The purpose of the uni.scss
file is to facilitate the overall control of the style of the application. For example, for button color and border style, a batch of scss variable presets are preset in the uni.scss
official extension plugin (uni ui) and many third-party plugins on Plugin Market use these style variables. If you are a plugin developer, It is recommended that you use scss preprocessing and use these variables directly in the plug-in code (no need to import this file), so that users can develop apps with the same overall style by building blocks.
is a special file, you can use the style variables here in the scss code without importing this file in the code. The compiler of uni-app specially handles this uni.scss in the webpack configuration, so that each scss file is injected into this uni.scss to achieve a globally available effect. If developers want to use less and stylus globally, they need to configure their own webpack strategy in vue.config.js.
to the style node.<style lang="scss">
The following are the relevant variables of uni.scss:
/* 颜色变量 */
/* 行为相关颜色 */
$uni-color-primary: #007aff;
$uni-color-success: #4cd964;
$uni-color-warning: #f0ad4e;
$uni-color-error: #dd524d;
/* 文字基本颜色 */
$uni-text-color-placeholder: #808080;
/* 背景颜色 */
$uni-bg-color-mask:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);//遮罩颜色
/* 边框颜色 */
/* 尺寸变量 */
/* 文字尺寸 */
/* 图片尺寸 */
/* Border Radius */
$uni-border-radius-sm: 4rpx;
$uni-border-radius-base: 6rpx;
$uni-border-radius-lg: 12rpx;
$uni-border-radius-circle: 50%;
/* 水平间距 */
$uni-spacing-row-sm: 10px;
$uni-spacing-row-base: 20rpx;
$uni-spacing-row-lg: 30rpx;
/* 垂直间距 */
$uni-spacing-col-sm: 8rpx;
$uni-spacing-col-base: 16rpx;
$uni-spacing-col-lg: 24rpx;
/* 透明度 */
$uni-opacity-disabled: 0.3; // 组件禁用态的透明度
/* 文章场景相关 */
$uni-color-title: #2C405A; // 文章标题颜色
$uni-color-subtitle: #555555; // 二级标题颜色
$uni-color-paragraph: #3F536E; // 文章段落颜色