only to smooth out the writing difference

Optional parameters of options are:

Field name Type Instruction
thresholds Array An numeric array, containing all thresholds. The default is [0].
initialRatio Number In terms of initial intersection ratio, if the intersection ratio detected when calling is not equal to this value and reaches the threshold, the callback function of the listener will be triggered once. The default is 0.
observeAll Boolean Whether to observe multiple reference nodes (instead of one) simultaneously. If it is set to true, the targetSelector of observe will select multiple nodes (note: selecting too many nodes simultaneously will affect rendering performance)

# Method list of IntersectionObserver object

Method Instruction
IntersectionObserver.relativeTo(selector,[margins]) Use the selector to specify a node as one of the reference areas.
IntersectionObserver.relativeToViewport([margins]) Specify the page display area as one of the reference areas
IntersectionObserver.observe(selector,[callback]) Specify the target node and start listening to the change of intersection status. The callback function callback contains a parameter result
IntersectionObserver.disconnect() Stop listening. The callback function will no longer be triggered.

margins parameter: Used to expand (or shrink) the bound of the layout area of the reference node.

Attribute Type Defaults Required or not Instruction
left number No Left bound of node layout area
right number No Right bound of node layout area
top number No Upper bound of node layout area
bottom number No Lower bound of node layout area

In the following sample code, if the target node ".test" enters 100px below the ".scroll" area, the callback function will be triggered.

uni.createIntersectionObserver(this).relativeTo('.scroll',{bottom: 100}).observe('.test', (res) => {

Fields contained in the observe callback function result

Field name Type Instruction
intersectionRatio Number Intersection ratio
intersectionRect Object The boundary of the intersection area, including four items: left, right, top, and bottom
boundingClientRect Object The boundary of the target node layout area, including four items: left, right, top, and bottom
relativeRect Object The boundary of the reference area, including four items: left, right, top, and bottom
time Number Timestamp of intersection detection


  • The area intersect with the display area of the page does not accurately represent the area visible to the user, because the area involved in the calculation is the "layout area", and the layout area may be cropped and hidden by other nodes (such as the node whose overflow style is hidden in the ancestor node) or covered (such as the node located by fixed) when drawing.
  • It is recommended to listen to the node interaction status API in the onReady life cycle. The reason is that API needs to find page elements, and the page has already been rendered primarily at onReady, and the corresponding elements can already be found.

# Code example

	<view class="container">
		<text>{{appear ? '小球出现' : '小球消失'}}</text>
		<view class="page-section">
			<scroll-view class="scroll-view" scroll-y>
				<view class="scroll-area">
					<text class="notice">向下滚动让小球出现</text>
					<view class="ball"></view>
	let observer = null;
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				appear: false
		onReady() {
			observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(this);
            observer.relativeTo('.scroll-view').observe('.ball', (res) => {
              if (res.intersectionRatio > 0 && !this.appear) {
                this.appear = true;
              } else if (!res.intersectionRatio > 0 && this.appear) {
                this.appear = false;
		onUnload() {
			if (observer) {
	view,page {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;

	.scroll-view {
		height: 400rpx;
		background: #fff;
		border: 1px solid #ccc;
		box-sizing: border-box;

	.scroll-area {
		height: 1300rpx;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		align-items: center;
		transition: .5s;

	.notice {
		margin-top: 150rpx;
		margin: 150rpx 0 400rpx 0;

	.ball {
		width: 200rpx;
		height: 200rpx;
		background: #1AAD19;
		border-radius: 50%;