# uni.preloadPage(OBJECT)

Page pre-loading is a performance optimization technology. The preloaded pages can be opened faster.

Platform difference description

App-nvue H5 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 QQ小程序
√(2.7.12+) √(2.7.12+) x x x x x
Attribute Type Required Instruction
url string 预加载页面url
success Function 预加载成功完成回调
fail Function 预加载失败回调
complete Function 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行)

# H5 platform

Preload the js file corresponding to /pages/test/test without executing the page pre-rendering logic

uni.preloadPage({url: "/pages/test/test"});

# App-nvue platform

Preload nvue page /pages/test/test

uni.preloadPage({url: "/pages/test/test"});


  1. App platform only supports preloading nvue pages, performing page pre-rendering, and triggering life cycles onLoad and onReady without triggering onShow
  2. When a new page is opened with exactly same url (including parameters), the preloaded page is preferentially used, triggering the life cycle onShow
  3. The tabbar page only supports preloading pages that have not yet been displayed, otherwise it will return fail, prompting already exists
  4. preloadPage is applied to the same url only once at a time
  5. If the same preloaded page was opened (in the routing stack), and when the same url is opened again, a new non-preloaded page will be opened other than the preloaded page
  6. When switching the pages of uni.reLanuch, uni.switchTab and uni.navigateBack (including Android return key), the preloaded pages will not be destroyed, and the life cycle onHide will be triggered only
  7. When using uni.redirectTo on the preloaded page, the preload page will be destroyed, triggering the life cycle onUnload


uni.preloadPage({url: "/pages/test/test"}); // 预加载 /pages/test/test 页面(仅触发onLoad,onReady)
uni.navigateTo({url: "/pages/test/test"}); // url匹配,跳转预加载页面(仅触发onShow)
uni.navigateTo({url: "/pages/test/test?a=b"}); // url不匹配,正常打开新页面

hello uni-app of HBuilderX 2.7.12+ adds a page preload example to the navigator example and the calendar example of uni ui.

# uni.unPreloadPage(OBJECT)

Cancel the preload page.

  1. Only supported in App-nvue
  2. When the preloaded page is not opened, the page will be destroyed when using unPreloadPage, and the life cycle onUnload will be triggered
  3. When the preloaded page has been opened, the page will not be destroyed when using unPreloadPage. However, the preloaded page will no longer exist and will be destroyed as the route changes