The following is the api document of uni-push2.0, business introduction details reference

uni-push has a server API and a client API.

# Client API

# uni.getPushClientId(OBJECT)

Obtain the unique push ID of the client

Note: This is an asynchronous method and only supports uni-push2.0;

OBJECT parameter description

Parameter Name Type Required Description
success Function Yes the callback function called by the interface, see the return parameter description for details
fail Function No Callback function for interface call failure
complete Function No The callback function for the end of the interface call (it will be executed when the call succeeds or fails)

success return parameter description

Parameter Type Description
cid String A push client push id, corresponding to the push_clientid of the uni-id-device table
errMsg String error description

fail return parameter description

Parameter Type Description
errMsg String error description

getPushClientId:fail register fail: {\"errorCode\":1,\"errorMsg\":\"\"} 请检查:

  1. Whether the current application has activated uni-push2.0 [For details, please refer to]( A5-%E5%BC%80%E9%80%9A)
  2. Whether the corresponding platform of the client has enabled uni-push2.0 [details refer to]( AB%AF%E5%90%AF%E7%94%A8unipush2-0)
  3. HBuilderX3.5.1 App platform vue3 project starts for the first time and calls uni.getPushClientId. There is a problem that the cid may not be obtained. HBuilderX3.5.2 fixes this problem, please upgrade.


		success: (res) => {
		fail(err) {

# uni.onPushMessage(callback)

Start listening to push message events 代码示例:


# Callback parameter description

Name Type Description
type String event type, "click" - the click message from the system push service starts the application event; "receive" - the application receives the push message event from the push server.
data String, Object message content

# uni.offPushMessage(callback)

Close the push message listening event Sample code:

let callback = (res)=>{

# Tips

  • 如果uni.offPushMessage没有传入参数,则移除App级别的所有事件监听器;
  • 如果只提供了事件名(callback),则移除该事件名对应的所有监听器;

# uni.getChannelManager()

获取通知渠道管理器,Android 8系统以上才可以设置通知渠道。



# getChannelManager兼容性

Android 系统版本 Android iOS 其他
8.0 4.02 x x

# ChannelManager


# setPushChannel(options)


名称 类型 必填
options SetPushChannelOptions
# SetPushChannelOptions 的属性值
名称 类型 必备 默认值 描述
soundName string null 声音文件名(不能带文件后缀),需要放置声音文件到Android原生的/res/raw/目录下 原生资源配置
channelId string - 通知渠道id
channelDesc string - 通知渠道描述
enableLights boolean false 呼吸灯闪烁
enableVibration boolean false 震动
importance number 3 通知的重要性级别,可选范围IMPORTANCE_LOW:2、IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT:3、IMPORTANCE_HIGH:4
# 代码示例

const manager = uni.getChannelManager()
	channelId: "xxx",
	channelDesc: "通知渠道描述",
	soundName: "pushsound" // 已经把声音文件存储到/res/raw/pushsound.mp3

# setPushChannel兼容性
Android 系统版本 Android iOS 其他
8.0 4.02 x x

# getAllChannels()


# 返回值
# getAllChannels兼容性
Android 系统版本 Android iOS 其他
8.0 4.02 x x

# 注意事项

  • 通知渠道相关配置为Android端专有配置,只能在Android端进行配置。通知渠道
  • 离线推送申请自分类权益时,需要客户端创建channel,因此客户端提供了setPushChannel来进行channel的创建,通过此Api来创建渠道进行推送。客户端创建渠道成功后,即可通过云函数进行推送,uni-push2服务端文档
  • 由于Android通知渠道的机制问题,一旦通知渠道建立,便不能修改此渠道的配置,即使删除渠道后再次创建同channelId名称的渠道,也不会改变原先渠道的配置(除非删除应用),最明显的现象就是铃声动态修改失败,比如调用setPushChannel时,第一次的设置参数是{"channelId":"test","soundName":"pushsound"} , 这时你想切换铃音,你的channelId就不能再叫test了,而应该为{"channelId":"test2","soundName":"ring"} ,此时会新建一个渠道。

# uni.createPushMessage(OBJECT)

Create a local notification bar message (supported from HBuilderX 3.5.2)

Platform Difference Description

App H5 快应用 微信小程序 支付宝小程序 百度小程序 抖音小程序、飞书小程序 QQ小程序 快手小程序 京东小程序
x x x x x x x x x

OBJECT parameter description

Parameter name Type Required Description
title string No The title of the push message, the title of the notification message displayed in the system message center, the default value is the name of the program.
Android - ALL (supported)
iOS - 5.0+ (not supported): It does not support setting the title of the message, it is fixed as the name of the program.
content string yes The content displayed in the message, the text content displayed in the system notification center.
payload string, Object No The data carried by the message can be customized according to the business logic.
icon string 推送消息的图标
本地图片地址,相对路径 - 相对于当前页面的host位置,如"a.jpg",注意当前页面为网络地址则不支持; 绝对路径 - 系统绝对路径,如Android平台"/sdcard/logo.png",此类路径通常通过其它5+ API获取的; 扩展相对路径URL(RelativeURL) - 以"_"开头的相对路径,如"_www/a.jpg"; 本地路径URL - 以“file://”开头,后面跟随系统绝对路径。
Android - 2.3+ (支持)
iOS - ALL (不支持): 不支持自定义图片,固定使用应用图标。
sound string 显示消息时播放的提示音;
注意:当程序在前台运行时,提示音不生效。 注:通常应该设置延迟时间,当程序切换到后台才创建本地推送消息时生效
支持的版本:Android 2.3+,iOS - 5.1+。
cover boolean 是否覆盖上一次提示的消息
Android - ALL (支持)
iOS - 5.0+ (不支持): 不支持覆盖消息,只能创建新的消息。
delay number No Delayed display time of the prompt message
When the device receives the push message, it may not be displayed immediately, but displayed after a period of delay. The delay time unit is s, and the default is 0s, which is displayed immediately.
when Date 消息上显示的提示时间
Android - ALL (支持)
iOS - 5.0+ (不支持): 不支持设定消息的显示时间,由系统自动管理消息的创建时间。
channelId string 渠道id, 支持的版本:HBuilder X 4.02+
category string 通知类别,支持的版本:HBuilder X 4.02+
success Function No Callback function for successful interface call
fail Function 接口调用失败的回调函数
complete Function 接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行)

Other Related Resources

# MiniApp Platform

The similar concept of the MiniApp platform is called Template Message, and some platforms have renamed it Subscription Message.

Taking WeChat as an example, the developer's server sends a message to the WeChat server, and the WeChat server sends a subscription message, which is folded into the service notification in the WeChat message list. It belongs to the background development and has nothing to do with the mobile terminal.

If you use uniCloud to send WeChat and Alipay subscription messages, refer to:

WeChat subscription message document: []( /framework/open-ability/subscribe-message.html)

Alipay template message document:

Baidu template message document:


QQ MiniApp subscription message document: []( %E6%81%AF)

Huawei QuickApp push document:

# 服务端API 详情参考