The native extension plug-in of uni-app on the App side supports writing in native languages such as java and object-c.

从HBuilderX 3.6起,新增支持了使用uts来开发原生插件。文档另见uts插件

In order to distinguish it from the uts plugin, the previous App native plugin has been renamed to the App native language plugin.

This article is the development document of App native language plugin.

# uni.requireNativePlugin(PluginName)

Introduce the App native language plugin.

Platform difference description: App

Since HBuilderX version 1.4, uni-app supports the introduction of native plugins, which are used as follows:

	const PluginName = uni.requireNativePlugin(PluginName); // PluginName 为原生插件名称

Both vue and nvue files use the same API.

# Built-in native plug-ins

The internally native plug-ins have been integrated by default in uni-app, and can run directly on the internal base.

Solely for nvue pages, the introduction of BindingX, animation, DOM.addRule and so on is supported.

For vue pages, the introduction of clipboard, storage, stream, deviceInfo and so on is supported.

Usage: It can be used directly through uni.requireNativePlugin.


			<text class="my-iconfont">&#xe85c;</text>
		export default{
			beforeCreate() {
				const domModule = uni.requireNativePlugin('dom')
				domModule.addRule('fontFace', {
					'fontFamily': "myIconfont",
					'src': "url('')"
		.my-iconfont {
			color: #00AAFF;

非内置原生插件,分为 本地插件云端插件 。集成原生插件后,需要提交云端打包或制作自定义基座运行才会生效。

# Local plug-ins (non-internal native plug-ins)

Local plug-in is a native plug-in under the nativeplugins directory (created if the directory does not exist) of the uni-app project.

# Step 1: Get local native plug-ins.
  • Method 1: Download the free uni-app native plug-ins for the plug-in market

You can log in to the [uni native plugin market] (, and click "Download for offline packaging" on the free plugin details page to download the native plugin (zip format) , extract it to the "nativeplugins" directory under the uni-app project of HBuilderX (create it if it does not exist), the following is an example of the "DCloud-RichAlert" plugin, its download address is: cn/plugin?id=36

The directory structure after downloading and decompressing is as follows:

  • Method 2: Develop the native uni-app plug-ins by the developers.

After the native plug-in is developed, it is compressed into a zip package in the specified format. Refer to Format description document of the uni-app native plug-in. Configure them under the "nativeplugins" directory of the uni-app project according to the format shown above.

# Step 2: Configure the local native plug-in

Follow "manifest.json -> App native plug-in configuration -> select local plug-in -> select plug-in to be packaged and taken effect-> save", and submit to the cloud side for packaging and taking effect.

# Step 3: Develop and debug the local native plug-ins.

Introduce this native plug-in in vue page or nvue page.


	const dcRichAlert = uni.requireNativePlugin('DCloud-RichAlert')
# Step 4: Package and release

After developing and debugging the local native plug-in on the custom base, the custom base apk cannot be directly released as the final version. You should resubmit to the cloud side for packaging (the "Custom Base" should be unchecked) to generate the final version.

# Cloud side plug-in (non-internal native plug-in)

Cloud plug-in refers to a plug-in that has been bound or purchased in the plug-in market. It does not need to be downloaded into the project, and the native plug-ins will be directly merged and packaged into the APP when cloud packaging. (The trial plug-ins can only be used on custom bases)

# Step 1: purchase or download the native uni-app plug-ins.

Log in to the uni native plug-in market before using it and purchase it from the plug-in details page. Free plug-ins can also be purchased at 0 yuan in the plug-in market. Plug-ins can only be packaged for use in the cloud side after purchasing.

Please select the correct appid and bind the correct package name when purchasing the plug-ins.

# Step 2: Package the uni native plug-ins with the custom base (Note: please use the mobile App Playground to run the custom base)

Follow "manifest.json -> App native plug-in configuration -> select cloud plug-in -> select plug-in to be packaged -> save", and submit to the cloud side for packaging and taking effect.

# Step 3: Develop and debug the native uni-app plug-ins.

Introduce this native plug-in in vue page or nvue page.

Use the API of uni.requireNativePlugin, with the parameter set as the id of the plug-in.

  1. Introduce a native plug-in to the page, and uni.requireNativePlugin returns an object after use:
const dcRichAlert = uni.requireNativePlugin('DCloud-RichAlert')
  1. Use native plugins{
		position: 'bottom',
		title: "提示信息",
		titleColor: '#FF0000',
		content: "<a href='' value='Hello uni-app'>uni-app</a> 是一个使用 Vue.js 开发跨平台应用的前端框架!\n免费的\n免费的\n免费的\n重要的事情说三遍",
		contentAlign: 'left',
		checkBox: {
			title: '不再提示',
			isSelected: true
		buttons: [{
			title: '取消'
		}, {
			title: '否'
		}, {
			title: '确认',
			titleColor: '#3F51B5'
	}, result => {
# Step 4: Package and release

After developing and debugging the uni-app native plug-in on the custom base, the custom base apk cannot be directly released as the final version. 应该重新提交云端打包(不能勾选“自定义基座”)生成正式版本。

# Precautions

  1. You can view more plugins in the plugin market. If you need to develop uni native plugins, please refer to uni native plugin development documentation.
  2. If the plugin needs to pass the file path, it needs to pass the absolute path of the mobile phone file. You can use the relevant API of 5+ IO module to get the file absolute path.