Get basic device information
App | H5 | 微信小程序 | 支付宝小程序 | 抖音小程序 | 快手小程序 | QQ小程序 | 百度小程序 | 京东小程序 | 钉钉小程序 | 飞书小程序 |
√ (3.4.13+) | √ (3.4.13+) | √ (2.20.1+) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Return parameter description
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Platform Difference Description |
deviceBrand | string | The device brand. For example: apple , huawei | H5 does not support |
deviceId | string | The device id. Generated and stored by the uni-app framework, emptying the Storage will cause changes | |
deviceModel | string | Device Model | |
deviceType | string | device type phone , pad , pc | |
deviceOrientation | string | Device orientation portrait , landscape | App, H5 . For WeChat applet, please use (getSystemInfo Api)[/api/system/info.html] to get |
devicePixelRatio | string | Device pixel ratio | App, H5 . For WeChat applet, please use (getSystemInfo Api)[/api/system/info.html] to get |
system | string | OS and version | |
platform | Client Platform |
applet special return parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Platform Difference Description |
abi | String | Application binary interface type (only supported by Android) | WeChat applet only |
benchmarkLevel | Number | Device performance level (Android only). The value is: -2 or 0 (the device cannot run mini games), -1 (the performance is unknown), >=1 (the device performance value, the higher the value, the better the device performance, the current maximum is less than 50) | WeChat applet only |
Deprecated return parameter, reserved for backward compatibility only
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Platform Difference Description |
brand | string | device brand | H5 not supported |
model | string | Device model. The new model will display unknown after it has been launched for a while, and WeChat will adapt it as soon as possible. |
: android platform
uses imei and mac according to the priority, and uses a randomly generated identifier if it is not obtained. ios platform
is to use the randomly generated logo directly