# uni.request(OBJECT)

Make a network request.

When each MiniApp platform is running, network-related APIs need to be configured with a domain name whitelist before use.

OBJECT parameter description

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description Platform Difference Description
url String Yes Developer server interface address
data Object/String/ArrayBuffer No Request parameter App 3.3.7 or later does not support the ArrayBuffer type
header Object No Set the header of the request, Referer cannot be set in the header App and H5 end will automatically bring cookies, and H5 end cannot be manually modified
method String No GET Please refer to the description below for valid values
timeout Number 60000 超时时间,单位 ms H5(HBuilderX 2.9.9+)、APP(HBuilderX 2.9.9+)、微信小程序(2.10.0)、支付宝小程序
dataType String json 如果设为 json,会对返回的数据进行一次 JSON.parse,非 json 不会进行 JSON.parse
responseType String No text Sets the data type of the response. Legal values: text, arraybuffer Alipay MiniApp not support
sslVerify Boolean No true Verify ssl certificate Only supported by App Android (HBuilderX 2.3.3+), does not support offline packaging
withCredentials Boolean No false Whether to carry credentials (cookies) when making cross-domain requests Only supported by H5 (HBuilderX 2.6.15+)
firstIpv4 Boolean No false Use ipv4 first when DNS resolution Only App-Android support (HBuilderX 2.8.0+)
enableHttp2 Boolean No false Enable http2 WeChat MiniApp
enableQuic Boolean false 开启 quic 微信小程序
enableCache Boolean false 开启 cache 微信小程序、抖音小程序 2.31.0+
enableHttpDNS Boolean No false Whether to enable HttpDNS service. If enabled, you need to fill in httpDNSServiceId at the same time. For details on HttpDNS usage, see Mobile Resolution HttpDNS WeChatMiniApp
httpDNSServiceId String No HttpDNS service provider Id. For details on HttpDNS usage, see Mobile Resolution HttpDNS WeChatMiniApp
enableChunked Boolean No false Enable transfer-encoding chunked WeChat MiniApp
forceCellularNetwork Boolean No false Use mobile network to send requests under wifi WeChat MiniApp
enableCookie Boolean No false The cookie can be edited in the headers after enabling Alipay MiniApp 10.2.33+
cloudCache Object/Boolean false 是否开启云加速(详见云加速服务 百度小程序 3.310.11+
cloudCache Object/Boolean No false Whether to enable cloud acceleration (see [Cloud Acceleration Service](https://smartprogram.baidu.com/docs/develop/extended/component-codeless/cloud-speed/introduction/for details) <a href="https://smartprogram.baidu.com/docs/develop/extended/component-codeless/cloud-speed/introduction/)) 百度小程序">)) Baidu MiniApp 3.310.11+
defer Boolean No false Controls whether the current request is delayed until the content of the first screen is rendered Baidu MiniApp 3.310.11+
success Function No received the callback function successfully returned by the developer server
fail Function No Interface call failure callback function
complete Function No The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails)

method Valid Values

Note: The effective value of method must be capitalized. The effective value of method supported by each platform is different. See the table below for details.

method App H5 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 快手小程序 京东小程序
PUT x x x
DELETE x x x x
CONNECT x x x x x x
HEAD x x x x
OPTIONS x x x x
TRACE x x x x x x

success return parameter description

Parameter Type Description
data Object/String/ArrayBuffer Data returned by the developer server
statusCode Number The HTTP status code returned by the developer server
header Object HTTP Response Header returned by the developer server
cookies Array.<string> The cookies returned by the developer server, in the format of a string array

data data description

The final data sent to the server is of String type. If the incoming data is not of String type, it will be converted to String. The conversion rules are as follows:

  • For the GET method, the data will be converted to a query string. For example, { name: 'name', age: 18 } converts to name=name&age=18.
  • For POST method data with header['content-type'] as application/json, JSON serialization will be performed.
  • For POST method and header['content-type'] is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the data will be converted to query string.


    url: 'https://www.example.com/request', //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。
    data: {
        text: 'uni.request'
    header: {
        'custom-header': 'hello' //自定义请求头信息
    success: (res) => {
        this.text = 'request success';

return value

If you want to return a requestTask object, you need to pass in at least one of the success / fail / complete parameters. For example:

var requestTask = uni.request({
	url: 'https://www.example.com/request', //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。
	complete: ()=> {}

If no success / fail / complete parameter is passed in, the encapsulated Promise object will be returned: Promise Encapsulation

With requestTask, the request task can be interrupted.

list of methods of the requestTask object

Method Parameter Description
abort interrupt request task
offHeadersReceived Cancel listening to HTTP Response Header events, only supported by WeChat MiniApp Platform, document details
onHeadersReceived Listen to HTTP Response Header events. It will be earlier than the request completion event, only supported by WeChat MiniApp Platform, document details


const requestTask = uni.request({
	url: 'https://www.example.com/request', //仅为示例,并非真实接口地址。
	data: {
        name: 'name',
        age: 18
	success: function(res) {

// interrupt request task


  • The content-type in the header of the request defaults to application/json.
  • Avoid using Chinese in header, or use encodeURIComponent to encode, otherwise an error will be reported in the Baidu MiniApp. (From: Quick Dog taxi front-end team)
  • The timeout time of network requests can be uniformly configured in manifest.json networkTimeout.
  • Local debugging on the H5 side needs to pay attention to cross-domain problems, refer to: Debugging cross-domain problem solutions
  • Note that due to the Baidu MiniApp iOS client, the fail callback will be entered when the request fails, and corresponding processing needs to be added for Baidu to solve this problem.
  • Note that the MiniApp does not support automatically keeping cookies, and the server should avoid verifying cookies. If the server cannot be modified, some simulation methods can also be used, such as such a tool https://github.com/charleslo1/weapp-cookie can be requested with Set the cookie and save the response cookie locally.
  • H5 cookies are subject to cross-domain restrictions (the same as when developing websites), the old version of uni.request does not support the withCredentials configuration, you can directly use xhr objects or other class libraries.
  • According to the W3C specification, the H5 side cannot obtain the two fields Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2 in the response header. For cross-domain requests, the response header fields allowed to be obtained are limited to "simple response header" and "Access-Control-Expose- Headers" (Details)
  • uni-app plug-in market There are three parties such as flyio and axios Encapsulated interceptors are available
  • Low-version mobile phones do not support ipv6. If the server only allows ipv6, the old mobile phone will not work properly or the access speed will be very slow
  • Server addresses such as localhost and can only be run on the computer side, and cannot be accessed when the mobile phone side is connected. Please use the standard IP and ensure that the mobile phone can connect to the computer network
  • In debug mode, the Android side cannot obtain the response header temporarily, and the request will fail if the url contains illegal characters (such as spaces that are not encoded as %20)
  • After the iOS App is installed and started for the first time, a query box will pop up asking whether to allow networking. Before the user clicks to agree, calling the networking API will fail. Be careful in judging this situation. For example, the official news template example (HBuilderX new project can be selected) will judge that if the network cannot be connected, an error page will be provided to prompt the user to set the network and pull down to refresh and try again.
  • App with good experience will also judge whether it is currently in flight mode (reference), whether it is wifi or 3G ([reference](https: //uniapp.dcloud.io/api/system/network))
  • For some Android devices, the network speed of the real device or debug mode is much lower than that of the release mode.
  • Requests for ssl certificates issued by some relatively small certificate authorities (such as: CFCA OV OCA) will fail on Android devices, because the root certificates of these institutions are not in the system's built-in root certificate library, and certificates issued by other common institutions (such as : Let's Encrypt), or configure sslVerify to false to turn off ssl certificate verification (not recommended).
  • Offline packaging does not support sslVerify configuration
  • It is recommended that the data volume of a single network request be controlled below 50K (only refers to json data, excluding pictures), and excessive data should be obtained in pages to improve the application experience.

# uni.configMTLS(OBJECT)

https request configuration self-signed certificate

App H5 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 QQ小程序 快手小程序 京东小程序
(3.2.7+) x x x x x x x x

OBJECT parameter description

Parameter Type Required Description
certificates Array<certificate> Yes certificates is an array, which supports configuring self-signed certificates for multiple domain names
success Function(callbackObject) No Callback function for successful interface call
fail Function(callbackObject) No Callback function for interface call failure
complete Function No The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails)

certificate parameter description Certificate Configuration Items

Parameter Type Required Description
host String yes The domain name corresponding to the request (note: do not need the protocol part)
client String No Client certificate (this item needs to be configured when the server side needs to verify the client certificate. For the format requirements, please refer to the certificate format description below. Note that the iOS platform client certificate only supports .p12 type Certificate)
clientPassword String 客户端证书对应的密码(客户端证书存在时必须配置此项)
server Array<String> 服务器端证书(客户端需要对服务器端证书做校验时需要配置此项,通常使用自签名证书时才需要配置,格式要求请参考下面的证书格式说明,注意 iOS 平台服务器端证书只支持 .cer 类型的证书,并且证书要包含完整的信息)


证书支持两种格式,文件格式和 Base64字符串格式

  1. 文件格式说明:可将证书文件放到工程的 ‘static’ 目录中(当然也可以通过请求下载到本地),然后填写文件路径,示例:'/static/client.p12'
  2. Base64String格式说明:将证书文件的二进制转换为 Base64String 字符串,然后在字符串前面添加'data:cert/pem;base64,'前缀,示例:'data:cert/pem;base64,xxx' xxx 代表真实的证书 base64String

callbackObject parameter description

Attribute Type Description
code Number Returns 0 for success, returns the corresponding code for failure


    certificates: [{
        'host': 'www.test.com',
        'client': '/static/client.p12',
        'clientPassword': '123456789',
        'server': ['/static/server.cer'],
    success ({code}) {}