# The supported styles is listed below, and some component may support custom style, which you can check in the component's doc. Except for this, other styles are not supported.

# Notes

  • nvue's css only supports flex layout, which is a subset of webview's css syntax. This is because the native layout of the operating system does not support web layouts other than flex. Of course, flex is enough to lay out all kinds of pages, but the writing needs to adapt.
  • Only array syntax is supported when binding class.
  • Media queries are not supported
  • Font files cannot be introduced into style
  • Percentage layout, such as width:100%, cannot be used
  • Writing background pictures background-image in css is not supported, but image components and layers can be used to achieve background effects similar to those in the web. Because in native development, there is no such concept of background map like web.
  • Use the image tag, support the use of base64, but not svg format images
  • Each component of nvue is transparent by default on Android. If background-color is not set, it may cause ghosting problems
  • The text content must only be under the text component. In the text component, the content cannot be written in a new line, or otherwise there will be irremovable peripheral margins.
  • 只有text标签可以设置字体大小,字体颜色
  • 不支持 /deep/

From HBuilderX 3.1.0+, more abbreviated styles are supported

  • border
  • border-top
  • border-right
  • border-bottom
  • border-left
  • border-style
  • border-width
  • border-color
  • border-radius
  • flex-flow
  • background

From HBuilderX 3.1.0+, new style compilation mode is supported

  • The newly added nvueStyleCompiler configuration supports combined selectors (adjacent brother selector, normal brother selector, child selector, descendant selector). See details

  • In the uni-app compilation mode of nvue, the styles in App.vue will be compiled into each nvue file. For shared styles, if there are illegal attributes, the console will give a warning, you can use conditional compilationAPP-PLUS-NVUE Suppress warnings in apps.

# Box model

Weex box model based on the CSS box model, all of weex elements can be considered as boxes.

The term "box model" is used when talking about design and layout. The box model is essentially a box that wraps around every HTML element. It consists of margins, borders, paddings, and the actual content.


Weex only supports box-sizing:border-box, in which box size includes content, padding and border-width and excludes margin.

On Android, Weex only supports overflow:hidden.

On iOS, Weex supports overflow:hidden and overflow:visible and by default, it is overflow:visible.

# basic usage
			<image style="width: 400rpx; height: 200rpx; margin-left: 20rpx;" src="https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/loveIcon.png"></image>
Property Describe
width {length} width, default value 0
height {length} height, default value 0
# padding

padding specifies the space between element content and the element border. One can use shorthand for four edges or specify the padding for one edge:

Property Describe
padding {length} padding for four edges, default value 0
padding-left {length} default value 0
padding-right {length} default value 0
padding-top {length} default value 0
padding-bottom {length} default value 0
# border

border-style 设定边框样式,如果四个方向的边框样式不同,可分别设置: border-style Set the border style. If the border styles in the four directions are different, you can set them separately:

Property Describe
border-left-style {string} values solid / dashed / dotted, default value solid
border-top-style {string} values solid / dashed / dotted, default value solid
border-right-style {string} values solid / dashed / dotted, default value solid
border-bottom-style {string} values solid / dashed / dotted, default value solid
Property Describe
solid The default value of the solid border is solid
dashed Square dashed border
dotted Dotted dashed border
# border-width

border-width:设定边框宽度,非负值, 默认值 0,如果四个方向的边框宽度不同,可分别设置: border-width: Set the border width, non-negative value, the default value is 0, if the border widths in the four directions are different, you can set them separately:

Property Describe
border-width {length} non-negative, default value 0
border-left-width {length} non-negative, default value 0
border-top-width {length} non-negative, default value 0
border-right-width {length} non-negative, default value 0
border-bottom-width {length} non-negative, default value 0
# border-color

border-color:设定边框颜色,默认值 #000000,如果四个方向的边框颜色不同,可分别设置: ````border-color: Set the border color, the default value is#000000```, if the border colors in the four directions are different, you can set them separately:

Property Describe
border-color {color} default value #000000
border-left-color {color} default value #000000
border-top-color {color} default value #000000
border-right-color {color} default value #000000
border-bottom-color {color} default value #000000
# border-radius

border-radius:设置边框的圆角,默认值 0,如果四个方向的圆角弧度不同,可分别设置: border-radius: Set the rounded corners of the border, the default value is 0. If the rounded corners in the four directions are different, you can set them separately:

Property Describe
border-radius {length} default value 0 which means the corner is a right angle.
border-bottom-left-radius {length} non-negative, default value 0
border-bottom-right-radius {length} non-negative, default value 0
border-top-left-radius {length} non-negative, default value 0
border-top-right-radius {length} non-negative, default value 0


# margin

margin specifies the space around elements which is outside the border. One can use shorthand for four edges or specify the margin for one edge:

Property Describe
margin {length} margin for four edges, default value 0
margin-left {length} margin for left edge, default value 0
margin-right {length} margin for left edge, default value 0
margin-top {length} margin for left edge, default value 0
margin-bottom {length} margin for bottom edge, default value 0
# Only for Android

Although overflow:hidden is default on Android, a view will not clip its children according to border-radius unless all the following conditions meet.

  • The view type is div, A, cell, refresh or loading.
  • OS version is Android 4.3 or higher.
  • OS version is not Android 7.0
  • A view does not have background-image property nor OS version is Android 5.0 or higher.

# Flexbox

# Flexbox

Flex is the abbreviation of Flexible Box, meaning "flexible layout", which is used to provide maximum flexibility for box model.

Weex box style model based on the CSS flexbox, ensures that elements behave predictably and the page layout can accommodates to different screen sizes and different display devices.

Only styles listed below is supported, other style like order and flex-flow are not supported.

Flexbox is the default and only style model in Weex, so you don't have to add display: flex; in a container.

# flex-direction

The flex-direction CSS property sets how flex items are placed in the flex container defining the main axis and the direction (normal or reversed).

Property Describe
column The flex container's main-axis is vertical. The main-start and main-end points is top and bottom.
column-reverse Behaves the same as column but the main-start and main-end are permuted.
row The flex container's main-axis is horizontal and defined to be the same as direction. The main-start and main-end points are the same as the direction.
row-reverse Behaves the same as row but the main-start and main-end points are permuted

# flex-wrap

The flex-wrap CSS property sets whether flex items are forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines. The default value is nowrap

Property Describe
nowrap The flex items are laid out in a single line which may cause the flex container to overflow. The cross-start is either equivalent to start or before depending flex-direction value. This is the default value.
wrap The flex items break into multiple lines. The cross-start is either equivalent to start or before depending flex-direction value and the cross-end is the opposite of the specified cross-start.
wrap-reverse Behaves the same as wrap but cross-start and cross-end are permuted.

# justify-content

The CSS justify-content property defines how Weex distributes space between and around content items along the main-axis of a flex container. The default value is flex-start.

Property Describe
flex-start The items are packed flush to each other toward the edge of the alignment container depending on the flex container's main-start side.
flex-end The items are packed flush to each other toward the edge of the alignment container depending on the flex container's main-end side.
center The items are packed flush to each other toward the center of the alignment container along the main axis.
space-between The items are evenly distributed within the alignment container along the main axis. The spacing between each pair of adjacent items is the same. The first item is flush with the main-start edge, and the last item is flush with the main-end edge.
space-around It indicates equal intervals on both sides of flex member items, so the interval between member items is twice as large as the interval between member items and borders


# align-items

The CSS align-items property sets the align-self value on all direct children as a group. It controls the alignment of items on the cross Axis. The default value is stretch.

Property Describe
stretch Flex items are stretched such that the cross-size of the item's margin box is the same as the line while respecting width and height constraints.
flex-start The cross-start margin edges of the flex items are flushed with the cross-start edge of the line.
flex-end The cross-end margin edges of the flex items are flushed with the cross-end edge of the line.
center The flex items' margin boxes are centered within the line on the cross-axis.


# flex

The flex property specifies the length of the flex item, relative to the rest of the flex items inside the same container.

  • If all of the flex items set flex: 1, they will have equal width or height on direction of flex container's flex-direction.
  • If there are two flex items, with one setting flex: 1, and the other setting flex: 2, the first one will take 1/3 container space, and the second one will take 2/3 container space.
  • If all of flex items don't set flex, they will be aligned depending on the container's justify-content property.


Flex member item does not support flex-shrink, flex-basis, align-content attributes temporarily.

That attribute does not support flex: Abbreviation for flex-grow | flex-shrink | flex-basis.

	<!-- Grid layout -->
			<view v-for="(v, i) in list" class="row">
				<view v-for="(text, k) in v" class="item">
		export default {
			data() {
				return {
					list: [
						['A', 'B', 'C'],
						['D', 'E', 'F'],
						['G', 'H', 'I']
	<style scoped>
	.row {
		flex-direction: row;
		height: 80px;
	.item {
		flex: 1;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		border-width: 1;
		border-style: solid;
		border-color: #FFFFFF;
		background-color: #00AAFF;
	<!-- Contour module -->
	    <view style="width:300px; height:100px;">
	      <view style="flex: 1;background-color:blue"></view>
	      <view style="flex: 1;background-color:red"></view>
	      <view style="flex: 1;background-color:yellow"></view>

# position localization

Set the positioning type. The default value is relative.

Property Describe
relative is the default value and refers to relative localization
absolute Absolute localization, with the container of the element as the reference system
fixed Fixed localization, ensure that the element is displayed in the corresponding position in the page window, even if the window is scrolling, it will not move
sticky It means that only when the element is scrolled out of the page, the element will be fixed at the top of the page window, achieving sticky effect/sticky localization (layout).

Use position:sticky or position: fixed can fix the head navigation bar (sticky effect)

	<!-- Center horizontally and vertically -->
		<view class="wrapper">
			<view class="box"></view>
	<style scoped>
			position: absolute;
			top: 0;
			right: 0;
			bottom: 0;
			left: 0;
			background-color: #cccccc;
			justify-content: center;
			align-items: center;
			width: 200px;
			height: 200px;
			background-color: #fc0000;

Only for Android

If your component is bigger than its parent, it will be partial invisible as Weex on Android only supports overflow:hidden.

# Transition

transition允许 CSS 的属性值在一定的时间区间内平滑地过渡。 transition allows CSS property values to transition smoothly within a certain time interval.

# transition-property

Allows the name of the transitional animation to set the value of the different styles transition effect, the default value is empty, that does not perform any transition, the following table lists all the legitimate parameters of the property:

Property Describe
width The transition is performed when the width of the component is involved in the animation
height The transition is performed when the height of the component is involved in the animation
top The transition is performed when the top of the component is involved in the animation
bottom The transition is performed when the bottom of the component is involved in the animation
left The transition is performed when the left of the component is involved in the animation
right The transition is performed when the right of the component is involved in the animation
background-color The transition is performed when the backgroundColor of the component is involved in the animation
opacity The transition is performed when the opacity of the component is involved in the animation
transform The transition is performed when the transform of the component is involved in the animation

# transition-duration

Specifies the duration of the transition (in milliseconds). The default value is 0, indicating that there is no animation.

# transition-delay

Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds or seconds) between the request transition and the transition. The default value is 0, indicating that there is no delay, and the transition is performed immediately after the request.

# transition-timing-function

Describes the velocity curve of the transition, which is used to make the transition smoother. The default is ease. The following table lists all the valid attributes:

Property Describe
ease The transition gradually slow down the transition effect
ease-in The transition starts slowly and then becomes faster for the transition effect
ease-out The transition starts quickly and then slows the transition effect
ease-in-out The transition starts slowly, then goes fast and then slowly ends the transition effect
linear The transition changes at constant speed
cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) Using the custom transition in the third-order Bessel function, the parameter values of the function must be between 0 and 1. For more information on three times Bessel, see cubic-bezier and Bézier curve.

# Example

	<view class="row">
		<view class="box" :class="{'active':isActive}" @click="isActive = !isActive">
			<image class="img" src="https://qiniu-web-assets.dcloud.net.cn/unidoc/zh/loveIcon.png" mode="aspectFill"></image>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
<style scoped>
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: center;
		border-radius: 10px;
		background-color: #007AFF;
		transition-property: width, height, background-color;
		transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0);
		background-color: #6bd8ff;

# Transform

Applied in the 2D or 3D transformation of elements. This attribute allows the rotation, scaling, moving, tilting and so on of the element.

Property Describe
translateX({<length/percentage>}) X-axis direction panning, length unit or percentage is supported.
translateY({<length/percentage>}) Y-axis direction panning, length unit or percentage is supported.
translate({<length/percentage>} {<length/percentage>}) X-axis and y-axis directions are simultaneously translated, translateX + translateY abbreviation.
scaleX(<number>) X-axis direction scaling, in numeric value, indicates scaling ratio. Percentage is supported.
scaleY(<number>) Y-axis direction scaling, in numeric value, indicates scaling ratio. Percentage is supported.
scale(<number>) X-axis and Y-axis directions are zoomed simultaneously, scaleX + scaleY abbreviation.
rotate(<angle/degree>) The transformation that rotates the element around a fixed point (specified by the transform-origin attribute) without deformation. The specified angle defines the measure of rotation. If the angle is positive, rotate clockwise; Otherwise, rotate counterclockwise.
rotateX(<angle/degree>) Rotation in the X-axis direction.
rotateY(<angle/degree>) Rotation in the Y-axis direction.
rotateZ(<angle/degree>) Rotation in the Z-axis direction.
perspective(<length>) Specify the distance between the observer and the z=0 plane, which makes the elements with three-dimensional position transformation produce perspective effect. The three-dimensional elements with z>0 are larger than the normal ones, and those with z<0 are smaller. The size is determined by the value of this attribute. Supported by Android 4.1+.
transform-origin {length/percentage/keyword (top/left/right/bottom)}: Set the origin of an element deformation, which only supports 2D coordinates.

Consider use transition instead, which supports all the style that transform supports except for transform-origin and perspective rotate is the same as rotateZ.

# Example

	<view class="card">
		<view class="box">
			<view class="row-box">
				<view @click="isRotate = !isRotate" class="fill row-rotate " :class="{'rotate':isRotate}"></view>
			<text>rotate(45deg) </text>
		<view class="box">
			<view class="row-box">
				<view @click="isScale = !isScale" class="fill row-scale" :class="{'scale':isScale}"></view>
		<view class="box">
			<view class="row-box">
				<view @click="isTranslateX = !isTranslateX" class="fill row-translateX" :class="{'translateX':isTranslateX}"></view>
		<view class="box">
			<view class="row-box">
				<view @click="isTranslateY = !isTranslateY" class="fill row-translateY" :class="{'translateY':isTranslateY}"></view>
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				"isRotate": false,
	.card {
		flex-wrap: wrap;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		background-color: #DDDDDD;
		position: relative;
		background-color: #03A9F4;
		opacity: 0.5;

# Pseudo class

Property Describe
active All components are supported
focus Only the input component and textarea component are supported
disabled Only the input component and textarea component are supported
enabled Only the input component and textarea component are supported


the high priority override low priority when rules take effect at the same time. such as: "input:active:enabled" will override "input:active".

  • the interconnection rule as follow

# Linear-gradient

Weex support linear-gradient background, You can see W3C description of the gradient. You can use linear gradient by background-image property.

	background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#AD18F9,#05DFC7);

Weex currently supports two color gradients. The direction of the gradient is as follows:

Value Describe
to right From left to right
to left From right to left
to bottom From top to bottom
to top From bottom to top
to bottom right From the upper left corner to the lower right corner
to top left From the lower right corner to the upper left corner


background-image takes precedence over background-color, which means setting both background-image and background-color, ` ``background-coloris overridden.background``` 不支持简写。

radial-gradient is not currently supported, do not use it.

# Box-shadow

# Shadow box-shadow

{box-shadow:inset offset-x offset-y blur-radius color}
{box-shadow:inset offset-x offset-y blur-radius color}
Property Describe
inset (optional) Shadow is outside the border by default. After using inset, the shadow is inside the border (even if it is a transparent border), and below the content above the background.
offset-x Set the horizontal offset, if it is negative, the shadow is located to the left of the element.
offset-y Set the vertical offset, if it is negative, the shadow is located above the element.
blur-radius Set the blur radius, px unit length value, the larger the value, the larger the blur area, and the bigger and lighter the shadow. Cannot be negative. The default value is 0, and the shadow edge is sharp at this value.
color Set shadow color


	.box4 {
	    box-shadow: inset 3px 5px 20px rgb(255, 69, 0);


  • Each element only supports setting one shadow effect, and does not support multiple shadows acting on one element at the same time.
  • On the Android platform, the component that sets the ``box-shadow``` needs to give up the shadow rendering position, otherwise there will be a problem of incomplete shadow display.

# Android: Shadow

# shadow ```box-shadow````

从HBuilderX3.4.3起,重新支持阴影样式(box-shadow)。修复老版本组件设置box-shadow后在不同系统版本出现的显示异常及闪烁问题! 但需要注意设置阴影样式(box-shadow) 的组件需要让出阴影渲染位置,否则会出现阴影显示不全的问题。


	<view class="wrapper">
			<view class="box">
				<text class="title" style="text-align: center">Hello World</text>
	.box {
		width: 300px;
		height: 100px;
		background-color: #FFE4C4;
		border-radius: 10px;
		box-shadow: 3px 5px 2px rgb(255, 69, 0);
		margin: 10px;//让出阴影位置

# shadow elevation

At present, the Android platform's support for the shadow style (box-shadow) is not perfect, and there are problems such as abnormal display of the shadow style when setting a rounded border, and occupying the rendering area of the component view.

To solve these problems, from HBuilderX 2.4.7+, the elevation attribute ( attribute of the component, not css style) is added to set the level of the component and the Number type. The larger the level value, the more obvious the shadow. The shadow effect is also related to the position of the component, the closer to the bottom of the page, the more obvious the shadow effect


	<view elevation="5px"></view>

# Notes

  • The color of the shadow created by setting the elevation attribute cannot be modified temporarily
  • After setting elevation, the level of the current component will be higher than that of other components without elevation. The larger the value range of elevation, the higher the level! Be aware of component coverage scenarios
  • To avoid conflict between the shadow effect of the elevation attribute and the shadow style (box-shadow), the box-shadow style becomes invalid after setting the elevation attribute
  • To use elevation, the parent element of the shadow element needs to be larger than the shadow range, or otherwise the shadow will be clipped
  • IOS does not support the elevation attribute, please use box-shadow to set the shadow
  • Setting box-shadow requires the current component to yield the shadow position. Otherwise, the shadow cannot be seen normally

# Text style

# color

color {color}:文字颜色,支持如下字段:

  • RGB( rgb(255, 0, 0) )
  • RGBA( rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) )
  • Hexadecimal ( #ff0000 );
  • Simplified hexadecimal notation ( #f00 )
  • Color value keyword (red)

Only text tags can set the font color

# font-size

font-size: <length> this property specifies the size of the font.

# font-style

font-style: <enum> normal | italic. This property lets you select italic or normal faces within a font-family. Default value is normal.

# font-weight

This property indicate the weight of the text.

  • values: normal, bold, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900
  • normal is equivalent to 400, bold is equivalent to 700;
  • ios support showing 9 kind of font-weight.android support showing 2 kind of font-weight:400,700, other value will map to 400 or 700.
  • Some standard values like lighter, bolder, number unit are not supported.

# text-decoration

text-decoration {string}:字体装饰。默认值为 nonetext-decoration {string}: Font decoration. The default value is none.

Property Describe
none Default. Define standard text
underline Define a line below the text
line-through Define a line through the text

只支持 textrichtext

text-decoration:overline not supported

# text-align

text-align {string}:对齐方式。默认值为 lefttext-align {string}: The alignment. The default value is left.

Property Describe
left Align the text to the left
center Align the text to the middle
right Align the text to the right

text-align:justify not supported

# font-family

font-family {string}:设置字体。这个设置不保证在不同平台,设备间的一致性。 ```font-family {string}````: Set the font. This setting does not guarantee consistency between devices on different platforms. If the specified font cannot be found at the device, a typeface fallback will occur and the default typeface will be load. The fallback mechanism may vary in different devices. If you need to load custom fonts, please refer to the relevant DOM.addRule

# text-overflow

text-overflow {string}:设置内容超长时的省略样式。 ```text-overflow {string}````: Set the omission style when the content is too long.

Property Describe
clip Trimmed text
ellipsis Display ellipsis to represent the trimmed text

Only text and richtext are supported

# lines

lines {number}: 正整数,指定最大文本行数,默认lines值为0,表示不限制最大行数lines。如果文本不够长,实际展示行数会小于指定行数。 lines {number}: A positive integer, specifying the maximum number of text lines, the default lines value is 0, which means that the maximum number of lines is not limited lines. If the text is not long enough, the actual number of displayed lines will be less than the specified number of lines.

# line-height

line-height: <length> The line height of every line in the text. line-height is the space between top and bottom. line-heightfont-size没有关系,因为line-height被 top 和 bottom 所限制, line-height``` has nothing to do withfont-size, becauseline-heightis limited by top and bottom,font-size被 glyph 所解析。line-heightfont-size相等一般会导致文字被截断。font-sizeis parsed by glyph. Equal ``line-height and font-size will generally cause text to be truncated.

# word-wrap

word-wrap:<string> 对nvue来说 anywhere 表示在以字符为最小元素做截断换行,其它值或不指定该属性,都以英文单词为单位进行换行。 word-wrap:<string> For nvue, anywhere means that the character is the smallest element to truncate and wrap the line. Other values or not specifying this attribute are performed in English words. newline.

Property Describe
break-word Line feed inside long words or URL addresses
normal Line feed only at allowed hyphenation points
anywhere Use characters as the smallest element to do truncation and line feed

在 Android 平台暂不支持