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Platform Difference Description
App | H5 | 微信小程序 | 支付宝小程序 | 百度小程序 | 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 | 钉钉小程序 | QQ小程序 | 快手小程序 | 京东小程序 |
HBuilderX (3.5.3+) | x | Base Library (2.20.1+) | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
OBJECT parameter description
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
success | Function | No | Callback function for successful interface call |
fail | Function | No | Callback function for interface call failure |
complete | Function | No | The callback function of the end of the interface call (the call will be executed if the call succeeds or fails) |
success (res) {