# uni.canvasGetImageData(OBJECT,this)

Return an array to describe the pixel data hidden in the canvas area. Under custom components, the second parameter is passed into the custom component instance this to operate the <canvas> component.

OBJECT parameter description:

Parameter Type Required Instruction
canvasId String Yes Canvas ID, pass in ``` ````'s canvas-id (Alipay applet is id, other platforms are canvas-id)
x Number Yes x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangular area of the image data to be extracted
y Number Yes y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangular area of the image data to be extracted
width Number Yes Width of the rectangular area of the image data to be extracted
height Number Yes Height of the rectangular area of the image data to be extracted
success Function No Callback function for successful interface calling
fail Function No Callback function for failed interface calling
complete Function No Callback function for closed interface calling (available both for successful and failed calling)

success callback return parameters:

Parameter Type Instruction
errMsg String
width Number Width of rectangle in image data
height Number Height of the image data rectangle
data Uint8ClampedArray Image pixel data is a one-dimensional array and every four terms represent the rgba of a pixel.

Sample code

  canvasId: 'myCanvas',
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  width: 100,
  height: 100,
  success(res) {
    console.log(res.width) // 100
    console.log(res.height) // 100
    console.log(res.data instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) // true
    console.log(res.data.length) // 100 * 100 * 4