Wi-Fi function module
The App platform is implemented by uni ext api, you need to download the plug-in: [uni-WiFi](https://ext.dcloud.net. cn/plugin?id=10337)
uni ext api requires HBuilderX 3.6.8+
iOS平台获取Wi-Fi信息需要开启“Access WiFi information”能力登录苹果开发者网站,在“Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles”页面选择“Identifiers”中选择对应的App ID,确保开启“Access WiFi information”,保存后重新生成profile文件。
The development methods of other platforms are not yet unified. When using it, you should pay attention to using conditional compilation to call codes of different platforms.
WeChat Mini Program Platform Implementation Reference: Specification Details
Baidu Smart Mini Program Platform Implementation Reference: Specification Details
抖音小程序的wifi API参考:规范详情
Initialize the Wi-Fi module
OBJECT parameter description
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
success | function | No | Callback function for successful interface call |
fail | function | No | Callback function for interface call failure |
complete | function | No | The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails) |
Turn off the Wi-Fi module
OBJECT parameter description
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
success | function | No | Callback function for successful interface call |
fail | function | No | Callback function for interface call failure |
complete | function | No | The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails) |
Get connected Wi-Fi information
OBJECT parameter description
Property | Type | Default Value | Required | Description |
partialInfo | boolean | false | No | Whether partial Wi-Fi information should be returned |
success | function | No | Callback function for successful interface call | |
fail | function | No | Callback function for interface call failure | |
complete | function | No | The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails) |
success return parameter description
Parameter | Type | Description |
wifi | WifiInfo | Wi-Fi Information |
Request a Wi-Fi list. The wifiList data will be returned in the callback registered by onGetWifiList.
OBJECT parameter description
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
success | function | No | Callback function for successful interface call |
fail | function | No | Callback function for interface call failure |
complete | function | No | The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails) |
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
√ | x |
Listen to the event of getting Wi-Fi list data.
CALLBACK parameter description
Obtain the listener function of the Wi-Fi list data event
CALLBACK return parameter
Property | Type | Description |
wifiList | Array<WifiInfo> | Wi-Fi 列表数据 |
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
√ | x |
Remove the listener function for getting the Wi-Fi list data event.
CALLBACK parameter description
The listener function passed in by onGetWifiList. If this parameter is not passed, all listener functions will be removed.
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
√ | x |
Connect to Wi-Fi. If the Wi-Fi information is known, you can directly use this interface to connect.
OBJECT parameter description
Property | Type | Default | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
SSID | string | yes | Wi-Fi device SSID | ||
BSSID | string | No | Wi-Fi Device BSSID | ||
password | string | yes | Wi-Fi device password | ||
maunal | boolean | false | no | jump to the system settings page to connect | 2.12.0 |
partialInfo | boolean | false | No | Whether to return partial Wi-Fi information, only valid for Android | 2.22.0 |
success | function | No | Callback function for successful interface call | ||
fail | function | No | Callback function for interface call failure | ||
complete | function | No | The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails) |
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
android10 以下版本支持直连,android 10以上,包括鸿蒙系统仅支持 maunal 手动链接 | x |
Listen for Wi-Fi connected events.
CALLBACK parameter description
Listener function for events connected to Wi-Fi
CALLBACK return parameter
Property | Type | Description |
wifi | WifiInfo | Wi-Fi 信息 |
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
√ | x |
Remove the listener function for events connected to Wi-Fi.
CALLBACK parameter description
onWifiConnected incoming listener function. If this parameter is not passed, all listener functions will be removed.
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
√ | x |
Listen for Wi-Fi connected events.
CALLBACK parameter description
Listener function for events connected to Wi-Fi
CALLBACK return parameter
Property | Type | Description |
wifi | WifiInfo | 只包含 SSID 属性的 WifiInfo 对象 |
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
√ | x |
Remove the listener function for events connected to Wi-Fi.
CALLBACK parameter description
onWifiConnectedWithPartialInfo The listener function passed in. If this parameter is not passed, all listener functions will be removed.
Platform Difference Description
App-Android | App-iOS |
√ | x |
WiFi information
Property | Type | Description |
SSID | string | SSID for Wi-Fi |
BSSID | string | BSSID for Wi-Fi |
secure | boolean | Is the Wi-Fi secure |
signalStrength | number | Wi-Fi signal strength, Android value 0 ~ 100 |
frequency | number | Wi-Fi frequency band unit MHz |
Error code | Error message | Description |
0 | ok | normal |
12000 | not init | did not call the startWifi interface first |
12001 | system not support | The current system does not support the relevant capabilities |
12002 | password error Wi-Fi | password error |
12005 | wifi not turned on | Android specific, Wi-Fi switch not turned on |
12013 | wifi config may be expired | The Wi-Fi configuration saved by the system has expired. It is recommended to forget the Wi-Fi and try again. Only Android supports |