Supported by HBuilderX 2.0.0+, User Guide

# uni.$emit(eventName,OBJECT)

When global custom events are triggered, additional parameters will be passed to the listener callback function.

Attribute Type Describe
eventName String Event name
OBJECT Object Additional parameters carried by triggering events

Code example


# uni.$on(eventName,callback)

listen to the global custom event triggered by uni.$emit, and the callback function receives the parameters passed in to the event trigger function.

Attribute Type Describe
eventName String Event name
callback Function Event callback function

Code example

		console.log('监听到事件来自 update ,携带参数 msg 为:' + data.msg);

# uni.$once(eventName,callback)

listen to the global custom events generated by uni.$emit, but only once, and remove the listener after the first trigger.

Attribute Type Describe
eventName String Event name
callback Function Event callback function

Code example

		console.log('监听到事件来自 update ,携带参数 msg 为:' + data.msg);

# uni.$off([eventName, callback])

Remove the global custom event listener.

Attribute Type Describe
eventName Array<String> Event name
callback Function Event callback function


  • If uni.$off does not pass in parameters, remove all event listeners at App level;
  • If only the event name (eventName) is provided, remove all listeners corresponding to the event name;
  • If both event and callback are provided, only the listener of this event callback will be removed;
  • The provided callback must be the same one as the callback of $on to remove the listener of this callback;

Code example

$emit, $on and $off are commonly used for cross-page and cross-component communication, and are placed on the same page for easy demonstration

		<view class="content">
			<view class="data">
			<button type="primary" @click="comunicationOff">结束监听</button>
		export default {
			data() {
				return {
					val: 0
			onLoad() {
					uni.$emit('add', {
						data: 2
				uni.$on('add', this.add)
			methods: {
				comunicationOff() {
					uni.$off('add', this.add)
				add(e) {
					this.val +=
		.content {
			display: flex;
			flex-direction: column;
			align-items: center;
			justify-content: center;
		.data {
			text-align: center;
			line-height: 40px;
			margin-top: 40px;
		button {
			width: 200px;
			margin: 20px 0;


  • The events triggered by uni.$emit, uni.$on, uni.$once and uni.$off are all at the App global level, spanning arbitrary component, page, nvue, vue, etc.
  • When using, remember to destroy event listening to in time, for example, uni.$on registered listening to in the page onLoad, uni.$off removed in the page onUnload, or one-off events that use uni.$once to listen to directly
  • Note that the data passed by uni.$emit can only be received after uni.$on is defined